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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. sadly, international laws says that any company has the right to set their own licenses. For example, the M$ EULA states that you must purchase a valid "copy" (really, a license to RUN the software, you don't even own the software, you just have the right to run it). Also, u should read this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xboxrulz
  2. I would definitely recommend Quicksilver Forums. It is rated one of the fastest forum software in the world, it's much faster than IPB2/PHPBB2. It's so easy to add extension since it's like how operating system works. Plus, it's easily skinnable. Furthermore, it's GPL'ed and free forever. xboxrulz
  3. HURRAY! ODF IS NOW ISO STANDARD!! ANYONE GOT CHAMPAGNE??Yet, Micro$oft will spend so much money just to compete with something that they don't even need to compete in the first place. If you buy their products, your money will end up wasted.xboxrulz
  4. These companies license the technology and core parts from ATI. It's all the same card, but different vendors with extra tweaks. They run the same drivers.xboxrulz
  5. about HDCP, it's the monitor version of TCPA. Which means, we will have a lot more restrictions as the users and the corporation gets all the freedom to restrict our will on the computer. Which in fact is violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (if I'm reading my copy of the charter correctly). Also, I think it violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." I don't think the corporations are giving us our rights as users to do whatever we want as long as it's legal.xboxrulz
  6. yes, I find that digging thru menus are annoying rather than typing a simple command line with options.xboxrulz
  7. no, Linux isn't buggy at all (nor is MacOS X). Reason? Both are based on UNIX. It has proven itself for 30+ years and we haven't had a massive glitch like Windows did.xboxrulz
  8. wow, we're so close to get a 1 TB hard-drive. Even now, I have 200 GB (120/80 -- not 1 hdd) to use and it's starting to run out :s. I can't wait until the 750 GB HDD is around $100 CAD.xboxrulz
  9. it is not true that Linux is not "user-friendly". It is quite user friendly. Yet, if you say idiot-proof ... Micro$oft is great at that. Even right now running Mac OS X, it's pretty idiot-proof too. Yet, Linux did evolve a lot since 1999.xboxrulz
  10. seems like your machine doesn't like Microsoft products :Panyways, what Windows are you running?xboxrulz
  11. ok, you need to install the nForce chipset driver. It's not included in Windows XP that's why you have the issue.xboxrulz
  12. ok, go to Linux and tell me your eth0, then I maybe able to help.xboxrulz
  13. although you have the quantity doesn't mean you have the quality Not all PS2 games were great. Some were. On the XBOX, there were a lot of great games but XBOX clearly had less selection.xboxrulz
  14. things take time. You'll see some "changes" around soon.Either people actually pay $135 CAD for M$ Windows XP, ignore the branding or just jump to another OS.xboxrulz
  15. nice, gotta love Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Just don't recite your ode, or else, you might cause major damages to eyes and eyesockets. xboxrulz
  16. Astahost of course. I hate Freewebs with a passion, it's not really a webhost, it's more like a page creation site.Who would dare say otherwise anyways (about Xisto one of the greatest)?xboxrulz
  17. that wasn't surprising. Some spyware/adware detectors think Windows XP as a spy/adware, which clearly it is.xboxrulz
  18. I would vote for XBOX/360 cause I think it's much better than PS3 hardware wise. Yet, I still like PS3 since it runs on Linux. As for which company is better, Sony is.xboxrulz
  19. ReactOS still has many problems, I run into more BSoDs than Windows 98 itself.Also, it's not recommended on production systems.xboxrulz
  20. All modern web browsers will treat text/htm as text/html. It's the same. No one cares anymore. Usually people put .htm for lazy sake.xboxrulz
  21. www35 usually mean the 35th server.http://www.meebo.com/ is their actual website.xboxrulz
  22. @cherri: It's not necessarily hard to setup, yet it just take some time to read twice before clicking next on the menus provided (if you're using a distribution that has GUI built-in.There are certainly a lot of popular applications that can run on Linux: Photoshop (via WINE), Office (via WINE), Internet Explorer (via WINE), Quake 4, GIMP, JBuilder, NetBeans, Apache, Maya and etc.xboxrulz
  23. Some laptop manufacturers are strange. They make weird resolutions. Yet, most keep the standards. I've never seen a laptop that doesn't follow the standard. You might need to download the graphics driver for your laptop's graphics card.xboxrulz
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