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Everything posted by amhso

  1. photoshop, firefox, and bittorrent
  2. With all my own projects, i have no more cash to play any mmorpg's anymore. The ones I used to play, were Lineage 2 and Ragnarok Online. They actually bored me pretty fast. I played ragnarok for a while since my friends liked it, so i guess that was my "favorite" mmorpg.
  3. This thread is going to be like browser wars. To me, it all depends what games come out for which systems.
  4. DownThemAll and FireFTP are good extensions for firefox.
  5. I don't like CMS's because they take away the actual skill needed to make a good website. And i believe that CMS's, since used by many people, can have more vulnerabilities than a normal site. On the other hand, CMS does make it easier to make a nice looking site easily.
  6. if you use a headset or earphones with your mobile phone, it probably won't be as harmful.
  7. Not everything is just pentiums and athlons.....amd athlon 2.6ghz emulates 3.8ghz, not equals, there is a difference, and there is preformance difference even if the numbers are the same.
  8. myspace is instable as hell. they're always down, something's always screwed up. livejournals are boring too. actually all of this is pretty bad...just get real blogs and link.
  9. wow...ati X1800XL is a lot of money....money may come to be an issue when you're spending as much for a graphic card as you can get 2 fast PC's without graphic cards.
  10. Well I hope I am still able to post here. My favorite RPG games of all time is either Ragnarok or Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction. Well, Diablo 2 was great because I had a whole gang of friends who played with me, and it's actually pretty interesting because RPG games where you can trade items...make like an in-game economy, so it's fun getting good at those.
  11. get an ftp client...upload it to public html folder (in most cases) and viola, website. ftp clients --> FireFTP Firefox extension or CuteFTP
  12. i love the tmp, although you may not think it, it's very accuracte, and sprays well.
  13. I agree with the earlier posts, get the GIMP. It's pretty much photoshop, just has a little steeper learning curve because the tools are all over the place. But other than that, anything you can do in photoshop, is almost always do-able in the GIMP. Or else, believe it or not, if you have windows, paint can do lots of things, just takes the most skill to make that piece of crap program to do much
  14. a box full, the company my dad used to work for made components for flash drives, so we'd get them for free. it's an uncountable ammount...but we may have dished most of them. right now i have 5 in my drawer
  15. well get a router, and just get lan lines and connect them all...then connect the router to the modem. wireless is a bit more confusing... you said you ran linux so you have to have your eth0 card/onboard internet in use in order to hvae LAN connected to the router.
  16. barebone racks is just a single rack server (only 1...like one thin line on the rack of servers) that have some parts...like motherboard, sometimes some ram...but you have to buy adding components. some come with processors too.
  17. I like LG's and Samsungs, just work really well. But also, sony ericsons. They take a real beating. My friend has thrown his against the walls at my school, played real football with it, thrown it as far as he could and landed on concrete, still in working condition, camera's and all. But just dont go trying that
  18. yeah. lots of bacteria are down there since they can live in extreme conditions. well i dont like the ocean much. lozbo, just an idea, maybe if you took a living being from the bottom to the top...and they'd pop...from no pressure, just like we'd pop if we went into space.
  19. I use to play. This is a pretty old game. Get LoD loads better, take my word for it. This game will get boring after you get good in about 2 weeks.
  20. get a book on them targeted to starters. they will teach you the actual uses of the tools...instead of just one use with online tutorials.
  21. You could, with cheaper hardware of course. But really, you can also get dual pentium 4's for a lot cheaper, and they're pretty good. If it's just a private server, you don't need all the top notch stuff.
  22. That's mine that i wrote for another forum. And I will revise it when I have the time for a disclaimer about damage and such.
  23. wait are you wanting all 5 comptuers to go through the same proxy? Or do you want to make a proxy server yourself?Or was your question how to get all of your computers to one connection (router)?
  24. 1) Intel dual Xeons, if you have the cash2) a couple gigs of ddr400 should be sufficient. DDR2 is ready to be used, it's not any less reliable, just more expensive.3) The best that you can afford.4) I guess you want a barracuda5) If this machine is for a server, you shouldn't need to buya graphic card. instead, use more of the money on ram, and the 2 processors will cost a lot. Prices? a xeon ranges from 200-900 dollars on the most part. ram=50-100 bucks a stick. the barracudas, SATA's @ 110 bucks each on many sites online. Motherboard can be 50 dollars (refurbished) to a couple hundred bucks. For the whole system it might be better and more reliable to buy a barebone rack (save some space) server off of some site...then buy the processors, memory, and harddrives. many support atleast 32gigs of ram, so you can upgrade as you go. the cost for your own build you own server probably a bit over 100 dollars. barebone racks are between 500-1000 dollars, and probably cost you another 400-600 dollars for the rest of the hardware. Anyways just some information on what you should get.
  25. just make a put the files to share into "my shared folder" and viola, filesharing. or if you have linux, use a samba server.
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