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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I just noticed it was here birthday too. Now she 15 leaving me still at 14. Happy Birthday Becca. Hopefully you are having a good time.
  2. I just downloaded google toolbar last week and it seems to be very helpful. I can search things straight from the browser now instead of typing in google.com The only thing I wish I could do is figure out how to delete all of the things from I guess it is called the autocomplete? So when I type in b all the previous searches don't show up. I have tried to delete all other web forms but that doesn't seem to want to go away.
  3. Not a bad site overall. Has a pretty nice design and seems easy enough to navigate. Just gotta finish putting in all the content and you should be good to go. To me it seems a little odd haveing dark blue in all the gray and white. It looks ok just not really fit for me. Good job overall though.
  4. The shoutbox was up earlier I think they are just making a few modifications of some sort. The most recent topics and stuff I think probably were thought to have taken up too much room and deleted or still are being customized, because now their is the feature of minimizing the boxes in case you don't want to see it and have it taking up too much room or for a faster loading time.
  5. Well obviously they weren't really good friends, probably not really friends at all. People are pretty sad these days. I bet he sold the cd instead. You can't really trust anyone anymore. You just have to hope for the best but expect the worst from some people. There are good people out there it is just that people are pretty good at bluffing I guess you could say.
  6. Well, Avalon pretty much said it all. You have done a lot to contribute to these forums and will be missed. We might not ever have anyone that will be even close to filling in your shoes as a Great Designer, Moderator, Comedian, ect; You will be greatly missed, but if you really think this is what you want to do, we have to respect that. I do hope you change your mind and stay on Xisto but if not that is ok. Even though you probably won't even see this, good bye and good luck.
  7. I feel the same way. My sister's teacher, my substitute last year, resigned a couple days ago because he couldn't keep up with lesson plans and stuff. He had no control over his class and just couldn't really teach. After almost 3/4s of the school year his science class had only gone through 3 chapters of the textbook. That is crazy. They didn't even learn all that much either. I have a new spanish teacher for this quarter because my old teacher took the job of one that left. He is funny but sort of gets annoying and he just tells us to read out of the book and acts as though we are supposed to learn it without a lesson.
  8. That would be pretty nice if it did. When I go on trips in the car or something I can just whip out my cell phone and talk on trap, if only it didn't cost much money to use the internet. Might have a bit more users on Xisto if it is but I guess you already would.
  9. Well I will make sure to tell everyone I know to be careful with their email. I hope I don't end up catching it. I already have enough spam email though I don't think I will open that one. I only open it from places I know and sometimes even then I delete them. Thanks for the warning.
  10. Very nice, can't wait for the new skin (if there is one). It works a bit better now. Loads faster. Good job OpaQue on upgrading everything, all works fine as I can see. Except I not sure about the emoticons in the shoutbox.
  11. Like NDPA said if you use the print screen button, the computer copies it and then you can paste it into Paint. You can then resize it or cut out the parts you would like. If you press the print screen button twice the first one is erased. If you use the program it might be able to save multiple screen shots.
  12. Sounds like a good idea. I would recommend having this moved to the Integer / Web Discussion area because then all members can reply. I would try to help you but I really don't have the time right now. I plan on doing the same thing sort of for my site. I might be able to write a couple though. I like the idea of having the link to someone's site so they know they get visitors out of it.
  13. I also am in high school but I have noticed I haven't really been able to post as much as I would like. Just have other things to do in the day and homework. Sad to see you go omar. Hopefully we will see you around every so often. You are lucky, school started for me in August not February. Well good luck with your studies, the harder you work the more money you make, and then you can laugh at all the people who were mean to you when they end up working for you
  14. I also can help update the site. I haven't really seen you on msn but if you still want me to do that stuff you told me to do a while back I can. I never got around to talking to you. I can always find some spare time each day and on weekends.
  15. That is just crazy. I might have to go to a world series game and buy a nice soda or something. lol I wouldn't ever pay that much money for something but I guess if it is going to a charity and I had the money maybe. Now they have thrown in T - Shirts, the newspaper article and stuff. I think whoever buys it is crazy. Those people are going to be rich though lol.
  16. I have been thinking about this a bit more. I guess if it life threatening and she is unconsious and they can't tell her waht is going on they have to go straight into surgery. That I can see. What I don't know is why they haven't told her the exact problem and what the disease really is and how she got it. I think they are doing this because something went wrong and they are trying to hide it. I think something happened and they were misled and did something wrong meaning they might have done this for no reason on accident.
  17. The thing is they didn't have DNA testing available to them in 1981. This is all relatively new and they had no concept of DNA testing because we were still studying DNA. That is why they have this program now that allows them to go back and study old cases to try and prove someone innocent. Back then if someone believed it was them and could pick them out in a lineup that was sort of tough luck.
  18. I like Avalons idea. Although I won't really need it it atleast saves them some time of having to get their account back up or even request for hosting again. Maybe put up a forum in the Free Web Hosting section where they have to maybe apply to have an account suspended or just have them post how long they will be away, and why. You can suspend their account for that many days and if they still are gone after the set amount of days they will then start to lose credits. So if I tell you guys I am leaving for Texas for 12 days, you suspend my account for those 12 days. On that 13th day it is unsuspended and I start to lose credits for each day I don't come back.
  19. This is true. I never really thought about it that way. I guess if it was life threatening then I would do the same but why won't they tell her anything. I think it is sort of stupid to not let her know what happened to her own body. It has to be really scary to go through this trying to figure out what in the world is going on.
  20. Wow that is just wierd and sort of wrong. They can't just say "Oh well let's go cut off her legs and arms and tell her when she wakes up" Doesn't she have to give them permission and stuff and know what is going on. I guess if it was a real emergency they could have told her on the way what was going on and ask for more information but I wouldn't want them to make a huge decision like that for me. She won't even get to hold her baby. Rather scary I think.
  21. That's pretty interesting. I would like to see just what kind of movies they will come out with when and if they buy them. lol They are going to have make Disney Theme Parks a whole lot bigger if they start to add the Pixar movies to them . This should be good in the long run. I guess we will have to wait and see.
  22. Sounds cool, take your time though. We all know you are busy running the Xisto Corporation. I don't mind using these forums at the moment anyway. If you need any help with anything let me know, not coding wise though (not the greatest lol). Thanks for the update.
  23. Like I said you will burn up in the atmosphere. It will take them years to figure out how to get it to work maybe decades. I don't think they are going to figure it out in this lifetime unless we find some new technology to help us out. The higher you go the colder it gets and then in the atmosphere you burn up. Also there is a lack of oxygen so you would have to have a huge tank of oxygen in the elevator to last. lol I can imagine, someone halfway to space when they get stuck. "Honey, I just wanted to call to tell you I might be late for dinner"
  24. At the moment they are only giving him 200,000 dollars even though they give $22 million to the other guy in there for 22 years. He can always appeal or whatever it is called to get more money from the Florida Government and I really thing he should. $200,000 isn't going to make up for the 25 years of his life are gone.
  25. Ya I didn't know that they started allowing DNA retests after 2001, that is probably why the guy had to wait so long. I am glad though now that they can test DNA to see who really has done a crime. It is going to be crazy for him to see all the new technology and advances around here. I bet the last time he saw Tampa it was empty fields and farms and what not, no gameboys (yet) and stuff like that. Now it is a crowded suburb. Maybe he was sent pictures or something I don't know.
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