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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. It works fine for me now. It looks ok, sort of plain but the style is pretty cool. I would add a bit more to the banner to spice it up a bit and maybe add more color somewhere. The background sort of looks wierd to me as well and the design off centered a bit. Sort of simple but pretty nice. Might want to add a title in the title bar though.
  2. Not bad. I like it a lot. Can't wait to see it up on the site. What happens to it when version 3 comes out though are you gonna change it again to match the site?
  3. Well the last update I don't think really did anything but I guess I will try it. My msn right now is messed up so I guess you can expect an email from me.
  4. I recently converted to xhtml so my site would work in firefox and other browsers. Just make sure that you close ALL of your tags even <br> make it <br /> and image <img src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; /> If you want to double check to make sure your xthml is valid go to http://validator.w3.org/
  5. Don't bother googling it just go to smartftp.com You can get an unlicensed one for free. It says it is a trial but it is not. As for changes ya SmartFTP works great. You edit the file, save it to your computer, and then upload it. I like it a lot but I would try clearing cache first but I haven't had any problems.
  6. Well I know I can't match for anything so I thank you Becca. I only plan really as a graphical site but I might make something else. I sort of got bored and tried something else but I guess it didn't work. I will come up with something new hopefully with a better design and stuff. My bro is actually really good at web design and hopefully I can work out my little color problems and stuff.
  7. Well do you have a sub domain of some sort that I could visit your site at? My internet service provider I guess doesn't allow the usage of sites that end in .tk anymore. I don't know if it is just me or my IP address but it has been like that for about a year now. I tried your sub domain but it didn't work.
  8. I am thinking it is Internet Explorer because I think that is the only browser in which it is called Auto Complete because in firefox it is just general web forms and stuff I belive. I am not sure about any other browser though.
  9. It should work if you have cleared all web addresses and forms and stuff. If autocomplete is on it will start saving them again as soon as you start to type in addresses again. You could always just turn autocomplete off for web addresses alltogether or all forms for that matter if you have a shared computer. Just uncheck it.
  10. I have Norton Antivirus Internet Security. It is ok I just installed it earlier this week. It really slows down my start up time for my computer because it takes forever to load. I don't really like it that much it seems to slow down my computer a lot altogether because i just added 256mb of RAM too and it seems to be going just as fast now as it did before after I installed it.
  11. Thank you all for your comments I will take them serioiusly and try different things and experiment. I am planning on web design but I am still not quite the designer yet so I am practicing. I do need to do something with the banner I know but I am not quite sure what yet. I need to think of a way to make a logo and stuff. The only problem with me is I am not the greatest at mixing colors to make them look good
  12. I like the third one the best. Pretty good job on it. It is simple but cool I like it. The second isn't that bad as well. It is missing something I just can't place what. The first has some nice animation and is good in that point but I would take it a step first and make it like a techy sig or something.
  13. Well I have a new business plan in mind and decided to make a whole new site and hopefully start with a bang and stuff like that. Might take a while to pull off but here is a start. I am not so sure about the whole content boxes I made so I am looking for suggestions from everyone. Please comment. Note: Design changed after jlhaslip post. Made changes he was suggested. I didn't think new post was necessary.
  14. Right now I don't know when or if they will do it again. If you keep an eye on the forums though there are other sites giving away free domains like 1and1.com is giving away free .info domains up to 5 to anyone who has a credit card and you can get a free .tk site (wouldn't recommend it) I have a .be domain but don't use it anymore. I actually got one of the $3 .coms at yahoo.
  15. Well because I am not that technical I wouldn't go to Xisto but this is me. Of course I do plan on working with computers and stuff like that I like it here. It is really up to you on whether or not you decide to go to Xisto it really is what you are looking for. I think there isn't too many moderators because they are trying to help watch out for those people who make double posts and stuff because there are many members here. It is really up to you.
  16. It looks ok. It looks like too much in one page though. The site news looks out of place in the corner I would put it where the video of the day is and change the background color to help match. I am looking at it through firefox so maybe it looks different but I would make it look the same in all browsers. I would make it so if you would like to play the video of the day play it but if not don't have it start automatically because it takes too long to load and turns visitors with slow internet away. Everything looks like a big blob.
  17. I added my site to it a while back but never really went back. I didn't recieve that many visitors and now all I get is spam mail. I like the new design but the site isn't for me. Looks nice though. I would suggest purchasing a domain though if you want to go bigger. People sometimes are turned away if they think you can't afford a domain and you won't work much on the site. I don't know just an opinion.
  18. Like the others said I woul improve the design a bit and add more color. Try and make it look a bit more professional. A list of all insurance companies being compared would probably be a good addition. When you make the list I would also have the link to that insurance company's website, maybe even put an average price so people know what they are looking for.
  19. Not bad so far, the design isn't that bad but it could use some more excitement though. I am not so sure about the security code everytime you log in but I guess if people use cookies to remember their login I guess it wouldn't be so bad. I don't know if you really need the top post thing either. Sure it is easily seen but it isn't really necessarry to have on each page who is the top poster because people don't need to see it every day.
  20. Yea and don't just stop at online games like neopets and stuff, go to all types of games like games for the computer, and playstation, and xbox and have an area for people to rate and review the game and stuff like that. Specific games will get you only people that like those certain games which makes the amount of visitors you get a day go down. Try to affiliate with other gaming sites that talk about these games and stuff.
  21. lol Well if 200,000 people use that game I am sure someone will buy it from him. I don't think I would probably ever play a game like that though because I would probably spend too much money trying to make it and end up losing in the long run. It is sort of like gambling and you just have to hope you buy the right stuff.. Very good idea though. The owner should make new levels and sell them to make money lol I might have to try that some day.
  22. lol Now how about the question of swimming in Jello. I bet that would be fun. Who would have thought there would be a debate over whether you can swim faster in syrup or water, i see how it would be the same. You get a better push through the syrup and get a better push and in water you don't get pulled as much back as you all said.
  23. That is actually his signature. I think he recieved a warning that said that and he just saved the image as that and set it as his signature. I don't know when or why he recieved it I just know it was a while ago.
  24. My friend signed up for adsense and he isn't quite 18. He is still 17 and it seemed to work so I think you might have to be 16 or just have paypal to get it to work I am not quite sure.
  25. Nice layout He actually stole it from me but that's ok. I would change the forums or the colors on the main page though so it matches. It isn't bad overall. You mine as well take my affiliate button out of there though for the time being because my site isn't working at the moment.
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