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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. You only need one site to find all this. If you go to http://www.w3schools.com/ there you can learn HTML, PHP, ASP, Java, CSS and just about every other language. You start from the ground and work up from there. If you would like tutorials on making certain scripts for certain things go to http://www.pixel2life.com/ That is for tutorials on how to make certain things with the script like a content management system.
  2. Like sm00nie said I would reccomend going to w3schools.com and at least start to learn the basics. You can't really have a site that is just php because that isn't what php was made for. They are two different types of scripts. Another content management system would be CuteNews. It is a lot easier to update your content because all you have to do is type it in and submit. It isn't hard to set up either. You can find it here: http://cutephp.com/
  3. lol I loved that show and still end up watching it in Biology class, only once though I think. lol It is a cool show. Never really knew how old that guy was, good for him for finding someone to love for the rest of his life.
  4. Yea that plan can work fine as long as you get users to your site. If you have a small site without many hits you might not make too much but if the host costs $10 a month you should be ok. Just make sure to not break any rules like clicking on your own ads because then your google account will be terminated.
  5. I also have read a lot about this. They are working on trying to fix this though. It is mostly caused by the burning of fossil fuels and gas in cars. What happens is fossil fuels and gas emissions give off carbon dioxide which takes the sunlight in the atmosphere and holds it as heat. So when we burn more fossil fuels and run all of our cars there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causing global warming to occur. Ice caps are melting and water levels are rising meaning soon some areas on the coach will start to flood. Right now they are looking for alternate fuels that won't give off as much carbon dioxide. They think they have found a way to use ethanol without the exceess of carbon dioxide gases. This would be really great because not only will it save our resources of gas, it will help slow global warming. It also can be used instead of the burning of fossil fuels they believe and that also helps because fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource while ethanol is because it is just grass and plants.
  6. You would have to crop it (edit it) to change the size but ya you could do part of it. You could cut it into two or three parts and save each of them as different parts but you would have to do it unless someone knows of a program that can help you out.
  7. Did it specify what problems you have? It said the same thing for me as well but actually ended working fine. Check your email for your account information and it should show up. If not then pm OpaQue about it.
  8. I have noticed the new pm system. It sends a pop up box when you recieve a message and you can read it on the spot. I like that a lot. As for the shoutbox moogie, it is currently being debugged so it can work with the new version of the forums. Another thing I noticed is everything is compactable so if you aren't really interested
  9. Well you don't have the hosted tag next to your member group meaning you might not have fully processed. Try and do it again and wait for the whole thing to process and if you get the message again tell an administrator. If it did work you would have recieved an email containing all of your information. Make sure it is correct when you type it in (check bulk folders)
  10. Well I don't have Atari anymore but I guess you can say I did once have it. I have the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) although it doesn't work anymore. I have a Nintendo64, a Playstation 2, and my brother has an Xbox which I play sometimes. I used to have a Gameboy Color but I gave it to my dad for a Christmas thing at work. I gave my Gameboy Advance to my sister.
  11. Ya that could always help, but then people won't really take the time to read the whole thing explaining the hosting credits on the main page. It would be easier though. The check post length would be nice, but then someone might figure out the secret to OpaQue's madness It is a plus but it is also one more thing to make us lazier Not much of a good thing but could be useful.
  12. You nor I were here when the edit button was originally taken away, but the reason why it was is in my quote above. It was the abusing of the system so OpaQue recoded it to change the credit count once an edit was made.
  13. Depends on where you put the file. If you put it in the public_html folder or the www folder it would be coocoocheezy.trap17.com/filename.php It is the same for an html file just you type php at the end instead of html.
  14. Ouch that had to hurt. I am surprised you weren't hurt worse but I am glad you weren't. I remember when I was about 7 or so we had bungee cords hooked from one tree to another and I was running and didn't see them and ended up running right through it lol. Snapped and scraped my neck a little but it really wasn't that bad. Sort of funny. You should just use stakes instead, much easier
  15. I also have felt pressure everywhere from my parents, and especially from my friends in high school. You can't really avoid it but if you know better you just have to say no. If they don't give up just ignore them. If they are your friends they should understand. No one can really tell you what to do it is really up to you but you should know what is right and wrong.
