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Everything posted by TavoxPeru

  1. No, it is not a typo, this script have this name because it is based on the Ext JS library, thats why is named eXtplorer. Best regards,
  2. No, it works with any browser, the Mozilla Public License (MPL) is an open source and free software license, and is one of the many licenses that exists, like for example the GNU General Public License or the BSD License. For more information visit Mozilla Public License. Best regards,
  3. Another excellent web-based file manager is eXtplorer, look to this topic that i just post for more information about this: eXtplorer, A PHP -and JavaScript- based File Manager.Best regards,
  4. Browsing the ExtJS examples website i found this excellent web-based file manager called eXtplorer. eXtplorer allows you to browse your webserver folders with an intuitive Layout which makes working with files very easy, and thanks to the great ExtJS Javascript Library you can drag & drop folders and files, filter directories and sort the file list using various criteria. You can use eXtplorer to for example: browse directories & files on the server. edit, copy, move, delete files. search, upload and download files. create and extract archives. create new files and directories. change file permissions (chmod). login to a FTP server and work as if you were using an FTP client. eXtplorer is released under a dual-license: the Mozilla Public License (MPL 1.1) or the GNU General Public License (GNU/GPL) and to work it needs at least PHP 4.3 and an up-to-date browser with Javascript enabled to run. Best regards,
  5. Congrats, this an excelent script but i have some trouble to check your site, i guess is a problem by my side. I hope that this issue will be fixed soon. Best regards,
  6. Yes, there are other ways to do that, for example by using the DIR command you can generate an index text file of your mp3 files, for example to generate an index of only the root folder of your mp3s folder you use the following:c:\mp3s\dir *.mp3 > index_of_my_mp3_files.txt And if you want a more complete index including all of its subfolders you can use:c:\mp3s\dir /s *.mp3 > index_of_my_mp3_files.txt For example, i have on my HD a folder with a huge quantity of templates, so, i use this freeware to generate an index file of this folder to view and access with one click all of this files in a simple and direct way, just to avoid the usual folder by folder browsing. Best regards,
  7. Exactly, but with the difference that you have all your files of your folder or folders and subfolders directly in only one page that can be very very big, so take in account this. Yesterday testing this software i generate and index of one of my folders and finally i got an index file of more or less 9Mb. Best regards,
  8. Interesting technique congrats, but i just view it with Internet Explorer 6 and only the first time works as you say because the background image is cached by the browser. Best regards,
  9. Yordan take a look to this topic of Indexmaker 1.01 that i just post, this is another free tool that is almost similar to DIR2HTML but more simple.Best regards
  10. With Indexmaker you can create an index file in html format directly from your files and folders. You can crreate from any folder of your hard disk with all its subfolders or not a finish HTML file with hyperlinks of your files. This freeware comes with two HTML layouts with the posibility to show or not the size and the date and time of your files. It is more simple and less advanced than DIR2HTML -which i prefers- because your resulting index file don't create any index of your subfolders if you choose the option to view them, but comes very handy if you want to create a simple and direct index file of your folders. For downloading and more information you can visit the Indexmaker website Check the following topic DIR2HTML for more information about it. Best regards,
  11. Yes, Yordan, it is a really free software, yesterday i install it again -a year ago i lost my hard drive and lost it with it- because i need a tool like this to browse a lot of folders to review it's contents -especifically html files- and i found it at once after google for it. Before my hard disk issue i remember that i use it for about 3 years without any problem and with all its functionallity. Best regards,
  12. With this freeware anybody can convert a local directory to an HTML index file with hyperlinks, it is very useful for building file lists, cataloging contents of CD-ROMS, etc. for later browsing with any browser. DIR2HTML can index either a single directory or multiple directories at once recursively, so, with this option a separate index file is generated for each subdirectory under your root directory. This program is very easy to use, do not use a lot of system resources and you dont need to fill any form to download it, no spyware, adware, nags, and no time-expiry. For more information and downloading instructions visit the DIR2HTML 1.1.0 website. Best regards,
  13. That's correct, they are not equal but in lots of cases they are . Relating to the osalt website, well only to say THANKS, i loose this url some time ago and never forget to search it again, it has a lot of cool stuff. Best regards,
  14. Well, it took me more time than i expected but finally i got the solution, the way i got it is with the help of the php eval() function. What this function do is to evaluate the string given as a parameter as it is PHP code so you can execute it, i think it is very similar to the javascript eval() function. So please try the following code and tell us if it is what you want: <?phpeval("$"."variable"."=".$row['Column'].";");echo "\$variable is = $variable";//echo "<script>var var1=eval('$variable'); alert(var1);</script>";?>The last line -in case you need it- shows the use of the Javascript eval() function, simply uncomment this line to see it in action. Best regards,
  15. I found this freeware maybe it helps you for converting your videos. Any Video Converter I use it for a few days with some good results. Best regards,
  16. I'm not really sure what you want but if it is to simply get the results of a math operation try this: <?php// math with 2 columns$sql="select (numeric_col1+numeric_col2) as result from table";$row=mysql_query($sql);$rs_row=mysql_fetch_array($row);echo $rs_row["result"];?>The above code only works if you want to perform the math operation with two columns, so, tell me, your entrie is like this or you have it in one column only. Also you can use the MySql CAST() function. Best regards,
  17. I think that the problem is related with the brackets that you use in your customError() function. Try this: <?php function customError($errno, $errstr) { echo "<div align='center'><b>Error:</b> [" . $errno . "] $errstr<br /></div>"; echo "<div align='center'>Ending Script</div>"; die(); }?>Best regards,
  18. Thanks for the link, it comes just in time for me, it's exactly what i'm looking for.Best regards,
  19. Well as i said in my previous post this is a very strange situation, i just test it again an works fine even without the HTML tags, i test it with Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla Firefox and Opera 9.22, in all of them the javascript Alert() function runs correctly. Best regards,
  20. Very strange situation, i just copy/paste your code and test it without errors, works fine, with which browser do you test your code? Best regards,
  21. I like the first four tips, i already know the others since some time ago, and as Sten i finally found out how to switch tabs with the keyboard too. Best regards,
  22. This mean to force a variable to be evaluated as a certain type, for example, if one of your table column is an integer -tinyint, smallint, int, longint- you can force that your submited data evaluates as an integer by casting it: <?php$integer_value = (int) $_POST["integer_value"];?>The casts allowed are: (int), (integer) - cast to integer (bool), (boolean) - cast to boolean (float), (double), (real) - cast to float (string) - cast to string (array) - cast to array (object) - cast to object For string variables you can achieve the same behavior simply by enclosing it in double quotes, and also is recommended that you use the mysql_real_escape_string for security reasons. For a complete explanation check the Type Casting and the mysql_real_escape_string() sections of the manual at the php website. Best regards,
  23. A lot of good freeware, i'm not pretty sure but a time ago i saw almost the same list of programs in another website i think that at the pc magazine website.Best regards,
  24. You forgot the quotation marks in your query and i recommend to cast your data to the correct type of your table columns. Best regards,
  25. I just read this excelent article from the IBM's developerWorks website, it's name is Five common PHP database problems. This article shows five database problems that occur in PHP applications as well as their solutions and include database schema design, database access, and the business logic code that uses the database. It is a bit older -a year ago more or less- but i think that can be helpful for everybody that works with PHP and MySql. Best regards,
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