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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. UPDATE:PC - Core 2 Duo 8400 3GHz (upgraded from E6400) and running 4GB DDRII 1066 RAMwould love to get my hand on a quad core though...
  2. I'm still With XP Pro... no problem at all as it does all that i need... thats the great thing about Windows 7, it comes with a bigger library for plug n play devices... with XP phasing out, its a bit more hassle finding drivers for newer devices
  3. I've just upgraded my PC... Previously: ASUS P5L-VM1394 [http:///BrowserInfo.htm Core 2 Duo 6400 4GB DDR800 RAM Now: ASUS P5KC [http:///BrowserInfo.htm Core 2 Duo 84004GB DDRII 1066 Now when i boot up Windows XP Professional it loads up ok but requires re-activation and just installed chipset driver for the new board My question is, since this seems to run fine... would it be better if i do a fresh installation of XP Pro or is it just as good as is it now? Currently it doesn't seem to have any issue, i'm just curious if there would be a better performance if i reinstall? cheers
  4. had similar problem but mine was just the cable... hopefully you get yours fixed..
  5. battery might be problematic.... is your laptop under warranty?
  6. Laptops are awesome due to portability and quietness, but portability increases wear and tear... i always try and use my laptop on a table, but every now and then i tend to forget and end up sitting on my bed with it on my lap hehe...
  7. but physical bad sectors are still fixable right? but most probably more expensive than buying a new drive
  8. LOL ... sometimes we oversee the simplest fix to a problem... Law of Diagnosis - Always start from the simplest (and dumbest) steps and make your way up
  9. be very cautious not to short-circuit the connection though because that would definitely have some serious effect on your laptop
  10. It would pay to invest in a Solar recharging equipment... I'm not sure about Laptops but I've stumbled a few iPhone Solar chargers on our local ebay... If power cuts are happening randomly without a specific time limitation then i suggest finding solutions like these
  11. Agree totally... in my opinion, CD/USB installations will still be around for sometime...
  12. @ Starscreams Dead PC - Rest in peacethat's a very long time of service and ownership... i've never had a PC/Laptop that long...
  13. well with it restarting/shutting down from heat issues doesn't help either on the hard drive...
  14. yes i do... and yes tested it and it seems to load up ok... although initially there were a few flickering of the screen.... did a system restore which fixed the BSCrap... gave it back to owner, now it shuts down randomly... but he says it happens after 30min or so of usage, like watching movie or playing music...
  15. Trying to diagnose a Black Screen after Vista login on my friends laptopeven on safemodes, once log in screen goes black other than mouse cursor and SAFEMODE words appear on screenanyone experience this before?
  16. so i tested VMware Workstation 8 on my Core 2 Duo E6400, Windows XP Pro 32bit, 4GB RAM machinecreated 3 VMs...1 - MS-DOS 6.222 - LXDE Mint 12 32bit3 - Xubuntu 11.10 32bitfired them all up, they seem to run quite smooth...now i'm going to test 64bit Windows 7 Ultimate on VM...i've always wondered if a 64bit VM would run ok on a 32bit host, and also considering this setup is XP Pro hosting a Windows 7
  17. will see... i will test this in the next couple of days and post... but yea i have run 2 VMs on a 2GB RAM - assigning 1GB for host and 512MB for the two VMs and they worked fine... i only used them for surfing and fiddling around with networking features for self-educational purposes, like running HTTP Server and testing File sharing... i don't do anything else on them...
  18. i always thought its something to do with the settings on the Linux Machine Server... i will have to re-create this setup when i have time just to find out what's really the issue
  19. depends on which direction the CPU fan blows... on my PC the cooler fan blows straight on to the heatsink...
  20. mind you, the Xisto - Support Line are quite prompt in response to ticket requests/querries speaking from experience ofcourse - filed an urgent ticket a week ago and got it sorted in no time
  21. I always wonder if it's possible to create a Windows XP or Windows 7 Live media...
  22. starscream seems to disagree tremendously with the Touch Screen trend of Linux OS because it seems un-productive for power users like himself... the traditional layeout and theme are still available and will always be available in most Linux Distros for the next few years to come
  23. i would second PC for movies, especially if i'm in bed... in my case, my Desktop is noisier than my laptop... but it really depends on the laptop we're talking about... if we're talking about high end laptop and high end PC... the PC will definitely be too noisy for watching a movie... unless you crank up the sound system... but as for me, a casual gamer (and never those latest resource hungry game titles)... a laptop will always be my preference, for mobility, quietness, and space saving and also i don't do video/audio encoding/decoding or intense graphical stuff...
  24. 4GB Memory for each VM? are you sure? I've run Windows XP on Virtual Box with 512MB assigned RAM on a 2GB RAM Laptop... by the way my PC has 4GB Physical RAM I'm think VMware 8 can run 3 or 4 VMs on 4GB RAM - 2 for Host... 512MB each for 2 XPs and 2 Linux VMs.... I've never used VMware before so i'm just curious to know if the double in size of L2 Cache on CPU would have a significant effect on VMware 8 performance...
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