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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. at the moment i think 10 years would be pushing it but hopefully in a couple or so of years from now better and more robust SSDs will be available to migrate our data to mind you the idea of system on SSD means that Data are still being stored on HDD which means if SSD dies out Data most probably will not be lost
  2. quite true... i currently am using an iPhone 4 and i find the screen quite small for my big hands... i have played around with my mates LG 4X HD which runs on a 4.7" screen and its just amazing...
  3. i hope it isn't... but yea i do remember this feature on earlier versions... i don't know if 2007 does support it or not
  4. you make it sound like SSD are quite bad... i have read a few threads about user feed backs on SSD so far and they seem to be quite happy with its performance and reliability so far - though its still early because SSD in the market hasn't matured enough to fully analyze its reliability in a real world scene http://www.zdnet.com/article/ssds-are-fast-but-do-they-last/
  5. wow nice laptop performance boost worth the price? well there's a saying my friends use - once you go ssd there's no turning back, from my limited experience using my mates SSD systemed PC, Windows boots up a lot faster, application load times a hell lot quicker... It all comes down to preference really, at the current price of SSD i would give it another year or so before i really consider getting one In your case - i think an SSD would still be a boost but i can't really say as my friends PC runs on i3 which is slower than your laptop CPU... a bit of googling mite help out
  6. I've seen this on Linux and when i open two instances of a text file, once i start editing one copy the other window will have some warning color to update/refresh it
  7. you mean a new window with an empty document? i remember seeing that in 2007 or 2003 Office... this 2010 doesn't seem to do that (or maybe i just don't know how to)
  8. mechanical hard drives are usually advertised with less lifespan (~ 500,000 hours) than ssd (~ 2,000,000 hours), one of my friends bought an intel SLC SSD couple of years ago and he said the trick to keep the drive last longer is to make sure it doesn't go pass the ~55% usage mark... mind you this is being used on a Home PC... i wouldn't think SSD would be ideal for a server/swap usage but as more people start using SSD, the technology will only improve and get more robust... If i had the extra $$$ i would invest in an SSD to boost my PC performance - most of my friends run this setup (SSD for system and HDD for data) and the performance boost is just amazing
  9. nope doesn't work for me... Windows 7 - MS Word 2010 when ever i try open a new window it opens a blank window...
  10. so what's the average lifetime of an SSD? i have a lot of friends who uses SSD and they seem to last ok, well i haven't heard any of them saying that they have issues with their drives so far... all they say is the performance boost is quite noticeable compared to the plater drives
  11. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how to open one document file (MS Word 2010) in two separate Word Windows...I have two screens and i'm writing something but i would like to view separate parts of the file at once... i know split view does work but thats within one window, i wanna see one file running in two windows (instances)
  12. don't quite get what you mean by read-most, are you referring to gaming and stuff like that? I think at least an SSD for the System partitions... faster loading time i guess... they still are quite pricey though
  13. sorry i was referring to microUSB port... instead of the standard USB sized port. I have never seen one on a laptop before but it would be nice if microUSB can be utilized
  14. hehe i think all of us would love to have that too plus a couple or so of 250GB SSD
  15. quite true... the iPhone family has some very good quality and design
  16. Ok so i've been using USB-microUSB for charging devices and stuff and i was thinking about how much space will be saved if the micro USB will be utilized instead of the USB ports... imagine devices with microUSB, especially netbooks and ultrabooks...
  17. excellent... i'm guessing this was with a front panel connection usb port(s)?
  18. ok so which AMD cpu are you referring to? because at the moment the 3rd gen i7 will out perform the latest offering from AMD
  19. ran into a few of these on my old Athlon mainboards... capacitor leakages [there were a few of these affected by this issue]... quick fix for me was just to bin 'em lol...
  20. have you recently installed or added a device to your system? like sound/video card or upgraded/changed RAM etc?
  21. sorted... under the vm settings there's an option on the right under general for enabling top menu
  22. So I've been using Windows 7 for about a month now and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me how to set the start menu to display programs instead of recently opened items/programs
  23. i believe fregmentation isn't really necessary on SSD as it doesn't have moving parts to have any significant improvement on performance....
  24. I do a lot of Windows Installations on friends and relatives machines, even my own setup gets re-installations every now and then... so i figured i would create some Windows ISOs that already have latest service packs, updates, patchesAny recommendations on tools for this purpose? Mainly just to add updates/sp onto my original Windows 7/XP ISO/DVD I have played around with nlite before but that was sometime ago, just wanna see what you guys use or have in mindcheers
  25. Yip AMD competed with their pricings... i have an intel system running on a G620... i can't afford an i5 or i7 at the moment, i would probably upgrade to an i3 ($180~$200 NZD)
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