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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. A few months ago my system HD tender to reach it's limit so i decide to delete some files that i thought are no longer needed and occupied some big space under the WINNT\Installer folder of my Win2k Pro machine as a result of this action i can't be able to completely uninstall or make any change to my office 2003 installation.Does anybody know how to modify or uninstall this software? Does anybody know what can happen if i delete completely the office folder and all the related entries in the windows registry?Is there exists a tool or alike that can help me to solve this problem?thanks in advance.Best regards,
  2. That's very strange because as i said in my previous post the MSNDiablo worm prevents a user to access the task manager by pressing Ctrl Shift Esc or Ctrl Alt Del and also prevents to open the registry editor, it simply doesn't shows anything and in your case you are able to view the task manager icon on the system tray. Do you scan your computer with an antivirus???? Some details about the MSNDiablo worm: Technical Name: W32/MSNDiablo.A.worm Alias: Win32/VB.NHI MSNDiablo.A is written in Visual BASIC v6 programming language. This worm has a size of 122880 Bytes. MSNDiablo.A create the following files: XEYU.EXE and XSFR.EXE, in the system folder of windows. STRAD.EXE and ZSER.EXE, in the windows folder. These 4 files are copies of the worm. A1.EXE and S1.EXE, in the windows folder. D1.EXE, F1.EXE and SYSARC.EXE, in the system folder of windows. These 5 files are copies of the file named CA.TXT, which is downloaded by the MSNDiablo.A worm. MSNDiablo.A creates the following entries in the windows registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunSystemUpdate = %sysdir%\Xeyu.exe where %sysdir% is the system folder of Windows. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunSystem = %sysdir%\Xsfr.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunWindowsUpdate = %windir%\Strad.exe where %windir% is the folder of Windows. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunWindows = %windir%\Zser.exe With these entries, MSNDiablo.A is able to execute itself whenever Windows starts. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunWindowsK = %windir%\a1.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunWindowsD = %windir%\s1.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunSysteZ =%sysdir%\d1.exe HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ RunSyZ = %sysdir%\f1.exe With these entries, the CA.TXT file, downloaded by MSNDiablo.A is able to execute itself whenever Windows starts. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA Program Settings\ Sys\ Baja HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ VB and VBA Program Settings\ SysUpdate\ sistema BTW, the change you made has nothing to do with your problem. Best regards,
  3. Searching for other stuff here at the PHP forum i found this topic that i think will help you: Introduction to PHPBest regards,
  4. According to the my CPanel info the server was rebooting a hour ago more or less, what are still with problems are the options to change the theme and language and also the Fantastico scripts doesn't works, if i remember correctly this issues happened a couple of months ago. Best regards,
  5. No, it is not a configuration variable of the php.ini file, the configuration variable that you can set is short_open_tag and the suggested setting of this variable is to always set this to Off and in your php files always use <?php. if you turn off this variable you cant be able to use the short tag <? and if your turn On you can be able to use both, <? and <?php. Best regards,
  6. As you, i also had some difficult time with the use of transparency especially when i tested in other browsers different than IE -why always complicate our lifes?-, after know that exists -moz-opacity and that it is the rule to apply to FF and alikes every thing goes fine, now with the upcoming CSS 3 which includes the opacity property i think a lot of things will be better. Best regards,
  7. Yes, i use it a while, and it is an excellent set of web applications. Right now i only use the email, chat and calendar with very good results, i dont you try the pages but i'm interested to use it in the future, what is your opinion about this????Best regards,
  8. I use EditPlus and this software supports all the requirements you need, also i use Notepad too but only when i know that i will make little changes to my code. Another free good editors that you can use are HTML-Kit and HAPEdit. Best regards,
  9. You can't do this, instead what you do is to put the html code inside the php file, then in your browser when you run the php file you vie the output generated by. For example:<?php// simple example?><html><head><?phpecho "<title>Simple Example</title>\n";?></head><?phpecho "<body style=\"margin:0 auto;color:#900;\">\n" . "<p>Simple Example<br />Other texts....</p>\n";?></body></html>Best regards,
  10. It is part of the upcoming CSS 3 standard and as i know will be the prefered method to use for applying transparency.Best regards,
  11. I think that you can use transparency not only with absolute positions, also with elements without it, also, take care of this because in IE you use the alpha filter to apply this behavior and the filters are not part of the standard, if you look your page in FF you will notice that it does not work. So, if you want to apply transparency you use the -moz-opacity for FF, the filter:alpha for IE and the opacity for any CSS3 compliant browser. For example something like this will work:.classtyle { filter:alpha(opacity=75); -moz-opacity:.75; opacity:.75;}Best regards,
  12. Great example, this kind of things are very requested, i think that i see more than once here at the forum.BTW, don't you think that it would be better if you post a working link to view it in action??? if it is not possible to share it to the community can you please PM me because i'm interested.Best regards,
