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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I sort of hope it's true. I sort of think it is but I only found it on the site you gave and CNET itself. Annoying is well what it is called "annoying". It only says you have to post your real name that isn't a big deal. I don't annoy people and it will get people who do it using a fake name will be punished. Two years might be a little harsh though. Sometimes it can be a joke on a friend but I sort of see why.
  2. That is really interesting. I also haven't heard of that before. I guess that goes to show you that we are really more like monkeys than we thought we were. I think that the tail being a sign of the beast also is a pretty wierd inference. I am gonna go with the theory of the hidden gene.
  3. Well that is pretty cool but I wouldn't reccomend it. You might accidently delete something you didn't mean to and it is gone forever. But I guess you could buy the software that gets it back for you but it costs money. Is there a way you could change it back so that it is there again? I don't see why anyone would want to hide it anyway. It not that big of a deal and it isn't too hard to empty it. Oh well must be other reasons.
  4. Well don't worry. Next year will be even better with more awards and more credits to be given out so there will be more chances to win.
  5. lol I told people if you wanted to add an award post it but no one said anything. Sorry
  6. lol It looks like Saint_Michael needs a life. He got 15 votes and I only got 4 so ha. No I really online all the time cause I don't start school til tomorrow. I will be on less sooner or later but ya I only got a couple votes for the catergories. I was pretty surprised at the results as well, I was hoping for more of a variety of winners but oh well. There is always next year
  7. Well The Trap Awards of 2005 are over and the winners are going to be announced. Congratulations to all the winners and please no hard feelings to those who didn't recieve an award there is always next year Winners will be given their credits today and I will have your tags made and personalized soon. The tags might not be ready for a while but I will try and have them to you this week. I am pming all of the winners personally after I send you the hosting credits and I will pm you again with the tags so they can't be taken by anyone else. Anyway, on to the winners. Drumroll please............. We had 22 votes sent in by different members. The Admin of the Year of 2005 is...... BuffaloHELP with 10 votesThe Mod of the Year is.....Saint_Michael with 6 votesThe Best Member is.....BuffaloHELP with 7 votesThe Best Designer is.....Saint_Michael with 8 votesThe MVP(Most Valuable Poster) with 12 votes is....BuffaloHELPThe Best Programmer winning by 1 vote with 8 of them was.....Spectre over kvarnerexpress with 7 votesMost Active with 15 votes was.....Saint_MichaelThe Comedian of 2005 was.....Saint_Michael with 11 votesCongratulations to all the winners of the 2005 Trap Awards. Hopefully we will all be here for the awards in 2006.
  8. Well I do come back to Xisto everyday but since we not supposed to put that I will put others like my email at Juno but that is sort of obvious, there is my site which is also sort of obvious so we will move on to google, and what I used to go to CollateralFX but now it is TLKA.
  9. I don't think it was the govenor. From what I here someone reported that there was 12 miners dead and 1 alive but someone heard wrong and switched it around. I don't know why the people were celebrating though. There was still one dead either way and that is nothing to celebrate cause they really didn't know who was dead, but I guess they were just glad most of them were alive(so they thought) I feel sorry for their families, has to be heartbreaking.
  10. Wild the Xisto ReadMe says that a good post is 25 words long or I believe it sayd 150 characters so I think 50-70 words is ok as long as it gives their point of view clearly or explains the whole topic the way it should be explained. I do see a bit of that going around there where guys are posting that has nothing to do with the topic and that is why I report it but the mods do the best they can.
  11. I am thinking along the same lines as you. I really don't think we could have inhabited the earth for thousands of years without having any pictures, or some type of evidence of big foot. If there are 6 billion inhabitants on Earth right now how could only three of these inhabitants seen big foot? The odds are against them but you never know. I like to keep my mind open to these myths cause it keeps your imagination going. I would like to think there is something like big foot but I doubt it.
  12. Wow very nice ME. This is very true. I never really looked at it in that point of view. It is pretty useless to have a limited amount of downloads each month and you probably would have your bandwidth exeeded each month.
