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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. TavoxPeru

    Learning Php

    There are a lot of good websites to learn PHP, a few of them are: PHP: A simple Tutorial - PHP official site PHP Tutorial - w3schools.com PHP Tutorial - Tizag.com Is a good idea to download the Official PHP Manual from the PHP website and also check out the related forums here at Xisto. Best regards,
  2. More articles with a lot of examples: SQL Injection Attacks by Example,Steve Friedl's Unixwiz.net Tech Tips. (more) Advanced SQL Injection,Chris Anley, Next Generation Security Software. SQL Injection walkthrough, SecuriTeam. PHP: SQL Injection - Manual, PHP Official Documentation. (New) All of them are very complete. Best regards,
  3. Another article that i find relating Sql Injection attacks can be read at SQL Injection Attacks: Are You Safe?, this one is a bit older but may be can help. Best regards,
  4. Yes, it is very useful if you need an easy and fast way to start coding your web forms based on your database tables, then you must tune up if you want more complex web forms, especially for those form elements that you need to act as look up elements like combo or list boxes. One of the great things of this freeware is that it supports not only text or textarea elements, it also supports check boxes, radio bUttons and combo and list boxes but these 2 last ones are only for static elements -you must tune up as i say to perform lookup fields- all the other ones act as it should act, another thing is that it also support some error handling and data filtering.It supports MySql 3, 4 and 5 versions.Now, if you are interested in a more advanced database tool well take a look to this topic Fabforce Dbdesigner that i just post a few minutes ago.Best regards,PS: DbDesigner don't need to register to download it
  5. fabFORCE DBDesigner is a complete visual database tool that helps you in all the process involved with the design, modeling, creation and maintenance of MySql databases. It is a must have freeware if you are a developer, it has a simple but complete interface, is very easy to use and comes with 3 plugins that will save you a lot of time: Simple web front: To create a web front-end of your database very easy and fast. HTML Reporter: Export all the metadata of your database to a single html file and create your data dictionary. Data Importer: Allows you to import data from text files or from other databases. The only bad thing is that it does not support MySql 5 databases directly but you can connect to this ones with ODBC's DSN files. This is another great piece of freeware, and for me it is a must have tool. You can find more information at DBDesigner Overview and if you want Download it right now. Best regards,
  6. You are lucky, yesterday searching for some information related to how to implement Form's Inline Edition i read an article about this, it's a bit older but i think it could help you, you can read it at Use Cache to Speed up webserver, this article includes a PHP/MySql example of this technique, and also, in the same page you can find a simple way to implement inline edition with Ajax. Best regards,
  7. Well, i can give you a direct link to downloading it but i don't think it is legal and don't think that if you register to download it you will get a lot of spam, the only emails that i receive from them are when a new version is available to download, nothing more. So, if you still don't want to register let me know to upload the software and send you the direct link to download it. Cheers,
  8. You are right, a few months ago i installed the php designer 2007 profesional and forget about it, now i wanna run it and surprise, the software dont run because it was a trial but i still use php designer 2006 that is free and runs perfectly. So, next move, uninstall version 2007, download version 2007 personal edition, install it and take a try. best regards,
  9. If you are a web developer that uses Php and MySql and want to create web forms for your Database in an easy and fast way, well you can do it with this nice freeware, the only thing you need is to register to the site, download the software and install it in your Pc. Web form generator generates all the Php code that you need in seconds. More information at Web Form Generator Best regards,
  10. This is a very cute search engine, i will start using it more often, it's very fast and the design is simple but complete. BTW, i never look more than 50 results instead i make a new search with more search terms.Best regards,
  11. Another way to prevent Sql Injection attacks is by using the mysql_real_escape_string() php function if you use the mysql php extension or the mysqli_real_escape_string() php function if you use the mysqli php extension, both functions do the same thing, escapes special characters in a string for use in a SQL statement and are very helpful, i use it always, and as you i code a little function and included it in every page that works with databases. Visit MySQL - SQL Injection Prevention to see a good explanation with examples of this issue. Best regards,
  12. That's old news, why don't try to use the new version instead, PHP Designer 2007, is more complete and it is an excellent software. Best regards,
  13. Yes, i have a server side coding to handle all the database part. Now, i'm not sure which method i can implement, basically because i'm not an expert ajax developer -just start learning it- so the second method can wait, the first method you suggest i already have it, and it is the main part of my work but i want to add and implement this kind of functionallity to my work. Thanks for your reply and best regards,
  14. For your question related with the user verification, it is developed with a combination of Php, Ajax and MySql, yesterday i read at the tizag website a very simple tutorial on how to use Php, Ajax and MySql to achieve this kind of work, don't think that because it is simply it is not complete, you will be surprise with the quality of it. So, don't waste time and read it at: Ajax Tutorial For your second question, i think that it is done with javascript only, simply by coding the onchange or the onblur methods of the input boxes, for example if the validation is done only in the second password textbox you can code something like this: <html><head><title>Passwords Check</title><script type="text/javascript">function check_pwds(){ var p1=document.getElementById("pwd1").value; var p2=document.getElementById("pwd2").value; if (p1==p2) alert("passwords ok"); else alert("passwords not ok");}</script></head><body><form name="b"><input type="password" name="pwd1" id="pwd1" value="" /><input type="password" name="pwd2" id="pwd2" value="" onblur="check_pwds()" /></form></body></html>Well, i hope it helps you a bit, as you see it is a very very simple example because i'm a bit busy Best regards,
