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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. I think they are both nice and you could use both but I would use the start animation because it catches your eye and you should let everyone know you won the SOTW.
  2. Well to know a little bit about Xisto go here http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I guess you already found the link called the Xisto Story so there is no need to post this link.
  3. Wow this is probably the best idea I have ever heard of since electricity lol I mean this is really great, kids have something to do and can have fun while pumping water at the same time. I wish it said though just how much faster it is to pump the water spinning than pulling buckets or whatever. I really like this idea and it pays for itself with the ads which is cool and helps with HIV awareness. If I can convince my parents or brother to make the donation I will do it if I can. And look at that it's tax deductable too. I remember playing on one of those at a park when I was like 6. It was fun.
  4. I heard this this morning on the radio station and was gonna post the same thing. Now the airport in my area is not going to allow any liquid whatsoever on an airplane anymore including water and hair spray etc;. I think it's sad that people want to hurt a country and the innocent people in it especially when the innocent didn't do anything. The airlines today all over didn't allow carry ons at all on planes for today. I don't know how long that will last. I'm just glad I wasn't flying today. It really stinks that people would do this. I am sure they are happy just to see the extra measures taken.
  5. Ya I do believe that the music must work pretty well as well. I use it to work, not study, but it really helps me get through a worksheet or a project faster. I really don't think though that there really is that much time in the day for me to study and sleep or whatever for that period of time. You can use an alarm to wake up but that still would be sort of tough.
  6. I really doubt that any of these are legal. A lot are just search engines and don't host the mp3 files themselves. The disclaimer on the first site says... That means basically it is illegal unless they are spending their money for all the downloads you make. I mean places like Itunes do indeed have free downloads every week like one and they are offered as promotions in food or whatever but this is completely different so I highly doubt any of these are legal. If you want to listen to music free online you can do it at http://aolradio.slacker.com/ They have a few commercials here and there but it really isn't that bad. You can download them free too but they have a little AOL add in there as well or something like that.
  7. lol No I live in U.S. but I was totally thinking of something else. Forget that part. I still don't like the sponsor idea though really because of the reason they have your personal info. You can't put fake info either because now they have things that check for actual addresses. I mean sure it's their choice but they will do anything for the extra credits. I guess just put up a little warning and there ya go.
  8. Referral System - Well Trap gets plenty of users already without a referral system so I really don't think it is necessary. It would really be a big job for the admins to code and they have a lot to do already running the Xisto Corporation but if they could some how find the time it could be possible. What will happen though is the people will come and make as many credits as they can the first day and if their hosting is denied they are gone. Rewards System - Well if they were going to give out domains they should probably do it credit wise. I don't think the offers thing would be a good idea because a lot of us here at the forums are under the age of 18 so they wouldn't have a credit card and they wouldn't (aren't) allowed to give away all their personal information like their address with out the consultance of their parents and I'm sure they really wouldn't like the idea. OpaQue has thought of it though as a possibility for the credits. Adsense - Ads are all over the forums. They are right under the shoutbox on every single page and in fact they are under your post. There really are a lot of ads and that is what they base their income on. They could put more ads on but many people do not like them. Sure in your case you do but a majority of the people think they are annoying. I think Trap has them already in the right place and make enough already based off them because otherwise they would go bankrupt.
  9. Ok so many of us study on and on for hours especially at the last minute to try and remember things for the test. Most of the time this doesn't work and we don't remember half of what we studied. Well in history class we were talking about study tools and what not and he brought up something I've never known and would like to share. So basically our brains are computers, they have a short term and long term memory. When we study, we put the knowledge in our short term memory and for most people after 15 minutes or so our short term is full. Well in order to get that information to long term what do you have to do? Well the answer is something that a lot of people like...SLEEP. If you sleep for about 20 minutes or so after you study it works your brain to put what you just read into long term memory. It is like defragging the computer. It takes all the little bit of knowledge you just learned and puts it all together in the brain. If you do this everyday you can lengthen the time of studying to like 45 minutes or more and then sleep I guess that amount of time atleast to get it in your head. Of course you can only do this for one subject at a time but if you think about it, you study one subject a day or maybe two depending on when the tests are you should be ready for the test. I don't really know if it works but I'm going to try it.
  10. Oh man that can't be good. Hopefully he can pull through and make it for atleast a few more months. My friend had brain damage once and wasn't really fully there. He couldn't speak and barely move but he started to make progress but then things started to not look good and he passed away but atleast we were able to communicate with him for a while after the nerve exploded. Hopefully everything turns out ok. I will keep him in my prayers.
  11. I am sure there are plenty of people that smoke in the government too but there is nothing we can do about it. The government will sue if they are slapped lol If they ban smoking it'd hurt the economy and they don't want that they just want more money. People can do what they want to. If they want to kill their lungs go ahead but I do think they should have more private places for it so we don't have to go through it.