  13. Bravehost really isn't all that great. I tried it and you don't get much. For their freehost there are ads, not a very good control panel, not as many features that you would get here from trap with Cpanel and Fantastico. It was good for me at first because I was a noob to making sites but once you get more into it Bravehost really isn't that great. Of course this is only my view on their free hosting I haven't tried paid.
  14. lol I had to go to bed and almost couldn't wait. It was like 12:09am when the 10,000th member joined for real this time. Here I am at 6:00am getting ready for church. As of yesterday there are 179 hosted members not including staff. If that is not even 2% of all members here at trap, and not even all of them are active, I think that we have only a good 3-10% active max on the forums. Active as in posting recently in the past month.
  15. Well now it is official. This time it is a legit 10,000 members (I hope) Once again Congrats to all of Xisto.
  16. Well thanks but I really don't think so. There are a lot more people who deserver more gratitude than me. Like all the mods, admins, like BuffaloHELP, jlhaslip, Saint-Michael, and OpaQue especially just to name a few. That is why I am holding these awards, to have people vote on the people who contribute a lot here. Notice from mayank: Closed the topic and unpinned it as the awards are announced!
  17. Well I would like to congratulate Xisto on reaching 10,000 members. Trap is growing larger and larger everyday. I am sort of upset we had to hit 10,000 on a sour note with one kid joining with multiple names so it doesn't really count but here we are anyway. I would like to say great job to OpaQue and the rest of the staff for keeping Xisto alive and clean. Hopefully I will be here when you hit 20,000. Once again Good Job Notice from mayank: Moved it to Alerts & Notices
  18. lol Look who's talking. Besides it has to be less than 25 characters in which it is that too but that isn't the point. It is how informative it is, besides he is the super duper admin who created the forums. I don't think you can warn the root admin.
  19. It took me a while just to get out of the habit of opening Internet Explorer and getting into the habit of using FireFox. I don't think I need another browser. Although I should probably download it so I can make sure my site is compatible with it but I don't think I will right now. Firefox is good enough for me.
  20. I was talking to mxweb earlier a.k.a goldenarrow, and he said he could get me a trial version of IPB 2.0. I think it is legal. He is an admin on their forums at IPB. I think it is pretty legit I not sure. If you pm him he could tell you. As for the other versions other than 1.3 they are all illegal to download without buying.
  21. Well hello rejected. I have thought about running cross country but never really got into it. I played baseball instead. Pretty nice times. I hope you remember Xisto when you win the Olympic Gold Medal or whatever you go for
  22. I am finally getting better at America's Army. I have to use my brother's computer to play because it lags on mine. Right now though my brother's is lagging because of viruses. My honor is at 25 I think. I have gotten a lot better but I only play in Bridge Crossing. I am part of the Hwy Clan, I used to be an admin on that server but he now is only giving player admin rights to those that donate to the server.
  23. That sounds cool. I didn't know they had multiplayer versions of Grand Theft Auto. I can't wait for this one to come out because when I go to my friend's house we sometimes play GTA so a multiplayer version would be great so we can all play at once. I bet it costs a bit more though but I won't really care.
  24. Chmod is basically how people can access a file. You can Read, Write, and Execute. The different CHMOD allows an application to access that file, write something to it, or run it. Some files need to have the permissions changed in order to run the program properly. If you have an ftp manager and right click on the file you can see there is a menu called Properties/CHMOD.
  25. I have a collection of baseball cards but I don't buy them anymore. lol When pokemon cards came out I was crazy about them. I think I was 8. I had all the gameboy games and stuff. I had a pretty big collection of pokemon cards but eventually tried selling them or gave them away. I never went for Yugioh becuase I figured it would end up like Pokemon plus it got old and boring. lol I attempted to start a collection of stamps, that didn't work but I still do have my baseball cards. I am gonna keep them til I turn 60 and pass them on to my kids and have them keep passing them down. Ought to make one of the future generations rich.
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