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Everything posted by sportytalk

  1. Hmmmm. I've not heard of this problem before, although it could be dependent on your operating system and the version of the word processing software which you own.Have you tried reinstalling the word processing software. Maybe there was an error you caused. In this case, a reinstall or repair on the software may be the solution to your problem.Hope this helps
  2. Shame this wasn't with aim to be honest.I don't use yahoo, although do use aim a fair bit, because a few of my friends have aol internet, so they always use aim more than msn.
  3. looks quite good.One of the only problems is the 100kb download limit.There are quite a few files, such as image files, which can exceed this amount by a fair bit.I'm still gonna stick with Xisto though!
  4. This flu virus sounds horrifying. Been hearing a lot about it on BBC news recently.It would be like the film of War of the Worlds, the living beings die not from bombs or anything like that, but from a flu virus.Still, it's best to not think about this and hope something can be done as soon as it is possible to do something.
  5. Yep.IT is extremely hard nowadays to stop the development of viruses created by people. Now is the day where a great load of internet users are learning and programming in a wide range of languages, ranging from LISP to java and c++.It is not possible to stop these languages being programmed in. Firstly, how would they enforce it. If they shut down the java and the c++ website, then there'd just be information on other sites.In my opinion, as long as you have a good quality firewall and a virus protection software then you should be fine.Hope this helps
  6. I believe that all the themes available to your can be found under the theme options within the cpanel main menu.I may be wrong though!
  7. Hey, down the bottom of this forum board there is a forum contain website upgrade. Simply post a new thread near mine saying you need java and jsp and state why. Note: place is here. Hope this helps
  8. Woah, forgot all about dogpile. Haven't used that since I was 13 years old.It's got to be google, the site engine i'd use. Simple facts being that IT's popular and it's the website i feel most confident in using because it's the search engine i've been using all through my career so far.Second best would the dogpile though, cos you get a variety of different results, which is good, because some search engines appear to be less accurate than others.I tend not to use ask jeeves, because I find that when I'm searching for something, the results he brings up are always encouraging you to buy something. Even my friend, who doesn't use computers much said that ask jeeves is a bit of a salesman.These are my personal opinions anyway. As you can tell, i've voted google
  9. I'm a competitive swimmer. I swim for my local swimming club like 3 times a week. It's definitely my favourite sport which i'm rather experienced at doing.The highest badge I've got is my 2 miles. Can't really be bothered doing any further than that, because it gets extremely boring after a while.I can swim roughly 25m in about 23 seconds, which isn't the fastest in my club, but still it's a fast time.Without the swimming pool, i'd be kind of lost
  10. We are having a day off at our college on Monday 31st October, which should be good. I don't really think halloween has anything to do with christians though? Just a day to remember all the spooky goings on that happened in the past. Hmmm, I'm not sure. Anyway, was just letting you know that I'm actually one of the lucky people who gets a day off on halloween
  11. Dmoz is a very good website indeed.I've had about 5 websites now throughout my life. Every time i've wanted my website to appear onto google, i've used the dmoz service to do this for me. Every time, so far, it's worked.You still have to wait for quite a while before the link is actually added to the search engine, but still, if you've submitted to dmoz, then there's not really any reason why you won't be added, unless you go against the terms of service or submit multiple times - if you submit more than once they'll treat you as a spammer. It's best to submit once then forget about it. This is my opinion anyway. I'm sure i've read this somewhere aswell.Hope this helps.
  12. Yeah, i used to use trillian, but then spent more hours deleting and blocking the couple of hundred contacts that were automatically added to my msn when i logged on as a second screename. - This doesn't really help when you try to keep internet friends on one account and real work friends on another :)Anyhow, is fixed now. I thought trillian were meant to be patching this a couple of years ago? Ah well, it is a very good program if you only have one account.
  13. Hey, thanks for this little background knowledge on what copyright is and how to use it.I was actually wondering how I would have to go about copyrighting parts of my website, the images and whatknot. I needn't go any further than the Xisto forums.These are great
  14. Wow, this is a very interesting topic indeed.I never knew that you could use these things instead of the standard fuel for the vehicles.Would these modified fuels, such as the cooking oils be better for the environment with the greenhouse effect?Even if it doesn't help the environment, then it would be using less fossil fuels meaning that the fuels are left for better things. This would also be a cheaper method.It's amazing, the things you can transfer standard things, such as diesel too.Ah well, you learn new things everyday!
