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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. let us know what the issue was/is if you get it resolved
  2. I'm not interested in forcing it to run widescreen - At the moment its being stretched on wide screen, BUT what i'm after is to run it on its natural resolution 1024x768 on a 1366x768 monitor This is possible because on my laptop (Intel Grahpics and another ATI 4330) both run the game on 1024x768 with dark bands filling the sides of the screen
  3. This is why i chose Mint as my main Linux Distro but then on Mint 13 (Ubuntu 12.04) i've had some real issue with my Video Card (AMD HD 7850) so i resided to Kubuntu 12.04 for sometime which for some reason doesn't seem to have the problem with 7850... i suspect it could've been a Gnome issue but didn't pursue a resolution to it Now i'm on Kubuntu 12.10 and testing LinuxMint 14 on VBox, wish i can install Mint 14 as my main OS but i've spent too much time customizing and install softwares on my current Kubuntu it seems like a great lot of work to start fresh on Mint 14 For now i'd play around with Mint 14 on VBox One other distro which i think is just as Elegant and Refreshing as LinuxMint is Elementary OS - the feel is sooo simple and clean (like Mint). I also have this on VBox for testing purposes... Elemetary is still on Beta i think...
  4. funny that the MTP installs on an XP Pro machine but not on my Windows 7 Pro - annoying
  5. lagging hehe ... i'll probably try a fresh install of iOS 5.1.1.. from experience - PC/Laptops - a fresh install does bring in some improvement in speed
  6. Ok so i still have my iPhone 4 running on iOS 5.1.1 Jailbroken... i notice that it is starting to lag from time to time... annoying but i know its a 2 years old device but i am wondering if any here who have upgraded to iOS 6 would recommend me doing sowould there be any performance boost or improvement? I won't be jailbreaking (obviously there's no Jailbreak yet for iOS 6)my other option is to do a manual fresh re-installation of iOS 5.1.1
  7. agree with yordan... wireless connection between the remote device and router seem to be the issue... either the remote device's driver isn't functioning or the wireless on the router isn'tbest solution would be to diagnose at remote site
  8. i'm frustrated that MTP doesn't seem to work properly on Windows 7... tested it on a Windows XP machine and it works perfectly fine... i'll have to try installing it on Virtual Machine XP and see if it will work...
  9. ok... i haven't spend enough time on it but will have a play around when i have time... i like the cinnamon version, i preferred the mate one on Mint 13, they have made Mint 14 Cinnamon a lot more appealing to me
  10. thanks... just need to keep up with my posts so i can gather enough credits to make the purchase
  11. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how to set games running on an nVidia GTX 460 1GB / latest nVidia driver to run Warcraft III on its natural resolution on a Widescreen LCD monitorI notice this is quite easy on laptops ... but on PC i can't seem to find anything on the nVidia Settings that would do this trickso this means the game will run on natural resolution with blank/dark bands on the sides of the screen
  12. i'm just asking because you said that the person at the remote location tells you the machine boots up fine, so i'm wondering if he/she can check if the machine can connect to a network
  13. Ok so i've received the Note 2 but i'm having problem with Samsung Mobile MTP device When i fire up Kies PC Sync tool it is stuck on Loading/Syncing my phone - so i'm back online looking for solution to this I have installed the latest drive which comes with latest Kies Software for Galaxy Note 2 (downloaded from Sammy website)
  14. aaah will try bridge, because with NAT it runs on Ethernet speed for some reason
  15. I agree.. i think all the mods/admins are quite busy
  16. Got it sorted guys... tried installing it on Compatibility Mode and it works thanks
  17. I just noticed the Xisto Forum Menu Links have been fixed woo hooGreat Job Devs One thing though is that when i click the Forums menu i go to the Xisto.com page (not the forum index page)
  18. The installer just says it crashed and said to forward a report online... I'll fiddle around with the VBox settings and see
  19. nope... not working, i've posted on the LinuxMint website... seems like there another User with the same issue (VBox + Mint 14)
  20. i will try it again, it was couple of days ago... i don't know why, tried three times - doesn't report why it crashed, just said the Installation has crashed
  21. So i keep getting an issue of Installation crash when trying to install Linux Mint 14 on Virtualboxanyone successful on doing this?Platform:Kubuntu 12.10VirtualBox 4.2
  22. lol... I gather you aren't much of a Microsoft fan Yordan?
  23. Anyone here know how to remove/disable System tray icon for Frostwire...I find it annoying and it is messing up my panel with its ugly looking icon lolor maybe a way of customizing the icon
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