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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Yesterday or the day before or whatever the servers were switched to a dual server as you might have known. I think that caused a couple glitches in some of the mods on the forum. Everything should be running fine now and faster than ever once the forum was changed to a new server. Notice from BuffaloHELP: Edited as reported.
  2. Ya I don't think this is gonna happen anytime soon. There is the atmosphere that will still burn you up as you go through I believe no matter how fast you are going. I don't quite think you will be able to have an elevator do that, it would take 100 years to build and figure out because what are we gonna do when we get over 1000 feet building it build a bigger ladder? Not trying to ruin anything but it wouldn't really be safe either. If the elevator gets stuck they would have no way to get down unless they have a parachute but if they in the ozone layer they are done for. I could go on and on about how this wouldn't work but I think you get the picture. Unless they figure out how to work through all this I think their plan is sunk.
  3. I heard about this on the news last night and decided to share it with you, it happened in Tampa (where I live). Alan Crotzer was accused of robbery and rapes in 1981. This led him to be sentenced of 130 years in jail (most likely life) Almost 25 years later he is beeing released after DNA testing found that he has been innocent all along. Three years ago he wrote to the Florida Innocence Initiative who eventually started investigating his case. Originally he and his two brothers were accused but a victim picked him out of the lineup. In 31 states 172 people have been wrongly convicted but found innocent later on by DNA testing. Today that man is finally free. He is moving in with his sister in St. Petersburg (an hour south of me) where he hopes to get a job. A man who had been in jail for 22 years down in southern Florida was given $2 million of compensation money for he was also guilty. I really do hope they give this guy something for all the time he had to waste in prison. How can you make a mistake like that and not fix it for 25 years. The guy has gray hair now growing. He is 45 years old meaning he was around 20 when he was convicted, some of the best years of his life are gone and probably won't be the same again. I really do feel sorry for this guy. He didn't do anything wrong and had to pay somebody elses crime. I am glad that they finally figured it out though. I bet he will be a rich man though now that he will recieve some type of compensation and money from friends to help him out. Here is a link to an article talking about this case. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Notice from jlhaslip: edit per report
  4. Very nice OpaQue. It is cool to see things are improving even more all the time.
  5. The way I see it it is good to have different topics becuase even though you could put them in the same place the topic would start out as boyfriend problems and some people won't want to read about boyfriend problems so they will skip it and won't add their opinion but they might put in there opinion about girlfriend problems if they see the topic. Another thing is that they happen at different times and they sort of are different, two different genders and different types of relationships. It may look like people post here a lot because they have lots of things on their mind they want to get out and they do it on a daily basis but what is the difference of having it in 3 topics or one, it takes up the same space just as well and it keeps things organized. Sure if it is based on the same thing like having problems with 1 friend one day and a different friend the next but I really don't see a problem. I not trying to be mean or anything but I don't see a point to this topic. lol I see it from your point of view but don't think there really problem.
  6. Not a bad looking forum. I am sure once you get more people you should be good to go. I recommend going for a different skin to liven it up a bit and get rid of the default skin. The arcade looks ok, do you plan on offering anything else other then games like maybe tips and tricks of some sort?
  7. Well reviewing your last posts you have 2 posts yesterday meaning those two posts probably got you to the 0.66 credits you have now, meaning a before yesterday your account had negative hosting credits which suspends your account. If you read the Trap17Readme it tells you that in order to have your account unsuspended you must have 4 hosting credits when the script was ran So I recommend bringing your credits up to 10 (and keep them there) so this won't happen again and also so your account is unsuspended. Please note it won't happen automatically when you hit 4 hosting credits it could take 24 hours.
  8. I have validated my web page and have seen many others. Once you get the hang of it it becomes easy. You sometimes have to learn alternate uses to do something. Like when I tried putting a table inside a table to align the text to the top of a content box I had to find a different way to do it because it wasn't valid but once I figured it out it was fine.
  9. It sounds like it would be a good idea. I bet the CD's of course would be a bit more expensive but as long as it isn't too much. I am sure once they get more advanced the labels will last even longer. I don't really label my cds so I probably wouldn't have much use for it but it could be pretty useful.
  10. Ya it doesn't really have to be valid but it is better if it is. It can be HTML too but you have to be careful what attributes you use and stuff because Firefox sometimes doesn't recognize them or just doesn't use them.
  11. A couple weeks ago when I was building my site I asked the same thing. I wanted to know why my web site looked perfect in Internet Explorer but completely wierd in Firefox. I decided to experiment around and I finally figured it out. It is sort of common sense once you think about it but if you you valid XHTML to code your document it is fine. It didn't take me that long to put it into XHTML. I put in all the /'s to make <br> <br /> and what not and it eventually worked. If you use the validator found at http://validator.w3.org/ it will tell you exactly what is wrong with your code. Just make sure to have the Doc Type in there for XHTML Transitional.
