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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. i'll support and recommend the USB bootable option... much quicker although creating the USB bootable would probably be not as easy as burning an ISO to a DVD/CD
  2. i don't quite follow you here yordan... are you talking about selection (right clicking the a file - video file) or you referring to when the program is running? Windows Media Player?
  3. then i would suggest you test XUBUNTU... try it out on VMWare and tell me what you think of its performance, and always remember that if installed on Hard Disk (Dual boot with Windows) they perform a lot faster... Other than the Login Ugliness... the Desktop layout is quite nice one you're in hehe
  4. easy step by step guide How to burn Hard Drive: 1. Get Gasoline 2. Get Lighter 3. Pour Gasoline on Hard Drive 4. Light it with Lighter 5. Hard Drive Burned
  5. great tool... i use this to create Windows XP USB installations for my Netbook... although i sometimes have issues with creating Linux USB installs, so i ended up using other tools like Universal USB Installer or YUMI
  6. manufacturers usually have Windows driver available first choice because there are more Window users than Linux (generally) and there's a greater chance that the person using the device will very likely be using it with a Windows machine... but more and more Linux drivers are made available with a lot of devices now adays
  7. to be honest vi is a pain to learn, it is one of those keep-away-from-it text editor... although very powerful once one master it, it takes quite sometime to learn...
  8. i agree... performance can be an issue with VM but with good hardware and enough RAM they can run rather smoothly... one of the reasons why i chose Xubuntu because i find the Xfce Desktop to be quite slick, even in VM... i have tested LinuxMint 13, Ubuntu 12.04, OpenSuse 12.1 on VM (on my G620/4GB) and Xubuntu is still the best... eventhough i can get the Xfce version of LinuxMint i'm quite happy with the elegant layout of Xubuntu
  9. great stuff :)like you i have struggles shifting to Linux... a few years back i decided the quickest way to learn Linux is to totally have no Windows on my PC, it was a good move which accelerated my knowledge of Linux but then that problem hit back when i upgraded my machine (especially Graphics)!with a good grahpics card and cpu, i decided to test it with some games and after installing a few good games i decided i should always have Windows Available for entertainment... eventually my Xubuntu was deleted for more space and i ended up running Xubuntu on VM only and set Windows XP as my default OS...
  10. oh i see... it would be quite slow though wouldn't it?
  11. wouldn't google/microsoft/apple have backups allover the world...which could be more than 120Million Gig?
  12. thanks for the info... its always sad to see world icons pass away...
  13. thanks Q, this add to playlist option does come with some of the softwares i have installed... which can be deselected during installation... only thing is Windows XP tend to add these to its default programs i guess (just did an update and i guess it added that when updating Win Player)
  14. Platform - Windows XP ProfessionalHow can i customize what is shown on the right click of the mouse?I notice that there's an option for adding a file to Windows Media Playlist which i would like to be excluded from the right mouse click options because i never (and will not anytime soon) be using Windows Media Player...
  15. they all work together and sue each other at the same time awesome
  16. Apple realizes that they won't be able to keep up with the hype and expectations from consumers as other companies are catching up and surpassing them... so suing them would be the best way...It's really funny how Apple can be so stingy with their ideas and yet, Apple's early successes which put them where they are now were based on copying other companies and peoples innovation!
  17. I think another great option would be to purchase a new hard drive
  18. the thing is, its hard to differentiate between similar features and copied features... so i guess the one who patent a particular feature first will hold the rights to sue who-ever else copied (or even come up with similar feature on their own) that particular feature but it's getting to a stage that some of these patent wars are just ridiculous...
  19. thanks yordan will certainly consider those two features when upgrading monitor...
  20. http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_gets_expedited_galaxy_nexus_injunction_hearing-news-4520.php my take: great tactics from Samsung and Apple... let's work together and build awesome devices, let's also accuse each other of patent infringements so it will add extra attentions and promote our brands even further what's yours?
  21. Ok so i'm thinking of upgrading Graphics... Current Spec:Core i5 Quad 3.0GHz8GB DDR3 Win 7 64bitAsus GTX 460 OC 1GB GDDR5Looking at a OC 7850 2GB GDDR5any thoughts people? would this be a great improvement...Gaming at 1600x900 resolution, but most probably upgrade monitor to a higher resolution one
  22. i find it interesting how youtube became so popular (then google acquisition)... yet there's other video sharing services out there
  23. exactly... but with risks like this it can either be a great or disastrous move...
  24. agree... tutorials are some of the reasons why i'm using youtube
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