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Everything posted by Mich

  1. I am out of the working public now, as am retired, but I ran into this all during my working years. Just because I am a female, I was earning less per hour than the males doing the same jobs. I am not just talking about same job descriptions across the board. I mean, males working along side me at the exact same job were earning more than me. I found a high school graduate boy two years younger than I was making the same pay as I was at one employer. My job was a much more difficult and I had much more responsibility than he did. I already had a college education at the time. This really burned me. Not to mention that I also ran into not getting hired because, "men needed the job more than you do because the have famlies to support." Well, duh, I was a single mother at the time trying to support my family. I don't know how or when this will change. Equal opportunity was supposed to address this issue, but as everyone can see, it didn't when it comes to the male/female aspect.
  2. I totally agree. Have you every noticed that the older and more banged up the car is, the more stickers they are using. Kind of like trying to hold the old junker together with a little bumper sticker glue.
  3. I agree with Plenoptic. You should use the color scheme of the forum for your front page. It is much more pleasing to the eye. Looks like you have put a lot of work into your site. I too am not a pro, but know enough to get around.
  4. Mich


    Hello DrummerDude925 and welcome from an elder on the Trap 17 forum. What a great introduction. You filled us right in on all your past happenings. You should get free hosting in no time with post content like this. Make sure you follow all the rules. If you need any help, just put out a request. The people here at Trap 17 are all friendly and very helpful. You will find the support you want here for sure. I am looking forward to seeing your site up really soon. I live in northwest lower Michigan and visit Florida during January every year. We mainly stay in Kissimmee area, but have gone over to Tampa to visit theme parks there.
  5. Mich

    Hello Everyone

    Hello ErnestK and welcome from an elder on the Trap 17 forum. Yeh, but we need to know a little more about you. If you come back and fill in the gaps, you will earn points quicker. One liners like your intro are considered spam. Your posts need to have more content than just HI and your name. Read all the forum rules and follow them. If you are after hosting, you need to post more content. What is your purpose in joining Trap 17?
  6. Where in Michigan? Today it has been a scorcher with very high humidity, don't you agree? I am up in Manistee.
  7. Mich

    Saying Hello

    Hello Zero Hour and welcome from an elder on the Trap 17 forum. If you want to get hosting, you need to read and follow all the forum rules. You have already taken the first step by coming to Trap 17; most reliable ad free hosting on the web. You earn points by posting interesting content. Maybe you could come back to this thread and add a little more information about yourself. This gives you the opportunity to get even more points for your introduction.
  8. I have been in both Needles, CA and Folsom, CA and can vouch for the heat in Needles but I don't remember every hearing Folsom with that kind of heat. The Mojave desert north/west of Needles is another hot spot. I was born and raised in Sacramento, CA and can tell you that I experienced a day of 125 degrees F in the shade at the state fairgrounds there during the month of August. I really cannot remember the year. But then again, maybe I don't want to remember it. Whew, blood, sweat and tears.
  9. Hey, this is a great help. I only know the minimum basics about my Cpanel. I am going to spend some time studying this manual so I can take advantage of all the things available to me. Maybe then I can improve my site somewhat. Thanks for the on-line tutorial (Manual).
  10. Well, this one keeps me from entering, boo. I don't use Photoshop and don't have any default brushes. I don't understand the requirments anyway.
  11. I don't know about linking a text file to the center element nor do I completely understand what you mean by a transparency, but here is what I came up with for a layout. Sample Take a look and see if this helps.
  12. Well I am a Pisces I disagree with the last 2 on the dark side. I have never been secretive and vague. I have a habit of letting it all hang out so to speak; I am what you see and hear. And by no stretch of the imagination am I weak-willed and easily led. I tend to be a leader when others fail to step up and take charge. So, I guess I am not a complete believer of this Astrological business. BTW: Albus, my husband was born on the 7th of December. Close to another thing we have in common.
  13. I recently helped a Father Andreas of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Denver revamp his websites. He was happy enough that he passed on the information about my help to a friend. I have received this e-mail, but I am unable to do much since I am not educated in XHTML and only know basic CSS (still learning). If anybody on this forum can find it in their heart to help out for free, please contact me either through this thread of PM me.
  14. There is a solution right here on Trap 17. Try reading the following Topic thread: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/38869-random-password-generator-updated-with-new-features-program-i-made-for-passwords/ Plenoptic has come up with a solution to the "too easy" problem. Forget all that double talk and save it in a text file with this cute little program.
  15. Hello khan11 and welcome from an elder on the Trap 17 forum. Well I suppose you can post sports topics under The Real World>Life Talk>Sports. This forum membership is mostly graphics oriented, but I find a lot of sports talk exchange going on during the international competitions. People here are friendly and helpful, so just start a topic and let it fly. Since you are so interested in website design, you should be an informative addition to the community. Good Luck! Oh, I am in Michigan, USA. Glad to know somebody from your part of the world.
  16. Hello Blue-Guy and welcome from an elder on the Trap 17 forum. Trap 17 is the most reliable no ads free hosting I have found on the internet. The memebers are all very helpful and friendly. Tell us a little more about yourself. And, Good Luck on your site.
  17. Air Condition, wow. At least you have one to fix. My husband won't have one, too expensive. He is a tightwad. Thank heaven we live a block up from the shore of Lake Michigan. The breezes come up off the lake ocassionally. Whew! Ur BIL needs to step up and take responsibility.
  18. Me too, and this not spam.
  19. Did you mean to make it look as if he is holding the gun to his own head? This is confusing to me.
  20. You explained it on here just fine. I meant if people should pass it on to others, it would have it's own directions included. Just a suggestion, not a criticism. You are right not to have it save to your puter.
  21. Just what do you mean by "some people can view and others can't" Do you mean the graphics don't come up or that they cannot pull the site up at all; like they get an error message? I can see your site home page fine (using iExplorer), but some of the links are not accessable. I get an error saying that the "While trying to retrieve the URL: ~http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/~ (excluding the ~s) The following error was encountered: Unable to determine IP address from host name for akt.trap17.com"
  22. Most of the points have been made before me, and I agree to the fact that there is really only one God. I remember this song from my childhood. Sorry I don't have the source available right now, but it expresses my thought on this subject without going into a long winded dissertation.
  23. Hey, I downloaded it and it is very clever. I would have a hard time remembering the random results at my age. But, if one needs to change passwords frequently for security purposes, it would be very handy. Just copy and paste into your password change option at the site and paste it also in your records somewhere so you will have it until you need to change it again. The randomness of it makes it very difficult for a hacker to break since there is no connection to words and/or names. Keep up the clever work. Maybe you should put your exe file in a zip with a text file explanation of how to use it. Got it again!
  24. It is done this way because people vote anonymously in a poll without a matching posted reason for their vote. This way you have to record your vote and post the required reason at the same time.
  25. Is this a one on one battle? What text do you require if any? How many votes is required to win? Like first person with 5 or 7 or best out of 7? Or person with most votes after a certain number of days? Why only one render; I have an idea that takes two?
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