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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. This is a great tool created by Google with Nike for all football (soccer) lovers worldwide! Check it out, it's a must get! It updates the worldcup scores and inform you whenever there's a goal! It also have links to tonnes of football videos that you can grab off Google Video and jogatv.com! -- Main JogaTV companion area with a live game on July 8, 2006 -- JogaTV Videos showing the Adids José +10 advertisement. Check it out here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You will need Mozilla Firefox 1.5+ on Windows, Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, Solaris and any operating systems Firefox runs on. xboxrulz
  2. It's kinda funny how people find many ways to blame on the iPod. Com'on, if it affects an iPod, it'll affect with other MP3 Players and electronic device. An iPod is just an ordinary overpriced MP3 Player.xboxrulz
  3. actually, it is a Windows error and due to a network mishap. I run several Windows machines, whenever one Windows machine sends a bad packet to another Windows machine when sharing files, it'll kill the host machine. Thus, Windows will reboot. This error was fixed by the Samba project that allows all UNIX machine to connect with the Windows network.xboxrulz
  4. I don't think that IE7 works with WINE yet.xboxrulz
  5. VLC is also my personal favourite, it runs on all major operating systems and it's a lite weight media player.xboxrulz
  6. I say Guild Wars is much better because its graphics are a whole lot better. Also, I like the story line better on Guild Wars than WoW.xboxrulz
  7. I never even liked the FreeWebs service, it's really a piece of crap.xboxrulz
  8. I say that the best combo would be ClamAV + KlamAV (KDE GUI Frontend for ClamAV)This is also the combo that I use.xboxrulz
  9. if they used QT, the browser would look better anyways, I never liked the GTK+ engine in the first place.It's only good with GIMP.xboxrulz
  10. damn, it's all up to France and Italy left. Ironically those were the only two European countries I've ever been to.Anyways, I support France this time.Allé Bleu et Zizou!xboxrulz
  11. Welcome to Xisto! It's nice to meet another Canadian on this forum.I'm from Toronto, and I'm definitely Canadian :unsure:xboxrulz
  12. A lil' comment on your processor section. I've used my Pentium 4 2.53 Ghz for years now, and I haven't seen any performance losses. My compilation, although a little bit slower, but it's still comparably as good as a 3.0 Ghz. In computing, the speed of your processor is not the main thing that drives the speed of your computer. If you run the correct operating system and optimize it, you'll still get the power and speed of a 3.0 Ghz w/ my 2.53 Ghz. I run Linux, and it has a fantastic memory and processor management. Also, the numbers do not always represent if it's more powerful than others. For example, when you take a Single Core x86 processor and compare it with a Duo Core x86 processor, it makes a whole lot of difference. You now have double the power. If you take a x86_64 and compare it with one x86 processor, you'll get a set of different performance. The 64 bit will be faster and can crunch more numbers because of the threads it has available to it. If you take a PowerPC based processor and match it up against a x86, you'll find that the PowerPC will beat the living daylights out of the x86 because of architectural designs. The PowerPC (PPC) is built on top of the RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer), which means that it's built on the most current instruction set and requires less clock speed for more power. However, a x86 runs on a CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) design, which is less powerful compared to the PowerPC. The clockspeed, as I've said doesn't necessarily mean the speed and power of the processor. x86 = AMD/Intel x86_64 = AMD/Intel PPC = IBM Oh ya, here's my specs for my rig if you're interested: ASUSTek P4B533-VM mobo Intel Pentium 4 2533 MHz 120 GB 7200 RPM w/ 8MB Cache UATA-133 (Maxtor) 80 GB 7200 RPM w/ 8MB Cache ATA-100 (WD) 2x 256 RAM PC 2100 (233 MHz) NVIDIA GeForce 6600 w/ 128MB memory AC'97 Codec based soundchip Creative SoundBlaster 6 USB 1.0 ports 2 USB 2.0 ports Windows XP SUSE 10.1 MacOS X 10.4.5 For my full computer specifications: Click Here! (Generated by SuSE Linux 10.1) xboxrulz
  13. well, you can go try out the public Beta 2 to see it for yourself.xboxrulz
  14. Ya, I preferred if even firefox used the QT engine. It'll speed up the browser by kilometres.Also, I found out that GNOME can't create soft links via a simple menu.xboxrulz
  15. Best version? I've got to say that'll be Windows 2000, but I haven't used Windows for quite a while.I usually use MacOS X and Linux.xboxrulz
  16. I really hate administering phpBB, it's so tedious and there aren't really many features to play with unless you install mods. For me, I love Quicksilver Forums, you can get a board up and running in literally 5 minutes. 1. Download Quicksilver Forums 2. Unpack the archive 3. Upload to the server 4. Run the installer 5. Delete the install directory Author: ME Voila! Your board is ready, then add categories and forums. xboxrulz
  17. once upon an August, 4 years ago, my dad gave me the gift of a giant black box that was 26.4cm (x) * 33cm (y) * 9.4cm (z) [xyz are geometric planes; * is the secondary universal multiplication sign. I use this to not confuse mathematicians] and it weighed 5.4kg. Also, it was the powerhouse gaming device at the time.Can anyone figure out what type of black box that is?... It's the XBOX, the original one that I got 4 years ago on an August, right before school started for me.*P.S: There isn't really much a secret behind my name, I'm just doing this for fun *Cheers!xboxrulz
  18. some DVD readers can't even boot certain DVDs. For example, on my desktop, it has difficulty booting the Vista DVD I burnt, but on my laptop, it boots it then crashes because my laptop is far from reaching the minimum specifications (Intel Pentium III)xboxrulz
  19. Quake 4 and Doom 3 plays better on Linux than Windows, for some reason it's slower on Windows.xboxrulz
  20. remember, after Apple swapped their machine to the crappier Intel Core Duo, you can now run Windows XP side-by-side with MacOS X.I'm still thinking, wtf was Apple thinking to stop using the PowerPC chips? They are better than the x86 based chips anyways.xboxrulz
  21. well, for the IDE part it really depends on which language you're programming in right? C, C++, C# and Java (not really w/ this sentence 'cuz it's cross-platform) are usually developed on Linux.xboxrulz
  22. katputnik, try using ndiswrapper to see if you can install your wireless modem's driver. Also, if you use PPPoE for internet, then you can use SuSE's smpppd to help to get on your network.xboxrulz
  23. sonoftheclayr, remember, most of your games won't work on Linux unless you get Cedega from Transgaming which is $30 per month for 3 months.(yes, I know it's subscription based, but it runs some of your games; sometimes even better than on Windows .)xboxrulz
  24. it's pretty good. Most of the modding for XBOX 360 (software wise) won't really work unless you have had programming expierience with the PowerPC architecture.xboxrulz
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