  12. What exactly do you need help with? Try looking at tutorials at http://www.pixel2life.com/ to see codes. To learn PHP you can try w3schools.com but you might have to be more specific on what you are trying to edit. Is it an affilate form or tutorial system or what?
  13. Wow, that really stinks. I hope that your friend makes it through. I am sure he will with the help of prayer. Don't feel bad about the gum, I know you might think it's your fault but it isn't like you knew this would happen and there was nothing you could do about it. Hopefully he doesn't have brain damage and if he does it isn't much. Good luck to your friend, hopefully he'll be riding his bike again soon.
  14. Ya IB is tough but if you have friends going through it with you and you can make it through freshman year you will be good to go. I just went to my first day as Sophmore. Last year like 30 people dropped out we started with 90 and will probably graduate as 30 but you know it's ok if you have people to help you through and keep you up instead of depressed. It doesn't take that much time for homework if you can manage your time. Work your butt of during school and you will have less at home. Edit: Oh and don't put things off. If you have a week to do it work on a little bit each day and don't put it off.
  15. Ya just because it isn't that big doesn't mean it doesn't have mass although it would appear that way. Although I don't know that much on the subject Black Holes really are huge as you know because time seems to travel so slowly. If it didn't have mass what's sucked in wouldn't come out in a white hole if there are indeed white holes. It may be so pressurized you can't even see it but I don't know about that.
  16. Why don't you tell him that you shouldn't have to answer his question if he won't answer the one that you gave him? Ask him about his life and interrogate him see what he says. I mean it really is none of his business. I probably would have gone off on him. Basically he is a hyporcrite. You should ask him when it became a law that you must tell about your personal life to total strangers that come to your house to rob you. lol I would start to tell him, "Well it all started when my mommy and daddy...." see what he says.
  17. Well I'm 15 and 9 days old, weighing in at 110 pounds at 5' 6" so I am not even close to being overweight I am closer to being underweight. I hopefully can keep this young metabolism and fast throughout my life but you never know soon I might grow fat. I eat a ton these days but luckily I maintain the ability to see my rib cage.
  18. I actually started school today. I actually enjoyed my first day because I got to see my friends again and there wasn't too much work but it will start pooring in soon. I don't know if I'm really excited but I guess you can say that it won't be too bad. I decided to get more organized this year and stuff like that but I don't know how long it'll last. I don't know if you have heard of the IB program but I'm in my second year of it. It is like AP but a bit harder but I do take AP courses as well like I am in AP European History.
  19. I have heard that question before actually. Some people believe that goosebumps are in fact a sign of God that he passed by or something like that. Some people say the same thing about sneezing as well. I get goosebumps when I'm cold yes but also I do sometimes just out of no where. I also get them when I feel a rough surface like nails on chalkboard just thinking about it gives me goose bumps sort of.
  20. Congratz SM and all of Gfx Trap. That is a big accomplishment. That is quite a few dowloads a day on average I guess around 205 downloads each day. Soon that 75,000 will be 100,000 then 500,000 and hopefully you can start another forum just for the graphics and what not who knows how big you will get.
  21. Wow the menus are really cool. I like that new feature it'll probably be very helpful as well. Hurray back to shouting I think that'll help people keep on the forums a bit longer each day. I am glad the report button is back because sometimes the mods wouldn't be on so you wouldn't know who to PM. I am sure though the mods are happy they will start to recieve less and less PMs
  22. Yup I guess that's it. I sort of figured but didn't want to give false info but I guess I did anyway. That's why they strongly suggest to keep your credits high up there because they don't want that to happen to you. I think it goes to -4 because they want you to get to 4 to get unsuspended and that was the only way to do it or something I don't know but that's just the way it works.
  23. Well you won't get unterminated until you reach 4 credits so ya you might want to get more. Plus you never know if you will have to go out of town or something so you should bring it up anyway. But yes you have to keep it at 4 for atleast a few hours in order to get unterminated because the script to unsuspend only is ran once an hour.
  24. Well within that 8 hours your credits definately would have gone down to hit the negatives and maybe then a glitch occured. I don't know why it would have jumped to -4 but maybe it was just a glitch. That is why you are supposed to have 10 credits. Yes after 30 days your account will be terminated if you hit -30 credits. In order to get it unsuspended you must reach 4 credits atleast or have them when the script is ran (which is once an hour). Bring your credits back up to 6 at the very least to get unsuspended and I would strongly suggest 10 or more if you want to make sure it doesn't happen again for a while.
  25. lol Who would have thought that Ukranians would be so smart. You should never underestimate them. You know you gotta watch out for those Brazilians too. But seriously that has happened to me before and lucily Spy Sweeper fixed it for me. The funny thing is it only attacked Internet Explorer and Not Firefox so I was ok because I don't use Internet Explorer unless necessary. I use IE tabs in Firefox if I need to I only use IE for hotmail because that is what it opens up to in MSN. Thanks for the tip Buffalo I'll have to watch out for it.
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