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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. TavoxPeru

    Sql Db

    Yes, you can, you could use someone else host to your database and remotely access it, but is much better that both of them are located at the same place. Also it is possibly that you could get some connections errors and timeouts if you access in this way your database. Take a look to this topics for some related information: Remote Databases Can I Remotely Access Xisto MySQL DBs?, Remote Access??? Free Mysql Server Sites If you can wait visit db4free.net - The databases for free project website. BTW, why don't you change to Xisto???? Best regards,
  2. Simply unzip the Google Checkout zip file that you download and check out the README file, all the information that you require to setup correctly your site with the Google Checkout is found in this file.Best regards,
  3. If it's icon is an elephant/mammoth as you say, well, in this case you are correct it is refering to a PostgreSQL database, if not, as i say in my previous post, i don't know anything about it. Best regards,
  4. There exists some options to check if your website work fine in different resolutions, for example you can use The Screen Resolution Checker website, that allows you to check your website at 800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 resolution and in low or high quality. There are other options but right now i only remember this website. According to this website the most common resolution is 1024x768 (57% January 2006) that matches -not exactly- the statistics at the w3Schools website (54% January 2007). Best regards,
  5. I guess that to access your databases phpbb3 uses for your MySql databases prior to ver 4.1.0 the MySql extension and for your MySql databases from ver. 4.1 -exactly with ver. 4.1.3- and above the MySqli php extension. This last one is an improved extension that allows to access all of the functionality provided by MySQL 4.1 and above. Also with this extension you can develop your php code to work with your databases in a procedural or an object oriented style. For more information visit the following pages at the php website: PHP MySql Extension PHP MySqli Extension Regarding the PrestigeSQL, well only to say that it is the first time i hear about it. Best regards,
  6. That's correct, but you can obtain the month name easily using the strftime(), strtotime(), date() and time() php functions together or directly with the MONTHNAME() MySql function: <?php// php functions$monthname=strftime("%B",strtotime(date("d-m-Y",time())));// MySql function$sql="SELECT MONTHNAME('2007-10-26') as mname";$rs=mysql_query($sql) or die('Error...');$row=mysql_fetch_array($rs);$mname=$row["mname"];echo "Month Name with Php: " . $monthname;echo "<br />Month Name with MySql: " . $mname;?>Best regards,
  7. if i understand correctly what you want to do, try this (The easy way ): <?php// assuming that your connection to the DB is set$sql="SELECT * from users where users.mining=2"; //get users with mining set to 2$rs=mysql_query($sql) or die('Query Fail');while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($rs) ) { //loop your users $id_user=(int) $row["id_user"]; $sql1="SELECT mining_rate from mining_rate where mining_rate.id_user=$id_user"; $rs1=mysql_query($sql1) or die('Query Fail'); $row1=mysql_fetch_array($rs1); $mining_rate=(int) $row1["mining_rate"]; mysql_query("UPDATE users set total_mined=total_mined+$mining_rate);}?>I dont test this code and i use my own variables and field names, sure you must change them, also, i don't know your field types, so, i assume that for the user id and for the mining rate and total mined fields they are integers fields. Finally, maybe there is another way to do this . Best regards,
  8. I usually set Verdana as my default sans-serif fonts, when i work with css i set Verdana, Arial, Sans-serif as my font set.Best regards,
  9. And what about windows live quota??? Now i have 5Gb with my account, incredible what competition between big rivals -in this case Microsoft and Google- can do, does anybody knows how much offers Yahoo Mail???? Best regards,
  10. You have a good point regarding the use of points, you save a lot of trouble with css (print). Best regards,
  11. And right now i have more than 4Gb -4369Mb- and increases very fast each day Best regards,
  12. Yes, it works fine. I do this kind of things every time. Best regards,
  13. Which relative value is the best to use for fonts to do this???? using ems or percentages values??? i want to replace all of the px values of some css font rules i have and i don't exactly know which one is better. Best regards,
  14. You need to modify your sql query to get 5 records at a time, like this: <?php$limit=5;$start=0;$sql = "SELECT col1, col2 FROM table LIMIT " . $start . ", " . $limit;$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());After that loop your records as usual, and then remember to increase the $start variable by adding the value of the $limit variable. Best regards,
  15. Well i just test my CPanel with Internet Explorer 6 and every thing works fine at my side.Best regards,
  16. Now i noticed that my GMail quota is about 4GB and still growing. Best regards,
  17. I just test this cool code to see if it works correctly and i found that it works perfectly, but it can be blocked even if you enable the Hotlinking protection that comes with CPanel, if someone know how to block this please share with us the solution.Also with few changes it can work with other images files like JPG, PNG, etc.Best regards,
  18. TavoxPeru

    Online Game

    That's funny, this game has been online for 10 years -according to its website- and first time that i heard about it. Best regards,
  19. Very good code -simple and effective- but you are still doing hotlinking, i will test it in a while to see if it works correctly and if it can be blocked. Best regards,
  20. I guess that pyost get confuse with the implode() php function, which accepts its parameters in any order and do the opposite task -join- of the explode() php function. BTW, the explode function has one more parameter that you can use to limit the maximum of limit elements, but for this case you don't need to use. Best regards,
  21. I have the opinion that It dependes in a lot of conditions, like your target audience, user preferences, web content, etc, i generally work with only two resolutions, 1024x768 and 800x600 and i prefer the first one. Best regards,
  22. To do this you can use the substr() php function or directly using the MySql DATE_FORMAT() function: <?php// using DATE_FORMAT or substr$sql="SELECT DATE_FORMAT(table.col_date,'%d') as day, DATE_FORMAT(table.col_date,'%M') as month, DATE_FORMAT(table.col_date,'%Y') as year, table.col_date as thedate from table";$rs = mysql_query($sql) or die($sql." : ".mysql_error());$row = mysql_fetch_array($rs);$day=$row["day"];$month=$row["month"];$year=$row["year"];// using substr$year1=substr($row["thedate"],0,4);$month1=substr($row["thedate"],5,2);$day1=substr($row["thedate"],8,2);?> Best regards,
  23. Hey come on turbopowerdmaxsteel, your product is excellent too, so, don't give up and take it as a challenge. Best regards,
  24. Yes, Adobe Photoshop is a very good picture editing software but now you have other free choices like The GIMP, give it a try. Best regards,
  25. Yes, this is meant to be installed on a web server. If you want you can replace your standard CPanel file manager, it's your decision, i just start to use it and as first sight it's GUI is very impressive but it has some errors, i guess that in the near future it would be more stable. My recommendation, give it a try. Best regards,
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