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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I can do that. I'll go through each of them to get your rankings up and to let your affiliates know they are getting hits from you.
  2. I have all the IP's in the email so whenever I get a new vote I will check to make sure that IP hasn't been used twice. And don't worry Saint_Michael I will be counting the ballots 3 times in case I missed something. I will write it all down on paper who has what for each catergory. I want it to be one big surprise of the winners, it is sort of like the Grammy Awards and the CMA Awards and stuff. So you all won't know til the end. Lol no there won't have to be a recount because I already will be triple checking everything.
  3. How about this, you can post here to say that you voted. The only problem is I have two votes with people without a username so they won't be counted at this time. I have been looking at the IP addresses to make sure no one has gone more than once as well. So yes the new rule is that you have to post here after you vote. Avalon I got your vote, I also have jlhaslip, michaelper22, daman, moogie, rejected, Dooga, Dawiss, cmatcmextra, mayank, and Dream Core. If any of this is invalid please let me know and I will delete that vote. If anyone sent in a blank Forum Name and would like to identify themselves that would be great otherwise your vote will be deleted. Things are going well so far though.
  4. Yup, been there done that, still have a long time to go. Only 14 so I dealt with it a lot. Everyone likes to make fun of me cause I smarter than most people, and I know a lot about computers. I secretly laugh in their face though because they will be working for me one day and I can get revenge MUHAHAHA Alright anyway, the way I see it, they feel insecure about themselves so they are trying to make others feel the same way, they just don't know it. One day they will all realize how stupid they were in those days, until then you just have to deal with it. Everyone has and still do.
  5. Taken from the official voting ballot. To vote please go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Good Luck Everyone! ~~~ edit ~~~ YOU MUST POST HERE THAT YOU VOTED OR YOUR POST WILL NOT COUNT. ALL NON HOSTED SHOULD PM ME. ~~~ end edit ~~~ Notice from jlhaslip: edit as requested Notice from serverph: another edit request; added text as requested.
  6. I don't really think a thread like this is necessary If you have a question about html you can go to that section of the thread and start a topic Same with questions about computers or technology, or a game, pretty much anything It would be more organized because people who spen all their time in the HTML section will see that topic right a way because it will be in there when they look Notice from jlhaslip: edit as per pm
  7. It depends really on when your DNS updates. If your domains are pointed to the correct nameservers then it could take up to a day. When I changed my domain I always had trouble changing my domain because it would take about a day to update. Just give it some time and it will update.
  8. Like SqlByte said upload the site first. I wouldn't even put the google ads on the site until you start getting more traffic. Google will see that you get maybe 10 hits a day and then all of a sudden a week or two later you will have 200 hits a day and they will believe you have bots or something clicking on your ads. Get your site moving first and then put them up.
  9. You can use either flash or Adobe Photoshop and Image Ready. Those are the only two I know of that are pretty good. Other than that I can't help you much. Photoshop is pretty expensive and flash isn't much better though.
  10. The way I see it, you are as young as you want to be. You could be 100 years old and still have fun in life. If you are 21 you still have only gone through one quarter of your life maybe not even. You never know you might live to be 500 years old with the new technology we are comign out with but even so, if you only live to be 81 you still have sixty years left in your life, which is 3/4 of your life still to go about. It doesn't matter though because you could do things at the age of 80 that people do when they are 10, like play softball or something. Just have fun and live life to the fullest really. It isn't about white hair or wrinkled skin, it is who you are and what you do.
  11. I don't think these are real because I think all courtroom conversations are pretty much concealed so I am posting it here. Some of these are really funny. They are supposed to be conversations in the court room that make no sense at all. Some examples are in the quotes and the rest are at the link. rinkworks.com/said/courtroom.shtml
  12. That is probably the meanest thing anyone could do to somebody. You don't go around spreading rumors about things especially in a case like this. Everyone was celebrating until three hours after they had been told they were all alive, they were told only one is still alive but in critical condition. They found that he has no sign of carbon monoxide poisoning which is good and there isn't a sign of brain damage yet so hopefully he will pull through and tell everyone just what happened and stuff. I would think that by now they would have mines really safe for the fact that like SM said we do have the technology but I guess not cause people have to make money these days not spend it on safety features.