  16. Very nice OpaQue. You probably saved another 100 new topics within the next couple months wondering where the edit button is.
  17. I believe it does. I not really sure though. That is why the edit button was taken away in the first place, because people would make huge spamming posts and then use the edit button to make it look decent but the credits wouldn't be recalculated but I believe now it does.
  18. Well, considering the fact that any money making sites can't really be trusted adds on to the fact that if you go the site now it isn't secure. Right now their is a message saying the site has been hacked and to please wait while they get it back up. That shows that anyone can come in and take the money away from you so I don't think I would really want to buy it. I haven't been able to see the whole site yet so this might change when I see it.
  19. I didn't know they lost their license to make baseball video games. I love their MVP Baseball 2005, it has great graphics and stuff. I guess I probably should have known when I noticed no MVP Baseball for this year. I might have to try that game then to help support them. It is just that I would rather play with major league teams. Do you know why they lost their license or if they can get it back?
  20. I have tried this once before and it seemd to work great. Not this particular product but one that was only a trial version. It is very helpful when you want to give people the visual effect like when making a tutorial on photoshop. It is a lot less explaining and shows the user exactly what to do. I also didn't know you could download it for free. Thanks for the link I will have to keep it in mind.
  21. Well I know this isn't really an official update but from what I heard from OpaQue, the shoutbox is coming back. He is having some problems getting all of the mods updated on the forums to function correctly. There is a temporary chat over at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I don't think many people use it as of yet because they don't know where to find it. As for the rating system, I am not quite sure about how it affects us. Maybe it gets us more credits I am not sure. It just helps people see what is good and what isn't as far as I know. You have a good idea with the credit thing. Might have a bit of trouble having it coded to change when admins/mods reduce credits for spamming or whatever on that topic but it would be helpful to the new ones.
  22. That isn't really true. They want to make sure the posts are clean and have meaning. It has to stay on topic and stuff. Notice how they are very strict on posts because they want to make sure people earn their hosting using their own words and not copy it from someone else or start a topic already started. As for the ads, I don't really see what the problem is. I haven't really paid attention to them, you get used to them. I will click them sometimes though to help support Xisto. As for the edit button, you can use it now that the upgrade is here. Use it wisely though.
  23. Yea I normally either ask my parents but usually ask my brother. The only problem with a pay by call is someone could use your cell phone and have it blled to your house as you. Or if someone of a young age calls up and orders stuff they don't have the money for will end up causing parents to yell at kids and have to cough up the money. There is a reason for the whole 18 year old thing, it is so none of that type of stuff will occur. Sure it would be really nice but I don't think it will happen. It is annoying to try and buy stuff and then have to ask your parents and then they will say no sometimes cause they don't want to give out their credit card number or they don't want you to have it. It sort of stinks but I guess we just have to deal with it.
  24. This is really a better credit system though. If you recieve points for making new topics people could just spam like crazy and earn as many points as they would like. Same with each reply and post after that. This system is based off of how long your post is. You can make as many credits as you want on a post as long as it isn't 1. Spam; 2. Your Own Writing (not taken from another source) 3. Relates to the topic. I have made as much as 3 credits per post. It helps keep people from spamming the forums just so they can get hosting. Xisto looks for quality not quantity.As for the amount of space, that is why there are 2 packages. The first is if you plan on only using a little bit of space, if you need more save up 30 credits and you can upgrade.
  25. There are tons of sports out there you could play, baseball, football, softball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, chess(if you consider that a sport) and lacrosse to name a few. You can always make up your own sport. A while back I played a game with tennis balls on bikes where it was like tag. If the person with the ball hits your wheel you are it.
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