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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. That would be pretty cool. Imagine the whole wall in front of you a video game. It could give you more of a real life feeling. lol They could give you 3d goggles like they do in the IMAX theaters and when things fly at you you will jump back and stuff. lol I don't know but I would realy like to see what they are talking about. Can't wait
  2. lol rejected I wasn't trying to be mean, I think I was having a bad day. I know it two different sites but it the same thing. Anyway, mine was much shorter than yours. I think I just started talking about something having to do with baseball and my parents wondering why I am quitting after playing for like 10 or 11 years.
  3. Well I am 14 weighing in at 100 pounds exactly as of yesterday. 5 foot 3 inches I think maybe 4 I don't know. Everyone likes to say that I very skinny cause well I am but I can still eat a ton
  4. Font size doesn't matter. Credits are based off the number of characters in your post not counting quotes. Anything in writing that isn't in quotes will get you credits. Therefore pictures won't get you credits, but codes won't either I guess. I think maybe even BBCodes might give you credits I a not sure on that though. Notice from rejected: Edited as requested
  5. That is a pretty nice looking website. Like truefusion said you probably don't need the flash animation changing to each page. The highlight over the navigation is fine I think though. The banner up top could be brighter as well but I think it is a pretty nice site overall. The banner doesn't really need to stick out like that either. If you made it in photoshop then I think you put a bevel that you should take out. Pretty nice though. Good Job.
  6. We will have to just wait and see though Right now I have three ballots with no name claiming them. Anyone that would like to tell me that they forgot to put their name can claim one of the ballots. So far the people who I have gotten votes from are, jlhaslip, michaelper22, Avalon, daman, moogie, rejected, Dooga, Dawiss, cmatcmextra, mayank, DreamCore, rvalkass, and wild20. If any of this is invalid please let me know.
  7. Just want to say I also see the same thing. You can always tell which of the new members haven't read the Xisto ReadME. It seems that sooner or later you will have to make them pass a test before they can start posting in the forums. I don't think it is just topic starting either. I wouldn't go after them though after just one bad post but if you see a couple then I would keep an eye on them. That is sort of what the report button is for too so we can help you out.
  8. lol Thanks for voting, I recieved it. Like I said I have it tell me your IP address so I can check with all the previous votes to make sure no one has voted before from that IP address. If you have a brother or sister or some other relative in the house with their own username on the forums I will need both of you to consent with me by sending me a pm telling me you are related, living in the same building with the same IP address.
  9. Alright I think I got yours but you didn't put in your name on the ballott.
  10. Nevermind I thought that was the page of the domain host. I didn't know that was his site. Well then your site works fine for me. Try clearing your cookies and all files from your internet browser.
  11. It seems to me that your nameservers aren't pointed to the correct place. Make sure your dns settings are set to point the nameservers to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM It takes me to a page that shows up when there isn't anything on a site yet meaning it is the domain hoster's default page used until you point your nameservers to the right place. If you have just changed your dns settings then it can take a day or two to update.
  12. Once you get your web hosting with 10 hosting credits you have to get 30 more credits to upgrade your hosting to the new package.
  13. Thanks for voting. I already have it sending me all of the IP addresses that voted. But because I am not admin or mod I can't see yours so for extra precautions I am having the people who voted post here. I recieved your vote. I am double checking to make sure no one has voted twice to make sure IP addresses haven't shown up twice.
  14. All you have to do is take the folder with the skin name on it out of your zipped file and upload it into the fold in the forums called styles or skins or whatever. It is the folder that has the subsilver folder in it. Then all you have to do is go into your admin control panel on the forum and go to install templates and that skin should be there. Then click install and you should be done.
  15. Oh gotcha. I am fine with my phone though. I don't really think you need games on a cell phone. They were meant for calling people not playing games. Now that they have music on them they can still entertain you too. I don't really see a point in games on cell phones really though. I wouldn't pay more for a phone for more games. There are manyportable consoles you can play.
  16. I have never even heard of this game. What is it about? What do you do and stuff. I take it you play it on your cell phone? I would maybe like to play it if I knew a little more about it like what type of game it is.
  17. lol This ought to be pretty interesting. The television is now going online Google Television, or Yahoo TV. They are pretty smart to try and go bigger. I bet if anyone could pull it off it would be Google. I don't know about yahoo I guess they probably could too. Ought to be pretty interesting to see the television mix with the Internet. Why don't they get rid of television all together and just have people watch television on their computer? Mine as well, and then they could have special dvd rom drives on computers to play video games lol.
  18. That's pretty cool. I have never used the web on my cell phone because my parents don't want to have to pay for it. I always though you would see the top left corner of the web site and you would have to scroll all over the place to see something else. I will have to remember that site when I start paying for my own phone and use the net on it because I most likely will.
  19. That is pretty cool, msn, yahoo, google, ask jeeves, all put together as one and it isn't four windows. It takes whatever is ranked higher. When I searched for "plenoptic" my site came up 17th overall which is pretty good considering I haven't really gotten any visitors quite yet. I guess it takes the average ranks of the sites and put the averages in order from highest to lowest. Pretty neat.
  20. Exactly, I only mess around with my friends and they know that I am and they do the same to me. We might call each other stupid or something but we all know we didn't mean it. Just about everybody I know does it and those that go up to you and don't even know you and call you something are just getting a little entertainment and attention. If they don't even know you how would they know?
  21. Just click register on the left or click this link https://my.eurodns.com/login Then just sign up putting in any information you want and then click .be
  22. Ya I also hate it, but you could always write it down on a piece of paper and hide it under your pillow Or if you use the same password for everything there is a little pad that takes your finger print and all you have to do is use your finger to access anything. So whenever you are asked for a password you just scan your finger. I think what you do is you have to put in your real password to the software and whenever it comes up you scan your finger and it sends your written password to it so you don't have to remember. ~* Edit *~ ...Well I was using the firefox addon stumble when I came across this site http://www.lostpassword.com/ What it does is I guess it searches the files on your computer for the passwords you lost when using a certain program. So if you need a password from a web site on Internet Explorer you click the program name and it tells you what to do to find a list of all names and passwords you have typed in. Same with say Microsoft Outlook for your email. Pretty cool. I haven't tried it but if you ever forget your password that can help you find it. Notice from jlhaslip: Added last paragragh as per report
  23. I really don't see a point to this site either. Slang isn't supposed to be used here let alone in real life. If everyone starts to learn slang it will kill the english language changing it into a language of pointless words that may be funny but useless at the same time. I don't use slang obviously and I don't think I ever will, slang really is pointless and is sort of for lazy people who don't want to use the proper english.
  24. I figured you would have seen all the sites about free domains, just go to EuroDNS. https://www.eurodns.com/ I think they still have the deal for free domains ending in .be (Belgium) It is a top level domain for free, no ads or anything. All you have to do is sign up for your domain. I think you can have five for each account.
  25. Ya things aren't looking to good to start of the year. This is day six of 2006 and we already have had many disasters. Hopefully things will all turn around to bring fun and joy to everyone around the world. I think they will soon. Hopefully there won't be as bad of a hurricane season this year, and people will reach their goals. Everything is bound to turn around if you keep your good hopes up high and put all the bad things behind you.
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