  12. Albus I normally have a hard time making things compatible with firefox as well. I think the only problem is that you forgot an end tag some where like maybe in a div you forgot to end or just forgot the / in the </div> or maybe one of the <> Just look through your code very carefully and if you don't find anything then validate it to be valid XHTML and it should show up fine.
  13. Just check back with your last post about illegal use of Rapid Share http://forums.xisto.com/topic/32653-downloading-content-using-rapidshare-illegal-or-not/= To answer your question, Rapid Share is not illegal IF USED CORRECTLY Please note that using rapid share is not illegal but you if you download illegal content it is considered what "illegal" You should know what illegal is like something that you have to pay for or is copyrighted and isn't permitted redistribution by any unauthorized dealers.
  14. Double check to make sure Caps Lock isn't on or that you didn't use caps lock typing in your password when you signed up. Have you accessed it before? You could always change your password for I believe 10 or 5 credits.
  15. Like Buffalo said if it is taking money away from a company that is selling this item then yes it is illegal. You are taking the money away from people who worked hard to make this movie to entertain you. If they gave it all away for free they would be broke and not even making movies. Sure it is tempting and things are getting more expensive. I almost got Dreamweaver for free and Visual Basic but I knew it was wrong and taking money away from innocent people so I bought it even though I lost a lot of money.
  16. Well when the script was run during this last 24 hours you must have been below 4 hosting credits. It doesn't matter if you have 7 now but if you had 3.99 credits when the script was ran your account won't be activated. If your credits are held over 4 for the next couple days your account should be unsuspended. Sometimes it is unsuspended but you need to delete cookies and what not for your internet to recognize that it has changed.
  17. If your hosting credits are above four then just make sure you keep it above 4 until the script is run. It is ran very often. Your account should be unsuspended in no time as long as it stays above 4 credits. I reccomend keeping them around 10 so it doesn't happen again.
  18. Google Earth is exactly what it sounds like. It lets you roam around the Earth searching areas you want to see, you can see parts of France and what not. You can search or just scroll around while zooming in. I believe you can get directions as well to these places from any place.
  19. I originally came for the Free Hosting like jlhaslip but when the other forums went down that I used to hang out at I started looking for somewhere new and this was both in one. Depending on the topic I will sometimes read or atleast browse through the posts below unless I am being really lazy. If it is like a discussion I will see what has been stated and add more if I need to or don't take part in it at all like jlhaslip said (sort of) If it is something I just put my opinion in on I will look at a couple depending on how many have been posted and make my comment. If it is support I always read the posts after to see if the question has already been answered so I don't look like a fool (although it still happens)
  20. There is actually almost 20,000 and probably would be 40,000 if all the guests signed up but they are all inactive so accounts are deleted. Xisto is a very popular place it is just there are a lot of lazy people out in the world today or just busy.
  21. I wouldn't go for the wireless keyboard unless I get real lazy cause I would only use it if I am typing something up that I am copying. I could go downstairs and eat while still typing but I would use bluetooth just to stop using up my USBs but I would still be using two. One for mouse and stuff but that ok, I can get the 4 connector thing. My mouse isn't really a problem because the cord is hanging off the desk because of this gap that is there. I just would do it so it isn't a mess when I try to hook everything back into my computer and to unhook it because it gets really confusing as to what cord is what.
  22. Well you can't really expect anything if you haven't seen her before. Meeting online and putting an image in your head can't make you think that is what she looks like. Besides, just because she wears a hearing aid doesn't mean you shouldn't like her but if you had nothing in common well then there ya go I guess. I wouldn't go meet someone I don't know like that though. I have heard bad stories.
  23. I have been planning about going wireless with Bluetooth. I would be able to sit on the couch while typing a report even though I do have a laptop but that not the point. I could keep my computer on desk charging. I have so many things I would like to buy first though one being Invision Power Board, and a new laptop. Then I would probably go wireless It only takes up one USB too which is the best part.
  24. I played the first Kingdom Hearts and had a bit of trouble getting past one point but it was ok. I played it like 5 years ago or whenever it came out. I know it wasn't 5 but anyway, it was pretty cool. I hadn't really heard of it til I saw it at Blockbuster though. I think it should be pretty cool, probably not anything I would like but I know my sister will like it because she loves Kingdom Hearts. I haven't really heard all the details of like what the levels will be but it ought to be fun.
  25. Ya I know that but I am thinking they are asking little 2 year olds that will either say ewwwww or cool to anything. I don't know it just doesn't seem like the people are "taking the time" to look at the website cause I think it takes atleast 1/20 of a second to actually recognize what you see cause you think they would read the title or something first to get an idea of what it is supposed to be.
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