  15. Well, when i need this kind of functionallity what i do is:<script type="text/javascript">var Js_StringVar ="<?php echo $php_StringVar; ?>";var Js_NumVar =<?php echo $php_NumVar; ?>;</script>I don't post any code for date/time vars because until now i don't need it in my code, but i think that it will be something similar. Best regards,
  16. Hi everybody, i have a problem with a form where i want to add or remove elements from it dynamically, i'm working on an invoice form, like the following: <form name="a" > <table id="header_data"> <tr> <td width="20%">Nro.</td><td ><input type="text" size="20" value="val_1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="20%">Date</td><td ><input type="text" size="20" value="val_2"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2"> <table > <tr> <th >#</th><th >product</th><th >Quantity</th><th >Price</th><th colspan="2">Total</th> </tr> <tr> <td ><input type="text" size="20" value="v_1"></td> <td ><input type="text" size="20" value="v_2"></td> <td ><input type="text" size="20" value="v_3"></td> <td ><input type="text" size="20" value="v_4"></td> <td ><input type="text" size="20" value="v_5"></td> <td ><input type="button" onclick="appendRow()" value="Add"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" colspan="2" align="center"> <input type="submit" value="Save"><input type="button" onclick="window.close()"> </td> </tr> </table></form>In this form the values are obtained from a database (edit mode) or are entered by the user (add mode), of course there is a case that some data are obtained from the database always like the product description if i use a select input but for simplicity i dont code it. So if the user wants to add a new row he will click the Add button, but i also want to let the user to remove some row by pressing another button. To dynamically ADD ELEMENTS i have this code that works: function appendRow(){var tbody=document.getElementById("table_id").getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0];var tr = tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0];var c = tr.cloneNode(true); tbody.appendChild(c);}How do i do to let users to remove rows and the elements inside it from the table???? Best regards,
  17. Well i'm not too far for the solution, and as i say in my previous post, you can use any expression with the ORDER BY clause, in this case, you are using the FIELD function. Every day we know something new. Best regards,
  18. I agree with vizskywalker timezones are very nasty to manipulate or configure, one way is by using javascript by using the local time used by the user, now if you would use PHP5 you can set the default timezone by using the date_default_timezone_set() php function in your scripts or by using the date.timezone ini setting in your php.ini file. Also take a look to the Appendix I, List of Supported Timezones that are referenced on the PHP manual. Best regards,
  19. To order the results you use the ORDER BY clause of the select statement but i don't know if it is possible to do what you want, I know that is possible to use expressions with the ORDER BY clause and to be honest i dont think this will work but test the following:SELECT DISTINCT data.id, data.name FROM data WHERE category = 2 AND id IN(1957,1923,1921,6628,6377,6360,1942) ORDER BY 1957,1923,1921,6628,6377,6360,1942And tell us if it works. Best regards,
  20. It is very strange your situation, i just download your code to test it and i see what you say, then i view the index.html and indexabt.html files to see what happens and it displays correctly, so, i copy/paste this last file 3 times and edit the contents according to your files and i view that all of them displays correctly, i dont know why you got that weird situation, why you don't do this???? The only thing i notice with the ones i create is that the text of the links exceeds the width of the tab so i decide to modify the font-size -i set this property to 12px- and the text links, i use University and Student instead of UniBase and StudentBase. I attach the new files i create if you want to download them. I think that this template can be used without any problem with ASP, you only need to add all the server-side code to the pages and rename it accordingly. Best regards,
  21. The best way to do this is with a combination of javascript and php, in your php script if you wish you can set the initial time with the php time() function and the amount of seconds of your timer, then you simply add a javascript counter function inside the body tag of your document, check out this general counter:<script type="text/javascript"> var myTime = 20; function countDown() { if (myTime == 0) { // tasks to process when the time is over } else if (myTime > 0) { myTime--; setTimeout("countDown()",1000); } } countDown();</script> Best regards,
  22. Since a few years i dont programming with VB, so, my apologies PureHeart because the path that i told you from where to search is partially wrong, the correct place to search for the CLSID of an ocx file is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes inside there search for the ActiveX control by using it's file name as the parameter, for example if your ocx is named MyOcx.ocx, Then, simply go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\MyOcx\CLSID and get the value from there. In case you dont know this, generally the ocx's files are located at %WINDIR%\System32 folder. Sometime ago i use an application for this situation, some system tool called Activex Pad or something like that. Finally take a look for this good article: Dynamic web pages with ActiveX and VBScript. Best regards,
  23. You find that information on the Registry, i don't remember exactly where but i guess that it is located under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes hive, inside there you will find lots of keys so you probably have to dig a lot until you find it, try to use the search function located under the Edit menu to perform this search. Also pay attention to the Interface key located under this hive because inside it you can also find the information. Best regards,
  24. I still got the same error, not only when i try to change the cPanel theme, this also occurs if you want to change the cPanel's Language. And the Fantastico problem hasn't resolved yet. Maybe the Asta's support team forgot these problems. Best regards,
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