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Everything posted by yordan

  1. For my business, when I go to business site, I need to see clearly and immediately what this site has and if it's interesting for me.So, I would say, the simplest this site is, the best for me.I know that some collegues think differentely, the prefer first a nice drawing. Then, it's a matter of artist's freedom...
  2. Don't you like gaming ? the gaming section also has interesting things. And if you feel yourself somehow artistic, a lot of people post about painting, drawing, etc...
  3. Most of the sites I found accept files smaller than 200 k, some of them accept up to 2 Megs, so accepting 10 megs is quite a lot! I also saw that you can allow people uploading without giving your password, so you still master the site.
  4. If you want to write microsoft office documents, you need to buy the microsoft office suite.If you simply want to read documents written by somebody else, you can go to Microsoft site and download the viewers for Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. The viewers allow you to view the Microsoft Office Document, without allowing any modification.
  5. If you look at here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/85013-topic/?findpost=1064311125= you will see that Xisto allows you uploading mp3 and video files, which are rather big files, usually more than 2 megs each (provided that you owe the rights for these files). So there are no real limitations on the upload size, if you don't exhaust your disk space. And, of course, 20 megs space is only ten times 2 megs...
  6. first of all, the video codecs are used for compressing video things. so, the best vidoe codec for reading a compressed movie is the one which was using for compressing the movie. You need Xvid codec if you want to read a Xvid video, you need DivX codecs if you want to read a DivX movie.Personnally, for my own purposes I use DivX 4.1.2 codecs, because at that moment this codec was free. I didn't switch to DivX 5 because the pro version is not free any more.Regards Yordan
  7. I am logged in, I can post (like the present post), I can see people shouting, but when I try I see the whole shout box replaced by a message saying "Error! "
  8. AAArgh! I've just been trapped. I wanted to send my program to my sister, and gmail told me "forbidden, dangerous, etc..." I just renamed the extension, but then I had to send a second mail saying "rename program.dat to program.exe".Really not comfortable.
  9. Hi, Grace, nice to see you.I must confess I was slightly afraid. I thought that your first name was katabongaz17.
  10. Of course, you can install it on c: , however in this case it will remove your Microsoft Windows install. So, the best thing in this case would be to shrink the c: partition down to 4 giga, leaving the rest of the disk free, and install on the space freed by the shrinking.Or move your mp3's to DVD's or to another partitions, and leave enough space for Linux. You will need as less as 4 giga for installing a basic Linux. Regards Yordan
  11. You can even configure your own mailer (Netscape Messenger for example), giving as "from" and "return mail address" an address like "thebestman@in.the.world", the mailer will send it's message with this "from" address. If this happens to be a valid address, bad luck.Unfortunately, i agree with WeaponX, there is probably no way for avoiding that.
  12. yordan

    Hey All

    Welcome with us, initial. Hope you will feel comfortable with us, enjoying this nice community.Yordan
  13. Welcome, Andrea, and happy posting with us.
  14. It does not work that way. You login to the site, it gives you a menu showing your files, and you can only download files or upload files, not link to files there.
  15. I would say that the easiest way to do is... remove the last partition (after backup), leaving unused space. And then, ask the Linux installer (yes, it's graphic, menu-driven) to install on the remaining unused space.By the way, YAST means Yet Another Setup Tool ! Regards Yordan
  16. @hatim : the initial question was about Mandriva, which is a free version of Linux. The question was roughly "help me with Mandriva", and your answer was towards Ubuntu, which is an info but not a solution.RegardsYordan
  17. I see that the invisionfree forums have banners. The is is not the case on Xisto forums. That's why I prefer using Xisto for hosting my forums.
  18. Since some days I cannot shout in the Xisto shout box ! what happens ? I see the other people shouting, but when I try to shout too, I receive the message "Error!" replacing everything in the shout box.This worked some days ago, what happened now ? Is something wrong in my computer ? I can post but I cannot shout, sigh !
  19. The link you show in your post seems correct, then I would choose the first one, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and then choose CD1, CD2, etc... For the DSL part, I did not test it (just because I don't have a DSL modem right now, I use an Ethernet cable to a switch). However, i guess that the options are something like "what kind of network do you have ?" and you have to choose DSL modem, and then I expect a menu trying to access the modem, and configure your link to the modem. Regards Yordan
  20. OK, don't worry, dhanesh, the Mandrake 10.1 install is graphical and fully menu-driven. At least for the install part.I did this from the DVD iso, but it's fully the same with CD, simply I boot on DVD and have everything on the DVD, you boot on CD1 and it will ask you CD2 and CD3.So, installing Linux by itself is very simple, you boot on the first CD and let you guide. Accept most of the default values, and you will have a splendid, graphical, Linux fully installed.Then, Internet is more difficult. As most of people, I use an Ethernet adapter, with a cable going to the Ethernet output from my ADSL router. Then, during the install, I say "DHCP", and everything is simple.With a DSL modem, simply try it ! Try to choose "Ethernet from DSL modem", and see what happens. If your modem is not directly supported by Mandrake, then you will have to look over the net (or simply arount Xisto communications forums).Hope this helped. Come back if something is wrong, but I suggest first make a full install, you will see that everything is very simple. then, do a second full install (saying "overwrite previous installation") while taking special care of the internet part.Regards Yordan
  21. I guess that, as soon as a domain name is free, somebody wants to buy it. first of all the domain name is locked. then the buyer have to pay, give his references, etc... Before everything is finished, the domain does not exist yet, but is no more available. And in case of failure in the buying name process, the domain becomes free again, and the lock is removed.
  22. ClamWin seems not to have any on-access scanner facilities. You have to manually scan the files. So, i would say it can not be naturally used for non-outlook mail testing.
  23. The rules seem to be "write down something interesting and helpful". And sometimes the mod really read what you write down an mark it as useless or spam. So, no need to give complicated rules, the philosophy seems to be "tell us something interesting and we will give you credit".
  24. If it simply blocks the .exe files, rename your file.exe as file.brol, send it in a gmail mail and tell your friend to rename file.brol to file.exe !
  25. It's worth it. You really need an antivirus and an antispy. If you ask a reseller, he will sell you what he thinks is the best for you, with a honest benefit.Of course, you can try to buy for less money, if you find. And of course, all of us are honest, nobody does illegal things. There are a lot of really free, and (almost) correctly working softwares. In case of doubt, confirm with McAfee freescan.
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