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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. I agree with Quatrux, nothing especially new, for me only the checkdnsrr() php function is new, and what i think is more interesting is the Zend_Db DB wrapper, i will take a look to it definitvely. thanks for the URL. Best regards,
  2. Well, yes, it is possible to do what you want to do, for sending emails you use the mail() php function, for receiving sorry but i don't know how you can do it, also, i know that there are a lot of scripts out there that are capable to check POP3 and SMTP servers. Take a look at the PHP Classes website, you can find there what you need. Best regards,
  3. What do you need to be explained a little better??? the mUack????? well, if it is, it is only a way to send you a kiss if not, please tell me what is. Best regards,
  4. You can use regular expresions php functions like ereg_replace or preg_replace, also you can use the php functions str_replace, str_ireplace, substr_replace or strtr. Best regards,
  5. Well, only to say that i work in a similar way as vujsa does, the cPanel theme does not have any importance, because it doesn't stops me to work with it, i understand that if you are a beginner maybe you dont know how powerful is a ftp client, until now of course.Best regards,
  6. You can use the Chr() php function, this function returns a one-character string that contains the character specified by the ascii code passed to the function as a parameter. For example try this code: $var=chr(40) . chr(39) ."Test" . chr(39) . chr(59) . chr(41);echo $var; You can get all the ascii codes with the following function:for($x=32; $x<256;$x++) {echo "code = $x : char = " . chr($x) . "<br />";}I start the for with the value 32 -it is the space character- because all the prior characters are control characters that you don't need i guess, if you want change it to 1 and see what i'm talking. BTW, sorry but right now i don't have more time to test if it would work fine with HTML code, maybe later i can. Best regards,
  7. Yes, for me it looks much better but i think that you need to separate each of your forums, may be you can put each one in a separate box, is an idea. Best regards and I love you too!!! mUack ,
  8. Ok, i think it is true in a certain way but i don't completely agree with you because there exists compilers for PHP, the one i remember in this moment is the Roadsend PHP Compiler, this is what it says on its main page: For more information visit the Roadsend PHP Compiler website. Best regards,
  9. You need to change the mysql.max_links directive and set it to -1, you can set this directive in your php.ini configuration file or in your apache's httpd.conf file. Also, check out the MySql max_connections system variable, this variable controls the number of connections allowed that by default is 100. so if you need more connections, you should restart mysqld with a larger value for this variable. If you are using MySql 5 take a look to B.1.2.6. Too many connections. Best regards,
  10. I agree with you and of course i will continue to use it, the Symantec Antivirus is a crap and it is very dificult to completely uninstall it, especially it's Live Update software, is a shame what was happened with this company, i remember all the very good software that it had before Symantec buys the Norton company. Best regards,
  11. I think it is a mix of both, the majority of people use it for web development but you can also create stand alone applications, and remember that with the use of the GTK you can also create graphical applications.Best regards,
  12. Yes, you have some options for this, online tools, freeware or the RGBHex Triplet color chart image. Online Tools: Dhtml Goodies Color Schemer I Dhtml Goodies Color Schemer II GenoPal Online Freeware: PaintChips - Dynamic free color picker This site is outdated, i could search the installer on my pc if you want this freeware so please PM and let me know. ColorPic - The versatile color picker RGBHex Triplet color chart Best regards,
  13. I agree, I also don't think this is some person's PC, is incredible the huge quantity of spyware out there.Best regards,
  14. Yes, i agree with you, it is a very useful page but not only for beginners and it is highly recommended. The only bad thing is that it is a bit outdated. Best regards,
  15. That's right, especially if the MySql database stores images or when it uses the spatial features that MySql has. Take a look to the MySql Customers page. Best regards,
  16. In my case my databases are relatively small because i try to store just text, when i need to store binary data what i do is to simply store its location on the file system. Best regards,
  17. Yes, something like a change log, but with some enhancements, like screen shots, statistics or even with different pages for every version developed where someone can view and test it. Best regards,
  18. Thanks for the information, the use of @import was one of the few things that i don't completely understand about css until now. Best regards,
  19. Ok, but i think that if you post your complete code it would be better to us to help you. Best regards,
  20. For me this website is too risky but just for curiosity i will visit it later.BTW, do you know if this website offers a way to download any windows update file directly to install it later?????Best regards,
  21. I just check it, and after some problems i finally view it, very nice the progress bar. Do you have a historical page to see how it was made???? Best regards,
  22. Use css to put the image on top left corner, something like this will work i guess: #imageTopLeft { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px }For the image on bottom right corner i also guess that you must use css but right now i don't know how to do it. Best regards,
  23. Do you try to do the same thing but instead of using the operator '==' use the operator '===' that also compares if both sides are of the same type. Best regards,
  24. Ok thanks again for this helpful information, i think that now everything is completely clear. Best regards,
  25. Looks interesting, i will give it a chance... Best regards,
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