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Everything posted by Plenoptic

  1. Ya I guess it might be more helpful to have it out of General Talk so people can get to know others. It also would be a way so that once they put their introduction members could welcome them as well as point them in the right direction rules wise. To me though it wouldn't really matter one way or the other. People normally do look for an Introductions forum and if they really want to know where it is they can ask or find it somehow.
  2. I don't really think this information makes sense but you know, maybe it is. Things have changed in the past 30 years a ton, and just because they became vegetarian I don't think necessarily means that's what made them smarter. I don't know. I see how it could make them more cautious of things they eat and study more of a humane lifestyle but that doesn't make them smart in other areas I don't think. I'm not a professor either though.
  3. To add on to what SM said... Quote whenever it isn't your own words basically. This includes sites like SM said but also from books, magazines, newspapers, etc; Even if you make a post or a tutorial for another site, you must quote it if you are using it again on this site.
  4. Considering the fact that a perfect vacuum must be completely empty for it to be perfectly empty. A perfect vacuum has nothing at all in it, not one atom of any kind. As far as anyone knows, there is no such thing. A vacuum must have no matter and or pressure. A partial vacuum may contain some water because it isn't perfect and it is expected to have the tiniest bit of gas of some sort. But a vacuum is supposed to be a vacuum, it's not a vacuum if it has matter in it like water.
  5. I've heard about the toothpaste, but not the others. I haven't actually had to try either of the ones listed so I wouldn't know which works best. I sort of wonder how it all works though because I always thought memory was lost when a scratch was on the DVD but I guess that's just how it is read. Would that mean that you can create a DVD out of toothpaste?
  6. I haven't bought an NBA game since probably 2001, so my NBA game isn't too great. I might have to buy another one now that games are getting cheaper. I haven't really been interested in basketball, but sports games on video game consoles usually aren't bad whether you like the sport or not. I didn't really mind basketball on them, just never really able to keep my interest them for really long.
  7. Well this program isn't even working yet. It will be several weeks before you can even download the software to start making money. With no referrals, you will only be making $5 to $15 a month. They can increase the amount made per hour on the internet but also decrease it as well. Another bad part... you are only limited to 5 hours a day or week or something. In addition, if you max out the amount of hours online, and with the money you make from your referrals... if you do the 50% of the max amount of time per month on your browser, and your referral does the maximum 100%, you only get 50% because that's all you put into it.
  8. Like SM said I think the Florida Gators had the tougher schedule, not by much though. I am a big Gators fan though and even I expected it to be a good game but also ending in an Ohio win in the end. By the end of the second half though, it was allll Florida Gators. As for the 51 day off, if you look at the previous Fiesta Bowls Ohio has played in, they have had atleast 40 or more days off before hand. This leaves plenty of time for practice though as well but I think they had it in their heads that maybe it was going to be an easy win. But I don't know that for a fact. As for Ohio missing a player... that's why it isn't a one person team. It might have been a difference, but not by 27 points. Emotions I don't think could get in the way of the adrenaline of playing in the championship.GO GATORS!!
  9. I also have Dreamweaver 8 and I find it useful. You can always keep Dreamweaver 8 for when you need it and buy one of those programs for what Dreamweaver doesn't have. It's really up to you and whether you feel it will make you that much of a difference. Start up time doesn't really mean all that much to me, personally. Only when I have to start it up to make small edits I forgot on my website, for which case I use notepad. Really the decision is up to you though. If you will have a lot of time saved and your money will be well spent with the new tools then go for it.
  10. Everything looks great to me. I like the colors. The banner is nice and the side navigation works well. I like how you have the recently added and the most popular ones. I personally would put the main categories on top though and then have the top links and the most recently added below it but that could just be my opinion. I figure the main categories are what people are mostly going to be looking for so it should be easy access and up top.
  11. I'm sure that whatever time period I was born in I'd be happy with because that would be what we were used to in those times. I am content with what I have now though as well, with my nice computer to use. It makes things easier. Weapon wise.... still this time period. Although in the end I don't think it'd really matter. I wouldn't mind living in any time period for a little while... say if we could travel in the past.
  12. Ya I would like to know how bulletproof you would be and how powerful the bullet was shot at them from the test and how far away. I think I'll stick with my little skinny self instead of trying to gain that much wait and end up dying from one of the many other factors you would be put into danger by because you are that obese. I wonder how it would look though, see if fat starts dropping out... or not. It'd still hurt either way though as well.
  13. Like the others have said, Xisto makes money from google ads and other companies. They also make a majority of their money from Computin Host Sometimes in the begining and I think every once and a while now OpaQue might have to pay the difference but I'm not sure. That's why they have the posting for credits, to keep you on the forums.