  15. In my opinion it's easier to go on courses elsewhere get yourself some qualifications without going back to an adult high school (if possible). Show your new employers that you're not as dumb as your grades show - make it look like you were just not concentrating through your school life.For the younger viewers of this thread, It's best to learn all you can whilst you're at high school then you won't regret doing poorly wheen you're older.I got a bad result at English in England, but am able to retake it now at the college place. I'm not past the age range so I don't even pay for it, which is cool.Hope this helps to those who are thinking about their life!
  16. Hey, that's cool! I've been registered a couple of days if it's of any similarity :)I must say, I love this site, and I to hope that the site lasts for as long as possible. I've never felt so comfortable at a free hosting company before.Keep up the good work trap 17!
  17. Hey there. Thought i'd bring this topic up because I've just gotten back into an old game which I owned back in 1996, called Duke Nukem 3d (owned by 3D Realms).It's a lovely game which has been reinstated for windows xp protocols.After the duke nukem source code had been released publically last year, 2 people, rancidmeat and jonof released windows xp versions of the code.I found out about this a couple of months ago, installed it and started playing again over the internet using the internet connector for windows xp called dukesterx.Does anyone else play this game or own it?I play it online as 'Nick' on dukester if you wish to find me :)I highly recommend it as the content is unbelievably realistic.
  18. I started a new programming language at college Friday (two days ago). This was the language which we started coding.Looks quite a good language to be honest. It looks kinda basic compared to Java, but then again, Java is one of the most advanced languages you can get in my opinion. Java is about on par with C++.Anyway, back to the topic, I use a program called free pascal IDE, which is basically a Dos compiler and executer all in one, designed for the win32 platform, it's a good program.I recommend giving it a try, it's user friendly. Hope this helps!
  19. I'm not really into films at the moment, but kiddish i know, I still like the Harry Potter films, especially the last one that's come out.Can't wait for the next one to be released next month!
  20. I use a great variety of different email providers. My main email provider has got to be gmail, as I use this when i register on different websites and this is my email address I use when I log onto msn messenger.However, I also use my isp mail, yahoo mail and my own domain email address, thanks to Xisto for allowing it.It's great to have a variety, because you can keep more organized. For example, you can store all registration emails on one account, all friends knowing another account, ie: isp, junk on another and website users on another.I use all these accounts and love having the ability to be able to use them
  21. I hate camera phones. People have been abusing each other at college by taking photos of each other and then using blurring effects or sticking each other in frames. I don't feel this is nice, especially when they take pictures of you when you're least expecting it.My vote has got to be regular phone - this is only my opinion though. I can understand why people like cameras on their phones.
  22. My favourite mobile phone brand just has to be Nokia. I once had a Seimens mobile phone but got fed up with it so it didn't get used. There was about 1 decent tones, a composer and it wasn't compatible with receiving tones.When i decided to trade it in for a Nokia, I then had like 20 vacancies for the composer, instead of the 1 which Seimens has and the phone was also capable with receiving tones from other phones/the internet.I'd rather have seimens than a very basic nokia 402 on which you can't receive or compose, but there again, that's just me
  23. Yep, as many of you say, it has been proven that opera is the safest browser, closely followed by firefox. I have read this on a computer magazine i bought.I still use internet explorer though. Apparently, if you disable activex on internet explorer, then this makes internet explorer a securer browser too?I like firefox's security feature, but internet explorer is slowly catching up.Haven't tried opera but might download this as you guys reckon it's a top notch browser. I find ie the fastest on my pc!
  24. I fully agree with this drug search in high schools.Drugs, although they cam be helpful if you're suffering illnesses, some can also cause harm and cause you to do things that you'll regret.The police want everyone to stay drug-free and they want those who have consumed drugs to stay clear from anything else so that they won't come to any harm. Rightly so!It's just like smoking in public college/school toilets - they should sort out this. The smokers are not just affecting their own lives, but they're affecting everyone else who inhales the smoke - this is now statistically proven.This is my view on drugs/smoking.
  25. I love unreal tournament 2004 aswell. I don't play games much nowadays as I have quite a lot of work to do and like editing my sportytalk.When I played it last year, I remember the ut2004rpg mod. This was fantastic. I used to connect to my friend's ip via the internet and we used to play RPG with each other, the one where you can buy better characteristics etc.I might have to get into it again sometime, as it was a fantastic game.Does anyone know any other modifications which are on par with ut2k4rpg? I only know the rpg one
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