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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. 4 terabyte is the largest i can buy on our local shops at the moment... that is a single 4 TeraByte Disk
  2. I have had a look in to Ubuntu... 12.04 on VMware... Upgraded my 11.04 Xubuntu to 12.04 (Fresh Install of course)Never really like the layout of Ubuntu... although i haven't tried the classic layout (with start button and all)... I've always preferred Xubuntu as it runs smoother and less resource hungry
  3. thanks starscream... will have a look at that some stage... just started google drive... and realise I had played around with Google doc some years ago and they are already in my drive :)looks nice... and layout is quite similar to gmail - nice and simple - love it
  4. Looks nice imo... what do you think? I hope the OS will be just as good... not the most impressive design (looks plain) but i like it http://www.gsmarena.com/blackberry_10_developer_alpha_unit_goes_official-news-4185.php
  5. that means there is only one user allowed, on default the quest user is available...
  6. just tried out Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and as always (1st impression - neat BUT i would rather have the old classic layout with start buttons and all...anyhow, i'm just wondering if anyone can tell me how to disable guest sessions? on start up i get the option of either login in as created user or guest
  7. if you're looking for a FREE fix... then you gonna have to do a bit of research into the issue(s) first which will require a bit of time, but as mentioned by yordan.. best bet is to spend a little bit on getting it looked at, and if problem is located then you at least have a good start point and maybe research yourself and do a diy fix
  8. awesome... can't wait to use this, just send a notification.... never really used any cloud service before, been using Gmail since its early days, google drive should be just as effecient and simple to use hopefully
  9. Its obvious Microsoft is taking the risk of loosing customers on desktop with targeting the tablet arena... Tablet and mobile is increasing so I guess its not a bad move... I just like how simple and light the whole tile layout feels (for me)... kinda like how I feel when I use google chrome brower... simple and neat... its a matter of getting use to that layout will be the major hill for users to over come initially
  10. that simple... wow... thanks for the share, this is a very useful and easy tool for me
  11. interesting... never heard of the guy, but he was quite successful with his businesses
  12. Virtual emulation can't be compared to a real installation, its a cheaper and easier way of trying out Windows 8 for me... i don't think installing it on my PC would be practical for me as i will not be using the OS that much other than trying out bits and pieces for now and then probably never touch it after that until the actual release of the OS in June If i will ever upgrade or move away from my current Windows XP Professional, it will be to Windows 8... but for now XP serves the need
  13. i first tried this page https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17777/downloads-for-windows i got the iso on its own
  14. wow... thats so cool... a few years back i was helping fix some software issues on a friends' machine, he lives in Australia and i'm in New Zealand... through google talk i gave him step by step instructions on acquiring VNC, setting it up and configuring his modem/router for me to remotely connect to itit was a painfully long process as my friend isn't so compute literate, but the issue eventually was fixed... i said to myself after that, if my friend calls again for another issue i'd recommend to find the closet computer repair shop hehe
  15. ok... .. so how are you coping with the current power outages? in regards to your pcs/laptops?
  16. lol... i'm just wondering because of the power cuts/outages discussed
  17. where are you guys actually living or from? i always wonder because i'm currenly living in NZ and power outage is very very rare, and when it happens we are notified a week or so before and these cuts don't last longer than an hour or two
  18. so you are saying that there will be no need for any configurations with teamviewer? just knowing the name/id of the other persons teamviewer application?
  19. i created a Xubuntu VM on my PC but did a fresh reinstallation of OS so reinstalled VMWare as well and now when i open up my Xubuntu VM i get a message asking if VM was moved or copiedwhich should i pick?
  20. going through control panels remove program i found uTorrent Control Toolbar there.... so hopefully removing it wouldn't affect the tools functionality
  21. Interesting to note... i almost installed Windows 8 on to my Windows XP... when i searched for a Windows 8 download, i first ended up on a page which initially runs a little tool that analyzes my PC and what softwares i have will be compatible with Windows 8, then reports back and when i click next it started downloading files into my System drive... immediately i canceled it and looked for the page with the ISO
  22. its on google chrome too... just had to disable the plugin and removed it... once thats done its gone for good (well for now hehe)i don't know why some program installations does that... i've seen this happen before with other programs but i can't remember which exactly
  23. with time and research, today's impossibility becomes the tomorrow
  24. 3D Printers wow... that must cost a fortune hehe (well for me i guess) ....
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