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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. Thanks for your help faulty.lee, later i will try both options but i guess that the second one is the best choice, so that's the one that i will try first. Best regards,
  2. That is the function i talk about, you need to modify it to your own need. Best regards,
  3. I need to convert a database that is in Access 97 to Access 2003 but every time i do it using the Convert tools of Access 2003 i got some errors and can't change or add any of the objects -tables, querys, etc- of the converted database.All the errors i got are related to the user priviligies and permissions of the database, is there exists a way or procedure that allows me to reset this permissions???Best regards,
  4. This program is no longer free and the latest version only allows you to convert five records per table. I found this free Access to Mysql converter that i will test soon, i hope that it can help anyone that needs this kind of utility. Another converter that i know is Navicat but is not free. Best regards,
  5. PHP don't have a GOTO statement, function or alike, i'm not 100% sure because i don't know if the latest version of PHP now includes something like this. Take a look under the user contributed notes of the PHP Switch stament there is a similar function, may be it helps you. Best regards,
  6. No problem, i'm glad that it helps you.BTW, many times simple solutions works better than complicated ones.Best regards,
  7. You can simply use a string variable to store it, for example: <?php$MyString="0123456789";echo substr($MyString,0, 1);// outputs 0echo $MyString[0];// outputs the same thing, 0echo $MyString{0};// outputs the same thing, 0echo $MyString;// outputs 0123456789?>Best regards,
  8. After some few testings i made, i can say that i agree with you, it is a cool freeware. Best regards and merry christmas,
  9. Yes, it is possible to do, but it is not recommended. Best regards and merry christmas,
  10. Well, i just found this screen capture shareware called FastStone Capture 5.9. BTW, levimage at the following urls you can find all the information and the download links: Camtasia Studio 5 (Download.com) Camtasia Studio 5 (Techsmith.com)
  11. Yes, it is possible, check your proxy settings. Best regards,
  12. You are welcome, and the function will not notice the user to press "OK" or any other key. Best regards,
  13. You are welcome, do you test it in Firefox???? Best regards,
  14. Thanks for sharing this, for me comes just in time because i need a tool like this in this moment, relating Paint.net well only to say that i can't install it because i still use windows 2000 but i hear good comments about it, maybe in the near future i could use it.Best regards,
  15. Well, as you said, very strange, i just check your page and only to say that i can access it without problems, i check all the links you post.If you use Internet Explorer, check your security settings, maybe you add your page to the restricted sites.Best regards,
  16. exactly, what do you mean????best regards,
  17. I'm guessing that you are using The Gimp for windows, right???? well, in this case and if i remember correctly -i don't use The Gimp for a long long time- all the configuration of fonts are managed by a library called Fontconfiguration or something like that, and it can be accesed by your user preferences dialog or by the command line, and you can install fonts to use with The Gimp in two ways: Adding fonts for system-wide use. Adding fonts for The Gimp only. In both cases, you only need to copy your fonts to a specific folder, for the second one this folder is located under your user folder, for example c:\document and settings\username\fonts or something like that. Also, it is recommended that you download and install the help files and the User Manual that are provided as a separate package, for more information visit the GIMP for Windows page. Best regards,
  18. Can you post more information about this??? I'm a bit interesting on how you could do it. Best regards,
  19. I know that when a user leaves your website you can perform any action if you add some code to the onunload event like for example display an alert box, pop-up a window, etc. but when the user close the browser window instead which event is fired up??? how to control this action??? is it possible to add some code to perform when this happens????Best regards,
  20. A time ago i need a script to do this action, and after some searching i found how to do it. You say that you have the code that selects the content text of the textarea, so, simply add a button to your form which will perform the action of copying it to the clipboard when it is clicked and the following javascript function, you can place this function in an external javascript file or in the HEAD section of your page. Here is the Javascript code: function copy(text) { if (window.clipboardData) { window.clipboardData.setData("Text",text); }}And the button: <input type="button" value="Copy To Clipboard" onclick="copy(document.your_form_name.your_textarea_name.value);">I'm not pretty sure but i guess that it only works with Internet Explorer 6, i don't test it with any other browser. Check also this topic One Click To Copy Script, Works in IE6 but not any other Browsers Best regards,
  21. Yes, this technique is different than the first post i made, but it is interesting also, i just test it and works fine with Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox 2. One thing i like of that this technique is that it is very small comparing with the Hoverbox technique posted before. Best regards,
  22. As you, i don't like that the browser scales automatically bigger images, of course there are sometimes that it is useful but not every time. This script is useful only when you have few images on your page, when we talk about lots of them i do exactly the same thing, use two images, a thumbnail and the original. Best regards,
  23. In that case you must calculate the new dimensions of the image by using an aspect ratio factor i guess. Best regards,
  24. If you still want to use Access for your site check this topic Connecting Ms Access To Php Using Odbc which explains in a very simple way how to do it with Php, and if you want to start right now your login system, check out this simple tutorial: Creating a PHP Login Script, in this case, it uses Php, MySql and the PEAR:Db library. Also i recommend you to search here at the forums, there are a lot of topics related to this, like the following ones: A Simple Checking & Validation PHP Script Need Help With A PHP - MySQL Registration Script How Do I Do Script Checking & Validation In PHP? Extremely Secure Authentication System Best regards,
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