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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. well it doesn't... but then people don't usually comment on your character that much - well not when I'm around I guess
  2. hehe thanks yordan... i was just abit curious about what it was - never though of googling it
  3. I visit websites for all sorts of stuff... Xisto Online Community for keeping up with my post counts and credits to keep my account service going :DFacebook to keep in touch with family and friendsYoutube for entertainment (and watching tutorials)Gmail for emailingCNN.com for news feeds
  4. i'm from New Zealand and at there moment Megaupload Founder - Kim Dotcom (who lives here in NZ now) is on trial and may be extradited to the US... what's funny is that they pick on his Company only, while there's loads of other similar services already going like the list shown at start of the thread...
  5. does this sms server include South Pacific Mobile Networks FREE?
  6. interesting... how accurate or credible is this survey? i don't like my results lol
  7. awesome link mate... thanks for the share... but are all these sites legal?
  8. awesome thanks... just what i was after... thanks yordan
  9. thanks yordan... so i would need to initialize this and format it just like a normal new added hard drive i suppose?
  10. I've got a 60 GB VMware Workstation which runs Windows 7 Ultimate... now i'm wanting to expand my disk space by adding another 20GB as a new partition...so i'm wondering if anyone can give me a quick quide on a how-to on this cheers
  11. hehe no worries... but yea as i mention before, some of the Media Players prompt with these options during installation process... problem is when Windows does its updates it automatically adds its own
  12. i've never used up much of my SWAP space in my experience... but i guess as a standard user i probably wouldn't really be using much of it anyways....
  13. i think i wasn't clear enough on what i'm after... when i right click a video file, the options comes up whether to open the file copy or delete or add to VLC Player playliset etc... now there's one of the options saying add to Windows Media Player playlist, and i know i don't use Windows Media Player at all so i'm wondering how can i alter/remove some of those options
  14. but with large physical rams... would SWAP size be important or necessary? for example if i'm running a 64bit Linux on a 8/16GB RAM?
  15. vim can be a saner cousin of vi... but for Unix admins and power users, vi is probably just as easy to use...
  16. thanks... i will look into that shortly
  17. Welcome Elu, hope you will enjoy your time here at Xisto Forums
  18. Welcome to Xisto Online Community Praise... hope you will enjoy your time here
  19. Welcome to our rather quiet but awesome corner of the web Chellesei... hope you enjoy your stay
  20. anyone in this Forum uses vi often? i remember years back i tried it ONCE... and that's the beginning and end of my experience with the program
  21. i agree... a standard for SWAP space i stick to is to assign twice the amount of Physical RAM... for instance if i have 1GB RAM i would add a 2GB Swap space
  22. if only Linux Devs all agree on one Linux Distribution... i'm sure drivers for most devices would be available for Linux by now, and maybe Game developers will be creating Linux versions of their Games
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