  13. wow SM congrats. You are gonna have your account suspended on there from too many downloads if people keep downloading them like that.
  14. I read about this a couple days ago on yahoo. They have been going for two years. I have found a little different info though. It says they have sent over 130,000 photos back to scientists. They have lasted for one full year at Mars which is about two years here on Earth. Pretty amazing. They weren't afraid the dust would damage the solar panel they would afraid it would prevent light from reaching the solar panels to power the rover but some storms blew the dust off it every time. Pretty cool stuff. To see the images go to http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/mer/images.cfm The link to my article http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ m6nFV1cLbMPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTA5aHJvMDdwBHNlYwN5bmNhdA--
  15. I have been told that if you could somehow travel through a black hole and live that you come out in a white hole I believe that is on the other side of the universe or somewhere far out there. I think it takes hundreds of years but it does indeed take you somewhere. Now I am not sure if this is true and we may never know unless we send somthing into one and in a couple hundred years see if it comes out anywhere. I would think you could see black holes if you see stars and light start flying into nothing. Then you would probably know that something like a black hole is there.
  16. Alright here is your favicon. I might experiment around some more. I had an idea but there really isn't much you can fit into something that small.
  17. That's pretty interesting. Considering I don't have Google Earth anymore I really don't think there is a point of buying Plus. Maybe if I had a business and I wanted to display it on my web site for the use of customers and other viewers then I would go for plus but I probably can't and won't need to so there ya go. It was cool for a while but I really wouldn't have much of a use for it.
  18. Ya I believe you are correct. Plus I think that because Snape is supposedly working undercover for both sides, but hopefully is reallyl working for Dumbledore, he had to act as though he was helping out Voldemort because otherwise they would find that Snape really was helping Dumbledore. So he really could still be good.
  19. You don't need money to start it I believe. I think you just go with the flow. You do have to be 18 though I am pretty sure. I really have been looking forward to start using ads on my site to gain revenue but so far nothing is working out because well I am not 18 and my brother won't be until March so I have to wait
  20. If you read the Xisto ReadMe, the link being located at the bottom of the shoutbox or here http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act&CODE=01&HID=18, you will read all of the rules you need to know for using these forums. Yes it may be long but it isn't that long, it took me maybe 10 minutes top to read. For further use please note that quoting is necessary when you are posting something that wasn't written by you. You can summarize but not plagorize.
  21. Wow what a list. You should add Xisto.com I gurantee that it will get votes, probably because this is Xisto but that is not the point. I voted for google because it is the most resourceful and offers a lot more than the other sites. I haven't heard of the second one. Neopets was fun when I was like 6 but after that it get real old and boring. Good to keep kids occupied but it doesn't do anything for the rest of the age groups. AOL... who needs it. I have brighthouse internet and msn messenger so i have no use for AOL. Hotmail is cool but it is just email. There is GMail too Lol I don't even watch the simpsons unless my brother is but I guess it could be entertaining for some.
  22. That's pretty interseting. I would like to purchase it to store some of my files on there. The wierd thing is that it only costs $40 more than the 2GB one that costs $160 I could store my web design or music files on there to free some space on my computer. My 1gb usb drive is out of service only lasted a month. By the way please quote things not written by you. I found that at http://news.a.com.com/
  23. Ya I put a copyright on there but I don't really want to spend $30 to copyright my site, especially since I edit it just about everyday Well thanks for sharing. Now I know not to steal anything even if it has an old copyright.
  24. I know what the robots are for Thanks again for the everlasting renders. I don't think I will ever run out with these and all the other renders you are coming up with.
  25. Thanks for sharing, although I don't really like video tutorials. Sometimes they go to fast and we have to pause it and rewind because we forgot something. Sure it shows you exactly how to do it but I think that written tutorials are better. You can go back a step real easily when you messed something up.
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