  13. Tell me something what happens when you double click the small green square on the system tray??? does it opens the Task Manager window??? Take care with this situation because it is possible that you are infected by a virus or worm, a few weeks ago some client of mine was infected by the MSNDIABLO worm and one thing that this malware do is the fact that you are not been able to open the task manager and also you can't open the registry editor, so, try to login with another admin user and check if you have the same problem, also, i suggest to make a test with your antivirus.You can open the Task Manager directly simply by pressing the CONTROL+SHIFT+ESC keys.BTW, there are some other worms that act very similar as the MSNDIABLO.Now, what setting of the control panel you change??? i'm sure that your MSDE2000 software (MSSQLServer) installation have something to do with your problem because i also installed it a few years ago and never got a problem with the task manager.Best regards,
  14. If you want that any search engine don't index some pages of your website then you must use a robots.txt file and inside there you put this:# any search engine will not index the following folder and it's contents User-agent: * Disallow: /folder/ You can also tell the search engines to do not index some kind of file by following the same rules. Visit The Web Robots Pages for more information. Best regards, Yeah, excellent link, thanks. Best regards,
  15. I also have the same opinion, this host must have a catch and at any time it will appear, i dont really take care about it, because i only use it to make a test and nothing more. BTW, i'm completely agree with develcUy Xisto.com, better than any y por sUpUesto si Uno qUiere algo de todas maneras va a costar algo. Best regards,
  16. I don't really understand what you say, now i guess that you got the sum result from a db query and then you need to subtract the $var2 to it and show it, well i only say that yes you can do it as usual. Best regards,
  17. Another bad thing about this host is the database administrator that don't work completely, i don't know if it is because my pop up blocker but all the buttons do nothing, and also, if you view at the control panel they have a link to phpMyAdmin but when you click you dont get it instead you get the db admin of them.Best regards,
  18. I just register to 789mb.com and i notice that this host is very fast, i think i will use it as backup web and to test some developments i will make. The control panel is too much simple and offers few things, compared with Xisto i prefer the last one.But, the huge space that offers is a big reason to use it.Best regards,
  19. That's because it is in spanish Best regards,
  20. You can't send any data before the Header function, unless you use output buffering, and in your code you are printing the $f and $fe variables by using the print() function, also if you use sessions you must start it before any other thing, so move your session_start() function to the very top of your page. Also, after your Header() function remove any whitespace like linebreaks or even spaces, is a good practice to include a call to the exit() function after the header() function. Why do you print your $f and $fe variables??? you can achieve the same result by simply adding it to your die() function calls, like: if ($username1 == ""){die($f."You did not write anything on the username field.".$fe);}or simply don't use them, and, yes, i know if you use it your code will be a bit bigger Best regards,
  21. I guess that your site is still under construction right???? i think that you need to show more information if you want to succeed, your design is nice.Best regards,
  22. After some wasted time and lots of testing i decide to drop this code and start again, basically because the solution i want to develop do not work, i found some solutions but not for all the problem itself, if i complete one thing the rest do not work, so as i say, i start over again and finally i found the solution to this problem. The solution is to use an excellent javascript library i found, its name is Ext JS, which allow you to develop great User Interfaces components, you can use it to develop lots of web applications in a very easy and fast way. This is a Javascript framework with Ajax enabled for the client side, and for the server side someone can use PHP or other server side scripting language, i test it with PHP and MySql with great results. This library includes all what you need to develop great web applications because it comes with a complete set of samples that shows all of its functionality, it is free and work across all major web browsers including Internet Explorer 6+, FireFox 1.5+ (PC, Mac, *nix), Safari 2+, Opera 9+ (Mac, PC). So, dont waste more time and Download Ext JS and start coding with it. Best regards,
  23. Well you have a lot of options to do that, one way is to check on the client side all your form inputs with a javascript function, if the data is correct you submit your form otherwise you show your error message. For example: <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function isAlphaNumeric(str){ var re = /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g if (re.test(str)) return false; return true;}function checkForm(TheForm){ var nf = TheForm.elements.length-1; var f = TheForm; for(i=0; i < nf; i++) { e = f.elements[i]; // element v = e.value; // element value if (v != "" && isAlphaNumeric(v) ) continue; else { e.focus(); alert('Error'); return false; } } return true;}function Check(elem) { var v = elem.value; if ( v!= "" && isAlphaNumeric(v) ) { alert("Correct value"); return true; } else { alert("Incorrect value"); elem.focus();return false; }}</script></head><body><form action="page.php" name="a" onsubmit="return checkForm(this)" method="post"><p>Text to validate with onsubmit: <input type="text" name="aText" value="" size="10" maxlenght="5" /><br />Text to validate with onblur: <input type="text" name="aText1" value="" size="10" maxlenght="5" onblur="Check(this)"/><br /><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></p></form></body></html>Take in mind that this is a very simple working example so you must adjust it basically to show the error messages. Best regards,
  24. TavoxPeru

    Learning Php

    Some months ago i download the CakePHP framework but i can't be able to install on my PC, too much installation errors get me mad, so i left behind and forgot about it, tell me something, if you install it on your PC what PHP, MySql and Apache or IIS version you work with??? If you have the time can you please give us your opinion of this framework, do you know other frameworks??? Best regards,
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