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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. Windows 8 looks neat - my first impression on testing it out on VMWare - but laggy due to hardware limitationswill have to look into dual-booting it with my good old XP and maybe it will perform better
  2. lol yea right... you mean you're getting a few thousands of hard drives? hehe
  3. i always untick extra things that comes with any free installation tools i download/install.... i've just did an installation of uTorrent on my other machine and unselected uTorrent tool bar... but when i open IE and Firefox the toolbar is there, so i have to manually remove them...
  4. there is quite a lot of FREE and Good AV out there... AVG FREE is still a good tool as well.... i haven't got a chance to try out NOD32 but i've come across a few friends who recommends it to me, so i might have to give it a try
  5. man i feel so lucky where i am having not to go through some serious power issues like you... but it seems to me that UPS would probably be your best solution...
  6. Manage to install and run Windows 8 on VMWare Workstation... Metro UI is quite cool (I've never used any of the latest/recent Windows Mobile OS)... Having a bit of dificulty getting use to the layout but i think its quite neat... only thing (for me) i find annoying is having to switch between Tile and on Classic layout just to get to applications, and there is quite a few XBOX related applications on it... i haven't played around with customizing it so that will be the next thing i'd look at...Old classic layout looks very similar to Windows 7 but without the start Orb which i think is ridiculous... I also have lagging issue but thats most probably due to hardware limitationsI recommend you all to try it out and have a look for yourself...
  7. i think the main factor is COST... and also other stuff as well....
  8. wow.... thats interesting, i've always thought of VNC as the tool for accessing between machines through the net - especially remotely connecting to my friends place/relatives
  9. normally that's how solar chargers work, except for smaller devices which usually charges directly to its local battery....
  10. exactly... meaning the cost of it being fixed for reuse is worth more than just getting a new one right? but they can still be fixed though i presume
  11. Has anyone here tested Windows 8 on VMWare? Specifically VMWare Workstation 8?
  12. I totally agree, laptop is much more quieter and space saving... If I had a spare 2 grand I would get myself a laptop replacement for my PC and just use it on my desk and sell the PC... Laptops are getting better and more powerful now a days, price is also getting lower too.... but not low enough for me hehe
  13. one of the reasons why I recommend using a flat surfaces like tables for laptop is due to its ventilation systems easily collecting dust, they will be likely to collect more debris
  14. it might be another good option to invest on an UPS as mentioned before... Solar technology has been around for sometime but the overhead cost is just not cutting it enough to compete with other forms of electrical supplies
  15. I think they can be fixed, if you take a Western Digital drive physically damaged to WD factory or lab... they should be able to fix it! Although maybe the data wouldn't be retrievable from the damaged area... and the cost would be quite high of course
  16. not too sure about mobile OS there... does Android or iOS have live CD version or any other mobile OS?
  17. at our local University which I am taking part-time course has restrictions on certain sites from the Institutes network... sites like Facebook and Ebay are blocked by admin... but I have come across students who can happily surf these sites using some tool or trick...I don't have the time and need to research more into it, but it could be the same trick/tool the thread starter utilizes
  18. lol thanks yordan... will keep it as is... everything seems to run perfectly fine...
  19. currently the laptop is working fine... but it runs quite slow... file transfers from external hard drives are crazy as slow... i think there's some problem with the laptops mainboard (but i'm hoping it is something less expensive to replace)
  20. you pay for what you get... it always pays to try and get one of the well known brands because they always tend to have better quality stuff... like logitech mentioned above
  21. interesting... i never really thought converting from one format to another on system drive is possible without restart, let alone converting while the OS is currently active... my safest bet would be boot-able partition magic or tools like it... and of course backed up data hehe
  22. Agree with above poster on testing out through Live Media... but if you want a thorough testing then throwing it on Virtual Machine would be more convenient, this means you can alter and save settings... Both distribution will run fine as a server... what services will the server mainly focus on?
  23. you're lucky... i haven't haven't had blue-screen of death on my main PC but do get it quite often on my old PC and Laptop...
  24. interesting... would be awesome to see Windows 8 running on lower spec hardwares... one of th reasons i stayed away from Windows 7 since it's release was hardware requirements... although my PC now can perform perfectly well with Windows 7, i just don't see the point of upgrading as XP serves the purpose adequately If Windows 8 is coming out soon... i will probably upgrade to it, but i will see if it will be as slick as XP hehe
  25. sorry still haven't got enough FREE time to re-create the old set up i had.... will update once i get around to it... did you manage to find anymore info or solution to the issue?
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