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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. yes, MacOS X is much better, I've tried it. Plus, the next machine I'm trying to get will be a Mac.xboxrulz
  2. then how the hell did we get a rover landed safely on Mars and taking live photos of the red planet? Plus, we have samples from Mars and the Moon. I think we did land, however, as I said before, there's a chance that most countries around the world's gov't are tricking us. Yet, I doubt it. xboxrulz
  3. plus, right now Microsoft seem to start falling apart, now the biggest support beam is going to slip out of the Microsoft structure, Bill Gates, who announced his retirement and fully finish this transaction in 2 years.Windows isn't as easy to operate than Mac. Mac Just Works . Windows? Different story, especially if your computer crashed (kernel panics), you'll need to reinstall the operating system. On Tuesday, my old pal needed some help on his computer, we went through regular bootup sequence w/ his copy of Windows XP disc (which is legal btw) and it doesn't work. The machine just stalls midway, I went in to the recovery console (which is in non-standard, DOS) and couldn't figure it out. So the only thing to do is to tell him to contact Toshiba.If that was a Mac, I didn't need to go through this horrendous process as Macs don't fail like that. Even if it fails, I can recover it using UNIX commands which are widely used and standardized.Same goes with Linux. If there's a problem, I can easily unload the kernel module with a single command to prevent it from crashing. I even got a *NIX system to be so "user-friendly" (GUI Wise) that it's even easier than Windows, according to my schoolmates.Windows is NOT 100% "user-friendly", especially when it fails to work. It'll just put you in a bigger mess.UNIX/Linux is simple, just not the way how Microsoft had taught people to think. It's sometimes much more simple than Windows. UNIX/Linux wasn't originally designed to have a GUI, but since GUIs are now an essential part of computing, the opensource community had to build a software that easily resembles a GUI that everyone knows. LINUX/UNIX is easier to administer because it was built to do so. The configuration files are simple and straight foward. For Windows, you need like a 500-page textbook in order to fix it's core services. On Linux, all you need is the system's manual program or a 200-page "How Linux Works" book.xboxrulz
  4. actually, there are more users on Linux than there are on Mac. Linux is the 2nd widely used operating system if you want to compare the overall scale. Usage throughout the world 1. Windows 2. Linux 3. Mac 4. BSD 5. Others Furthermore, Linux is definitely NOT UNIX tilted towards Windows, it's just how some users sets them up to act like Windows because they're too used to it. xboxrulz
  5. this is a hard argument because like the whole fear of UFO coming from space came from the US government trying to cover up the fact that the UFOs actually came from Germany at first, then from the Soviet Union. So, if the US government did do these sleezy tricks on the general public, then I suppose they could've pulled a trick about the moon landing. However, I do believe that they did land on the moon because we've found and discovered things on the moon that we brought back to Earth.Furthermore, wouldn't the Moon's rotation make the flag flap?Also, not all cameras can capture faint lights of the stars back then as the cameras weren't that advance.xboxrulz
  6. BitShift, I do see your point, but the chances of people not running into those email is so low because a lot of people aren't as educated than most of the people here at Xisto. You do have to put in mind about newcomers to computers or people who really don't care and they just want it to work.Chesso, there's still a lot of people running Mac hardware (desktop/laptop) especially if they're into design and architectural work because usual PC hardware isn't as powerful as Mac hardware. Mac is 2nd to Windows (based PC) [2nd as in percentage using a computer], so there's a significant percentage uses a Mac.xboxrulz
  7. funny, over here in Toronto at least 90% of people here know what a Macintosh is. Same with in Hong Kong and other major cities in North America.Furthermore, in my school there are more people w/ iBooks/MacBook (Pro) than Dell laptops.Rank for the most of each laptop in my school:1. iBook/MacBook (Pro)2. Dell3. IBM Thinkpad4. Toshiba5. Acer6. Samsung (There are only 2 people w/ this, I am one of 'em and it doesn't run Windows, it runs Linux only)7. Othersxboxrulz
  8. well, maybe that changed a lot of things since 5.10, which was my last use of Ubuntu.xboxrulz
  9. I don't think Ubuntu as the easiest and simpliest distribution ever, it actually annoys me a lot. Ubuntu has many restrictions and too many of its tool still uses the command line system and doesn't have a GUI which is important for newcomers. Furthermore, I still can't figure out how the heck do you all the computer open a application in a new X Server 'cuz it locks it and not allow me. xboxrulz
  10. It'll be highly ironic if Microsoft Office is just OpenOffice w/ more crap in it:pxboxrulz
  11. acutally, it was the Mac platform that first brought computer to the masses, but Microsoft took on the role after they copied and stole the GUI idea.xboxrulz
  12. technically it's called WCDMA, which is a 3G technology, and I'm all for 3G technology as I think we should always try to embrace new technologies.Therefore, I voted CDMA, but as I said, it's called WCDMA.In Canada, it's being introduced later this year!I can't wait!xboxrulz
  13. Sometimes, it gets really annoying. Is there anyway to disable it?xboxrulz
  14. not only are they ripping from MacOS X, but I think Windows Vista is just UNIX but with the name Windows, has anyone looked at the Ultimate version? It can RUN UNIX programs and act like one too.Micro$oft ain't making anything new, they're just taking other people's work, claim that it is theirs and then remarket it. Even Internet Explorer 7 is just a really hacked up version of Mozilla Firefox.xboxrulz
  15. nice review but Ubuntu was stated to become a bleeding-edge technology release (aren't all Linux distros like that anyways?) So, I don't know if a lot of people would want to use it.xboxrulz
  16. OpenDocument Format (ISO 26300) is the industry's new standard. It removes all companies worldwide from vendor-lock-ins. Also, it's much smaller in disc space, so that you can fit more documents in your computer!Furthermore, it's an open standard, that means, anyone can use it without having a suspicion that there's any gimmicks inside your files.xboxrulz
  17. weird ... but remember, Microsoft is always out to screw all the technology companies around world, so this isn't shocking.xboxrulz
  18. This isn't really new, but maybe in the US.In Toronto (where I am), the VIVA Rapid-Transit Bus Service, they are testing free WIFI on the buses while on the go, so WIFI in transportation isn't really a new thing.xboxrulz
  19. This is not something new, I think this caused me a lil' deaf.Especially with iPods, they have a very very low volume setting and a very überly loud setting and a lot of people don't realize and pump it so loud that I can hear the music when I sit next to them. It's gonna make them deaf!Anyways, the safest bet is to get a CD Player, but its quality will suck.Even the Motorola Rokr E1's lowest setting is my medium setting on my MP3-only player.xboxrulz
  20. yes, Vista Beta 2 is out, but I'm not risking my laptop for it.However, I'm willingly risking my desktop though:pxboxrulz
  21. true, but much more people understand how a car works and fixes 'em, however, when it comes to computing, everyone shifts their mindset and think that a computer must be easy and cannot crack open to access under-the-hood (software-wise). However, Linux is more like a car, where it is easy to operate and you can still go under the hood. In Windows, it's like a subway train, you cannot open the hood and just fix it because there's a problem, you need to find a technician to go under-the-hood.xboxrulz
  22. np, and good to hear that my answers were useful, o and which forums is that (I'm in so many forums, I lose track on who I respond to:P) xboxrulz
  23. for me, I love using Macs, have been a Mac fan since when I was like 6 years old (Mac OS 7, I think). Anyways, enough said about my history for loving Macintoshes. I always wanted a Mac, but for some reason, I never had the chance to. For my next laptop, I would try to get the MacBook Pro. However, I got Mac OS X working on my Pentium 4 though. Yet, I still want to have a real Mac.xboxrulz
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