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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. So i have quite a few hard drives lying around, some i haven't used in more than 5 years or so...I wanna see how reliable they are, might throw some in on a new build... any recommended tools?
  2. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ stuff... now Apple is corneredtalk about Karma
  3. size don't matter for me as i no longer use DVD/CD... i rely more on external HD or USB sticks these days...
  4. after installing the new CPU... on first bootup into Windows i got the 800x600 resolution then it started auto-installation of some driver - i presumed its to do with the CPU, although it prompted me about my video card (HD 7850) which i didn't accept... but then after restart it fell back to the screens natural resolution... i do notice a difference in performance as mentioned above
  5. I've never heard of this happening... possibility is next to nothing in my guess..
  6. So i finally get to upgrade my CPU from an intel G620 to an i3 3220It's a great upgrade because in gaming the performance boost is quite obvious... I'm currently playing Ghost Recon: Future Soldiers and Skyrim VSo my question is, would it be necessary to reinstall Windows on an intel Upgrade like this?Or should the OS fully utilize the capabilities available on the new i3?platform:Windows 7 Professional2x2GB DDR3 Corsair640 GB 7200RPM ps. now my hard drive is the only bottleneck, will have to look into adding in a SSD drive at some later stage
  7. hehe couldn't agree more... i started learning HTML (my first touch on some programming language (markup) - some would argue doing html isn't programming - but in my view it is) out of personal interest to put up a simple website, so i went to w3schools and went through most of the html tutorials/guides there... it was really helpful, especially for myself as i haven't had any programming experience prior to that... i also tried self learning CSS for sometime... i wish i had kept going with them but then lost interest when i met wordpress (CMS)... although understanding HTML and CSS is very very handy when working on CMS themes... i had to learn php though (which i still haven't gotten pass basics)
  8. yea but in practical i think a couple of microUSB ports should be sufficient
  9. i think microUSB should be quite convenient implementation on these new netbooks, and laptops... will make them even lighter and thinner...
  10. now the guy will have to look up what Doctype is hehe... nicer though Two main parts: HEAD - Information about the page (METAs, Type and Restrictiveness - Doctype, Favicon, links to other modules - CSS etc...) BODY - what will be parsed and displayed by the browser (Contents, Videos, Pictures, etc...)
  11. quite true... i know a few friends that lack the patience to look up a product first and research about it before purchasing...
  12. I don't think short-circuit errors/accidents would happen often...
  13. so its the language that makes the acronym different... well that means in my mother language, it would be PFOL - Pule'anga Fakatahataha 'O Lusia i think USSR should be the version used in conversations here because its an English language forum hehe
  14. i agree... although with mobile devices through and tablets the small microUSB port delivers enough bandwidth to be utilized for charging/data purposes...
  15. Windows Phone 8 is suppose to be their next big thing... i don't think Windows Phone 7.5 or any of it's predecessors were any good at all... I had a sibling who owned one and after playing around with it i find its just so Window Desktop like...
  16. yip thats quite true... some people just don't realize how much they have been ripped off because they don't do their homework before making a purchase...
  17. Depending on the account type and what information it holds... game captcha would be a pain for sure...
  18. good points... I think it would probably be more to do with how the standard USB size port has been in use for a while... so there's just way too many devices on this standard its gonna be hard to change... plus your last point (USB 3.0) support could be playing a major role on it....
  19. either way, they are both great OS... it will be interesting to see how Windows Phone 8 will play out in the next few years ahead
  20. Just like everything else there will never be a one device to rule them all hehe... The Mobile market is just like the Desktop market, no single PC type is better than the rest... its all to do with user preference...
  21. accident? i think it would be more like intentional reset for earth
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