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Everything posted by xboxrulz1405241485

  1. no, you're not dreaming, but IE6 should only be USED for IE-only websites like Yahoo! Launchcast or viewing Microsoft's website.Just launch the installer using WineTools, this is the best way to get things installed.xboxrulz
  2. it is true that Linux needs standardization, that's why we have the new Linux Standards Base 3.1, which also standardizes desktop.This means that Linux is both LSB and POSIX compliant but Windows is only WIN32 compliant and no one knows the whole compliancy ('cept the employees).Actually, distros like Fedora, SuSE and Ubuntu are swappable between each other except the package management system.xboxrulz
  3. I would highly recommend Java as it's fairly easy and it can do most things others can't ... eg. cross-platformxboxrulz
  4. Well, I always suggest SuSE Linux because it's easy and powerful. It doesn't give you restrictions like Ubuntu and other Debian based distributions. It has a traditional Linux superuser facility which requires you to know the root password in order to do system routines as compared to the Ubuntu way where you just enter the user password instead.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  5. Let's roll up our shirt and start some argument warfare ... abiding Xisto "laws" of course . The only reason that Windows is surviving on today's market is their WIN32 API that they have forced other vendors to accept (See Halloween Document). They start dragging other vendors into the blackhole stating that if they sell other operating systems, their license would be removed from them (Ask your local vendor). In international laws, that's called predatory sales. Which is highly illegal, but Bill Gates and his buddies have the money, which corrupts the US market laws buy paying money through to the government bodies. It's not just the US, but the whole world. There comes the word "corruption" (Check the internation trade laws and you'll find that predatory pricing and sales are illegal). There's only a few things that Microsoft has ever invented: Microsoft Bob and the annoying paperclip. They also popularized the Blue Screen of Death and the "three finger salute" (CTRL+ALT+DEL). 99% of whatever they "own" were bought off other competitors whom they know they can't compete with. The reason why they don't have Linux and other opensource operating systems is that you can't retain ownership on opensource software. If you say Windows is the greatest thing ever, see how they're having major issues with Windows Vista. They need to rewrite the whole damn thing just to get it as stable as Windows XP. They're now closing in closer to how UNIX is operated. They are also the only company who denounces the opensource movement. Microsoft is also famous for making their own standards because they love to say "we invented something so ingenious that you should buy it from us, when the better counterpart is free and is opensource which allows you to modify in everyway possible while our code is closed and costs money". List of everything Microsoft was credited of inventing but never invented: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Problem with Microsoft? EVERYTHING THEY DO EXCEPT THE XBOX. Why do I say the XBOX and the Microsoft Gaming Studios are great? They compete fairly on the market field. It's because it's a levelled "battlefield". The only way that Microsoft can compete against other competitor is if they have a rigged battlefield that is on their side. They can only compete fairly or worse on a levelled battlefield. So I ask, why are you supporting such company that supports piracy, corruption, elimination of freedom, going against the will of humanity and are practically outlaws? They're practically the Nazis of the computer world! xboxrulz *P.S: If there's anything violating the "laws" of Xisto, I'm regretably sorry.*
  6. Samsung, Lenovo (IBM), HP, Compaq, Acer and other major brands should run Linux nicely.NOTE: DO NOT BUY AMD MACHINES WITH SIS GRAPHICS AS LINUX DOESN'T HAVE 3D SUPPORT FOR ITxboxrulz
  7. well, technically it isn't yours. You just buy the rights to run his software. He still retains ownership. That's what licensing means. If you actually own the software, you'll also get the sourcecode.That's why he has the rights to force you to buy a copy of Windows XP in order to install it on your computers.xboxrulz
  8. I agree some parts of what Twistit, but Ubuntu still pisses people who are power users because all the powerful, heavy duty commands are so hard to execute, like for example, adding in a new X server for my games just in case the game crashes, and doesn't take my KDE desktop with it. Ubuntu makes it so hard. Plus, my battery on Ubuntu dies faster than on SuSE.xboxrulz
  9. yes, that is true, the MP3 player can once again be a Linux powered MP3 player.The smallest Linux I've seen was on my router. It was about the size of the Linksys router.xboxrulz
  10. It's safer to put Linux and Windows on different partition because especially Windows9x will corrupt FAT32. Furthermore, FAT32 doesn't support journalling. Therefore, if your computer crashes, there's no log to attempt to fix a corrupted file or the search for one will take forever. Furthermore, Windows9x will also fragment the FAT32 filesystem. Linux will have trouble operating on it when it's too fractured. That's why you should put Linux and Windows on different partitions. Plus, when Linux is on its own type of filesystem, it operates better. For example, on ReiserFS, when your computer crashes, it checks its journal. Then, it'll repair or delete the nodes that are damaged, then allow you to continue your work. Plus, these filesystems don't fracture because both Linux and the filesystem itself doesn't allow such fractures to happen.The best way is to have a partition for Linux (choose your own except ext2), another for Windows (NTFS) and another just for DATA (FAT32)I hope this answers your question.xboxrulz
  11. I don't know the numbers and would like to know.xboxrulz
  12. I still don't see how SuSE is resembled with Windows. It doesn't operate like Windows. It's Linux.xboxrulz
  13. I still say OpenOffice is the best office suite, except for one problem, OOo Impress is not impressing me with the confusing UI.Everything else works well though...xboxrulz
  14. I hate those window managers, although they are fast, they are hell confusing. I prefer desktop environments better or CLI.xboxrulz
  15. ya, I can't find any drivers either, sorry bout that.xboxrulz
  16. There are similar threads like this, but as I've said many times, I always recommend SuSE Linux. It's simple and powerful.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  17. actually the Japanese Earthquake Centre uses Solaris to power their workstations. Solaris still uses the old UNIX standards, System-V. Not only does it support the old UNIX standards, but it also support the newer one, POSIX which Linux, BSD and other UNICES are all compatible with.xboxrulz
  18. I Love SuSE not because it works and feels like Windows but it's easy and powerful at the same time. Which other distros don't offer. SuSE Linux provides me with everything I need. Easy configurators and a great CLI environment.Also, YaST is the best thing ever created by Novell.xboxrulz
  19. isn't there a hibernate function that automatically shows if it detects that your computer is suitable for it?xboxrulz
  20. true, but easier said than done, most people are too use to GUI editor. I do too and I don't think people know any.xboxrulz
  21. For me, I can't wait for the game. I wish it's out NOW!xboxrulz
  22. I was also about to suggest using the latest Windows XP because there has been report that playing certain games on earlier Windows version will hang the systems on new cards like my GeForce 6600.xboxrulz
  23. totally useless because it's just plastic with metal filament on top. All CD/DVD are made with the EXACT SAME MATERIAL.So, I think the chance of successof catching someone with a fake CD/DVD in the aeroport is really low. The chances of mix up between a real and a fake for those dogs would be high.xboxrulz
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