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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. hope i won't be getting a suspension soon because i have an overdue monthly fee of $1.95USD... and also an Overdraft of $3.45 ... i will need to make some serious postings and earn credits
  2. how cool is this:https://www.engadget.com/2012/03/11/tel-aviv-university-develops-biodegradable-transistors/
  3. agree... Computer and Internet seem to go hand-in-hand now... a Computer without Internet is one useless piece hehe
  4. Realizing that Mobile market is booming and touch-screen interface is the way of the future, i can see why Microsoft is pushing forward it's tile touch screen layout/themealthough traditional users (keyboard and mouse, start-button, single/two task bar menu) will argue otherwise, i think these newly implemented or appended themes/layout from different OS makers are awesome!This shows the effect of mobile devices on the Software Industry
  5. Great News: I was allowed a little loan for my domain transfer...
  6. that will bring in more competition which hopefully should bring down device pricing...
  7. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ to see Atom CPU joining in the mobile phone industry
  8. I'm planning of transferring my Domain to Xisto/Xisto - Web Hosting and looking at Xisto it says the cost will be $12.95, I also notice i don't have enough credit to finance this Transfer fee of $12.95, is it possible to get an overdraft? My Domain expires in 5 days :(help please mods/admins
  9. usb might do the trick but if you can't login to you're machine due to viral infection then might be best to get a Live bootable media so AND also an USB drive and work with them...
  10. http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_808_pureview-4577.php just looking at this puppy's Camera wows me... but what i don't understand is that having such as awesome Camera with a low resolution 4" screen??? what are your thoughts?
  11. you can always try it out and hack/crack you're device and restore it after (that is if they have such facility)... in due time mobile devices will be OS independent... except for Apple hehe
  12. i don't fully agree with your opinions... Laptops now a days are awesome for Gaming - i use to own an ASUS G1S few years back and i use to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare on it high settings with no problem/lagging at all Laptops are just as movie-friendly as Desktops... depending on which laptop you are referring to i use an old laptop (Celeron CPU) as my Media Center machine, hooked into the lounge TV... runs HD movies on it with no lagging at all...
  13. saw the topic and thought it is referring to KVM switch hehe... i have tried VMware and Virtualbox but will be looking into this when i go home tonight
  14. usually batteries come with a standard 1 year warranty... which is the usual guaranteed proper-functional life span of laptop batteries.
  15. i still don't get... pages are being sent but with out their style! i've had this issue un-resolved on my local setup...first computer runs apache... second computer connected directly (cabled) to it... visit the standard the servers default page and everything seems fine, when i hit the php link (or folder) the page goes simple html with no style.. but my setup was with a Linux Server so have you tried running wordpress from Windows VM or Machine running WAMP Server?
  16. with you're Electricity Service being so unpredictable, it's best to leave battery on while using Laptop plugged to the wall... and you're laptop should have an auto-shut on charging once battery is full (like most laptops now a days) and most HP/Dell/Acer etc. laptops come with good power management tools which will look after battery and it's charging facilities
  17. Windows 7 and Vista are bit more picky on security measures... I've always had glitches on setting up network/file sharing when Windows 7/Vista is involved
  18. certainly considered by a lot as top search tool... there are still a lot of other great search tools out there
  19. hehe thanks... and also make sure that the cables are connected, speaking from experience of-course lol...
  20. what ever fix they worked on (if they were fixing stuff), it certainly didn't fix the forum link at top getting directed to Xisto.com home page
  21. I do ethernet cross over quite often for transferring big file chunks... although i haven't done any transfer lately between Windows, i am usually transferring between Windows XP and Linux these days...anyways back to you're issue, it could be a firewall or security obstacle... do you have any third-party firewall running on you're Windows 7 machine?When i transfer files between Two XP systems i usually just focus on two things - IP/Netmask and Workgroup NamePC1:IP: KAHBOOMPC2IP: KAHBOOM
  22. tell me about it, my laptop runs 4330 on a 1.4GHz Core Solo CPU... suck big time!
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