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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Well here are my ideas. the ... means .trap17.combulldoggaming...dancingzelda...playdagames... (i don't know where that came from)randomgames...gamingshuffle...bulldogs...Hope some of these help
  2. Whoever thinks they can do that is crazy. There are a lot of aspects to look at when judging a site. There are the colors and if they go together, hurt your eyes, or are too dark, is everything in it's right place? Is their clean content and easy to read? Does it have a nice smooth design and easy to navigate for beginners? That is how I judge a site and it takes a lot more than 1/20 of a second. I have no idea who they are asking but I don't think it is proffessionals.
  3. lol I also noticed this the other day. I thought it was pretty funny but I had no idea what it was. Thanks for clearing it up I sort of figured it was a bug but I sort of like Local Seer's idea just because I think it funny. I don't know why even though it isn't true. Oh well.
  4. Well first of all there is no need to triple post. But if it is your forums and you installed the mod just go into your files, and add that line yourself. It really isn't that difficult.
  5. Ya thanks for posting that I will just have people sent here when they want to learn about credits because they really don't read anything until they figure out they can't get by without reading it.
  6. You could change your domain for 15 hosting credits which would cost just as much as the first package. If the admins are feeling nice today maybe they will change your domain for you . Or you could have someone lend you 15 credits and you pay them back. There are many ways you could look at this problem. Go for the least costly one first
  7. You will have to talk to an admin about this one. Try pming OpaQue. I think the only other thing you could do is just terminate your account and have it set back up when you are ready to come back again but you would still have to make the credits. You don't really have anything on your site from what I can see so you wouldn't be losing visitors. Just pm OpaQue explaining him your situation and he might make a deal with you.
  8. I have seen that but never really figured out how to do it. Thanks for sharing the code Buffalo. That'll be helpful on my site when I have to do stuff like that. I almost was gonna tell you that it doesn't work. I didn't realize that I was using firefox I thought I was using Internet Explorer but then I noticed and it works fine. Very nice.
  9. Ya that looks pretty nice. The header looks like it is cut off at the top for some reason which doesn't really appeal to me but it has a pretty nice design. Very legible and it doesn't hurt my eyes. Nice design overall.
  10. Well I am still a beginner at making designs but what I do is I look around the section here at people showing off their websites or just go around to find sites I like and take some ideas from each place and put them together. Other days I just take out a piece of paper and start drawing different things until I make the design I want. To make it unique I put in some Javascript effects or what not to make it look a bit different from the others.
  11. My laptop is fine. I recieved it in March of last year and it still is running fine. I have opened it and closed it a bit too much though because there are cracks in the back of the hinges now but as long as it doesn't break off completely it should be ok. My whole family has Dells and we have been satisfied with them. There are 6 Dell Computers in the house. My brother's old laptop's motherboard died but that was because he kept it on the rug all the time causing it to overheat. Maybe your computer overheated as well. I don't know but mine is still in good condition as well as the rest in the household. Same with that of my friends. They have had theres for a couple years now and it is still in perfect condition. Maybe it is where it comes from I don't know.
  12. That's pretty cool. I don't really mind the sound as long as I am supposed to be on the computer. If I have to go to bed but want to finish something I feel like my computer is loud as could be. Especially in Biology Class when the class is silent and the fan turns on. But they would have to make a laptop like that for me to use it. Pretty cool though. My computer is silent enough though but that is still a pretty interesting way to keep a computer silent.
  13. I thought freewebs was pretty cool. You couldn't upload your own music files unless you had a premium plan but you had a lot to chose from. It wasn't that bad when I used that to first start making a gaming site. It was really simple and easy to work with but that is all it is good for...beginners. If you don't know what you are doing freewebs is a good place to go but if you are more advanced I would go for a place with cpanel.
  14. I don't know of any good one myself but here is a tutorial on how to set one up. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ It is php based with a form you can put on your website if that is what you are looking for.
  15. Ya there isn't really a point of using an upload site if people can't download it pretty fast. It would be better the other way around to have a slower upload than download and less problems with download because that is what you are trying to do. Give the people downloading it a nice fast easy download. Thanks for the review I will make sure to remember it if I am ever looking for an upload site.
  16. That sounds pretty interesting. I don't play CS but if I did I would probably have to try that, maybe in America's Army. Of course in order to get your money back you have to win otherwise you lose so you shouldn't bet too much. You never know what could happen whether you are good or not. I probably wouldn't try it now that I think about it because I would get addicted and if I lost some money I would try and win it back.
  17. It basically would be like trying to figure out the language of the earlier periods like the Egyptians or Maya Hieroglyphics. It would take a long time to decipher their language let alone to teach them how to speak ares or vice versa. That is if we even find any and if we can communicate them. It would be really interesting to see the type of technology they have and what they eat and stuff. It is crazy to think of what is out there.
  18. Goofy Pluto is blue because of the gases around it. We could gain a lot out of this about the solar system and where it came from. You never know what we are going to find out there. Plus once it leaves the solar system into the rest of the galaxy maybe it will find another solar system we could communicate with. Sure it might not help us physically now but maybe in future generations. It could be a great expedition. It really depends what it finds.
  19. Inactive means not posting. In order to earn hosting credits you must post. 1 hosting credit = 1 day of hosting/day to be inactive. So if you have 10 hosting credits you can be inactive(not post) for 10 days. Posting is the only way to get hosting credits unless you recieve them for winning something or other.
  20. Well that would be sort of cool if I had an Ipod but only if I am in school and don't want anyone to see my IPod but they can see the headphones so it wouldn't matter. I think that there would be no point to those unless you really are lazy and can't reach into a pocket. I bet they would cost a lot anyway.
  21. Ya that is pretty interesting to have you teleport from one place to another but I think that don't you have to have a teleporter at your destination? You can't just type in "Mars" and expect it to take you there. You would have to have one there too which takes out the point of teleporting unless we send one there in a space shuttle. Then we could transport a bunch of workers or something to send a spaceship from there to another place. It would be interesting but I think it would only be able to work on Earth.
  22. Not bad. Takes a while to read though, people might not sit there just to see what it says. Then again nevermind cause they will probably want to stay and see just exactly it is leading too. Not bad overall, very simple but that is good because you want them to read the text.
  23. I am against warez sites. I have always tried to buy all programs for my computer without getting them illegally like Dreamweaver, and Visual Basic. I have been able to successfully even though I lost some money in the process but it is illegal and taking money from other companies who maybe one of your friends parents or freinds work for. It isn't right and shouldn't be done.
  24. Well I sort of believe it but I think it is a superstion really. I think that it might not happen this year but maybe a couple decades from now when it gets even worse. They Maya who were around a couple thousand years ago predicted the world will end December 23, 2012. This is without any technology or superstitions this is just estimations made by them. When they made charts of the moon phases they were off by 33 seconds without any advanced technology. Of course the odds are less likely but you never know. I think it really depends on what you believe in.
  25. Looks like a mod that stops people from spamming like repeating things over and over but it will give them no credits or something. Or maybe I am just completely wrong but I don't know.
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