  14. Another year has ended, a new one ready to begin. After months of anticipation... for me anyway... the Xisto Awards are ready to be given and put this year out with a bang. We would like to start the show by thanking the Xisto admins and mods for setting up the forum and of course the members who participate at the forums every day. Of course we would like to thank the members for picking these winners of our Prestigious Xisto Awards. (Prestigious = according to SM) I would personally like to thank SM for helping me create this very post and sorting out SOTW and making sigs and everything for the awards... credits will be given. Thanks to all those who voted on categories, made suggestions for them, nominated and voted for winners. Another Thank You to those who participated in the SOTW... the winner will also be given extra credits as well. As for the prizes... tags are at the end of this post, and the credits will be sent to the winners. The total amount of credits to be given out this year will be 450. 250 from Plenoptic, 100 from jlhaslip, and another 100 from Saint_Michael. That means 22.5 credits to each winner. I decided to keep each category equal this year in prize because every member is important to the forum and not one more than the other. Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007. Now is the time Drumroll Please.......I PRESENT YOU the 2006 Xisto Winners. Award Tags
  15. Pretty nice stuff you have there. I don't think it needs too much improvement except what was said before. I like the colors. The texture is really nice. It looks a lot better though with the content filled in. I hope you don't have any empty pages with it. Other than that nice job overall.
  16. Happy New Year everyone. I'm glad we've been able to make it through another good year, and may 2007 be even better. I hope you have a safe and happy new year. Don't drink, and if you do, don't drive. Make sure that the wicks are completely out before you go check a dud firework. And aim in the air, not at cars or woods. Ahh forget it, go get drunk and set off fireworks.
  17. Of course just about everyone has heard about this surely by now. I am glad it's finally over with and hopefully we can get our troops home from Iraq soon but I'm sure things might just get worse. I think we should be focusing more on where Osama Bin Laden is. He could be anywhere now I think, or dead but I'm guessing the first. I don't think we should try to change Iraq as fast as we are. We should enforce change gradually and allow the people to adapt. That way not so many revolts and what not will outburst.
  18. Sorry about that. I fixed it for you. Hopefully no votes were affected because of it. I'm pretty sure people knew who you were when they saw the name. Once the FTP gets working it'll be reuploaded but at the moment it doesn't seem to be working. I'll have it fixed though for you.
  19. Voting will end TODAY at 11 Pm EST (-5GMT) Thank you to all the people that voted. It is appreciated. The winners will be announced shortly after 11 I hope. The signatures might not be ready to be handed out but hopefully the credits will be. Good luck to all nominees.
  20. Genesis, is a book in the Bible, which might be what you were thinking of. Genocide really isn't much of a word you probably don't want to hear on the news. Yes the Holocaust was an attempt of genocide and it's really wrong. People that try to take out a certain race or nation or group or religion, or whatever shouldn't be on this world. Just because people are different doesn't mean they should be taken from the Earth. If they felt that way towards your type or group or whatever, you probably wouldn't like it very much either.
  21. Merry Christmas to you as well OpaQue. Xisto wouldn't be what it is today also if it wasn't for you. It's a great place to hang out. Hope everyone here has a safe and fun holiday. With school out, I finally have some more time to hang out here now after Christmas is over. Hope you enjoy your holiday and take some time off to spend on yourself so you don't get too stressed doing other stuff.
  22. I think I'm going to make them all available as a general award and have the winner of the SOTW be used with the actual award names on there. So say mine will just say "Xisto Award Winner" while the winner's will say your name, and then the award you won. Hopefully the winner is active when the winner is announced. Remember I'm giving credits to the winner this SOTW.
  23. Ya she makes so much money off the books, the movies, the legos, and everything Harry Potter that she will be set for life or maybe 3 lives. I heard the last word in the book right now is going to be "scar" lol and that Sirius Black comes back and of course a character will die. I guess we'll also find out about Snape and whether or not he is good pretending to be bad... or if he has been bad. It's really going to be an interesting book. Can't wait to read it. I started as a big Harry Potter fan when it first came out, I have sort of stopped though because they have taken it too far. But I'm still anxious to see what happens in the last book of the series.
  24. I don't think it will go too much lower. Because they still want to make money off it. They know not too many people will buy it anymore but they have to make more than they produce it for. If it costs them $75 to produce each Playstation 2, they won't put the price lower than say, $90 unless the stores want to lose money and hope people buy other stuff. But yes they will be much cheaper. They will stay around for probably a couple more years but slowly will disappear.
  25. Can't wait to see you back around Trap Nigai. We'll miss you. Luckily it's just a little more than a week from today. Ya you were the only one nominated. You would have won it either way though whether there were more nominations or not. Congrats. See you soon.
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