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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. not just phones, but tablets, phablets and most mobile devices... it does seem impractical to have this metro on desktops but i guess one can switch to the old file explorer layout... seen it on Preview release, still it isn't as user friendly as the Win 7 layout (or what we are use to - start button, task panel, etc... )
  2. i think getting a good solid foundation and understanding of the fundamentals of programming is essential for a good career in the field... here at the local University, C is the introductory programming language used... lucky for me i started with HTML/CSS --> Scripting(Python/PHP) --> and then C (very easy and smooth transition)... i don't think i will go any further though C++/C#/Java ?? most probably not
  3. @radio power usage - thats a good point, battery will last longer... but with a device like that, it would be hard to leave it alone hehe...
  4. your problem is right there on sentence one... you won't be able to remotely connect if there is no link (physical or wireless) my suggestions: 1. try connecting to the router and do a soft reset - if the wireless connection issue is from the router then this might help re-establish it 2. try getting someone at the location of the remote device to give it a reboot (or check why the wireless connection has been dropped) best of luck
  5. So i've been sharing files between Windows XP machines for sometime now (and sometimes with Linux) and i notice that when i go to My Network Places (on XP) even if i'm not connected to the network, the cached items (shared folders) of networked machines are still thereand they tend to exist for quite sometime before they are removed... is there a way of making this Windows Share update itself a lot more sooner and clearing out cached items?It's been days since i accessed My Network Places on my laptop and i'm trying to access some shared folders on my Kubuntu Machine (locally) but there isn't any shared folders on display other than days/weeks old folders shared from my Windows 7 machine which isn't on the network
  6. it would probably be just the quick screen/lock kinda thing thats currently available with mobile devices... but you never know, maybe they are or have worked on a work-around for this... but to be honest if i would be able to own one of these anytime soon - i wouldn't careless about this at all lol
  7. and of course it is much simpler than a proper programming language... so for me if I'm encouraging or helping a person to do programming, i would suggest he/she start with mark-up language and styling (like HTML/XML/CSS) then later on add to it some scripting (say python/php), then finally move to C/C++/Java and so forth
  8. Platform: Kubuntu 12.10 Downloaded Adobe Reader 9 deb from Adobe website: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ chmod +x adobereader9.deb sudo dpkg -i adobereader9.deb followed the instructions here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ created symbolic link, checked opera and the path is correct when i open pdf files (after restarting Opera ofcourse) it loads white/blank screen - funny thing though Firefox works perfectly fine with opening pdfs within its tabs
  9. To KDE users - DolphinI want to force File Manager Dolphin to only be able to run one instance with multi-tabbing if more than one file manager is being opened...or maybe force dolphin to open only tabs within one Windowcheers
  10. a lot of people don't really see the advantage of the lightning connection that came out with the iPhone 5... only the hassle of trying to get hold of adaptors that will work with their dock devices
  11. yes its a pain... but doing it a few times kinda makes you feel kinda cool afterwards hehe
  12. hehe... one of my mates just got his iPhone 5... about 5 months ago he upgraded from a 4 to 4S (He said that was a waste of money and time going from 4 to 4S... so i asked him if he's gonna go for a 5S when it comes out, he laughed and said - probably not!
  13. hehe quite true... speaking from experience, i have tried replacing a few iPhone 4 screens before and one of the phones end up with issues on the front camera, i must've messed up something on the board during the process It's a pain replacing anything on iDevices
  14. i think i talking more on the side of the phone... yes chargers are still the same, the phones charging mechanism has evolved dramatically and with smart devices it handles this charging facility a lot better... so i'm guessing they should be smart enough to cut off the charging even while still plugged in, then again I'm just assuming but in reality and just as a precautionary measure they always advice to unplug when device is fully charged
  15. thanks yordan, decided to stick to Kate - apparently its got some pretty good features for coding
  16. good point, worthwhile testing with other OS and see what they report
  17. So i notice that chromium keeps prompting me about KDE Wallet Service when i fire it up... so i'm wondering if anyone really knows how useful and secure this tool is?
  18. screen size for iPhone 5 is only taller... so an extra hight enough for a row of applications icon.... in a way its still the same screen size
  19. yea i just realize that every installation i do usually involves installing these programs which are a must in a lot of desktop systems now a days
  20. agree... free services still cost, so unless they have a way of covering this cost (donations) then they are very likely not to last
  21. I don't know that many Devs who use vi, i know a few developers who use Linux and they don't use Vi, not sure if they know how to use it though (haven't asked) But yea i'll have a snoob around for an easier alternative for me hehe thanks though
  22. i would probably disagree with you... smart phones are definitely smarter and i don't think they leave the charging facility of it no included in the evolution/improvements now the wireless charging is starting to ship with devices now...
  23. you must be placing your stuff in the wrong place for others to touch them... but then your case might be different from what i'm imagining... why not just lock your stuff in your room if you aren't using them?
  24. hehe... that would probably be the last editor i would try and use, although for Linux/Unix administrators it seems to be the normal editor to use... i would prefer a much simpler and easier tool yordan
  25. I'm after any recommended Text/Code editor (IDE) for Linux, i'm using Kubuntu 12.10... i won't be doing any serious programming (as in software development type) but more just scripting so i'd like a simple clean editorcheers guys
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