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Everything posted by amhso

  1. IMHO live cd's are just for saving computers, but since im an inexperienced linux user, i just reinstall linux, takes less than 30 minutes. but it's not a good idea, learn how to fix it.back on topic, slackware is good, so slax would supposably good livecd as well.
  2. did you mean 7200rpm? not 7500rpm? the difference is little if you are just doing browsing and work...if you are playing games on a laptop (which isn't the best idea for performance) then you should get the 7200rpm...assuming it fits a laptop.
  3. if you're hosting a simple webserver that doesn't get mass ammounts of visitors, 450mhz and 64mb ram is fine....but if you got ftp and stuff more is better. get a linux webserver guide if you want to know the details.
  4. not at all! one could use linux for anything he wants as he pleases. What if he wants to have a server! developer or programmer? the gimp is as powerful as photoshop for graphics, and linux and bsd's are most used for servers. i won't flame you, but that was a stupid remark. anyways linux is just preference, some people like OS X, windows, or whatever. Linux is just more flexible and more fun for people who like to tinker around with everything. But it does require more knowledge to use a linux system than windows.
  5. if you want to make stuff like...browsers, C++ and non-scripting languages are for you. anything you "double-click" (in windows i guess unless you are in cmd) to run is a program. python is a calculator by itself if you want to just use it for that purpose. any language learned well can be used for lots of things.
  6. this stuff isn't new. this scam is all over the place. look up "How to hack *mail service here*" and you will get this kind of rap.
  7. you can't stick a normal harddrive into a laptop....5400rpm is fine for a laptop....just get the free upgrade, unles that 7200rpm drive was the right size. there are barely any 7200rpm drives for laptops, if not none.
  8. What was the price you paid? My sony 17" lcd probably cost around 300 bucks. Maybe it's just sony. I want another monitor with good contrast and 8ms or lower...as a second screen...but screw that I'll just dual monitor.
  9. windows vista is 32bit, windows xp x64 is for 64-bit. there's probably a function where the optimize it for your 32bit or 64bit processor. anyways i say it looks nice, but it's power consuming...so renderers and gamers may get a loss in performance.
  10. i love the graphics on the site, it works well with the content, and normally when i see people use pink so much, it makes the site look....messed, but this one isn't like that at all. Even if you used an enormous ammount of a brighter colour, you did it very nicely.
  11. if you run linux and want to be safe from popups and ads and toolbars, use links or lynx. text browsers...but most of us wouldn't live with that. I agree with amezis to that the reason why anything would be more vulnerable is because there are more people using it.firefox also just doesn't allow toolbars to hook on to yur browser unless you actually click and run the exe or script for the toolbar.
  12. what about index.php/htm how do we host em onto google. Google doesn't have a file host, but do you mean sending the pictures to yourself and using the link to the image?
  13. jeez, i though you were going to do a post on steam engines. take a look at this, converting your car to tap water powered. I wonder if this even works.
  14. The cost of a hydrogen car is probably as much as you'll save on gas in a couple years. I rather get a normal car, diesal, or hybrid, rather than hydrogen.
  15. i would say amd64 x2's are the best. you can look at benchmarks and tests all over the net, they're at the top. problem is their price and stability. even though they have pretty much 99% stability, intel will always have a little more stability, which servers may need. amd's are emulated. from my experiences and from information all over the net, amd's are better at gaming and that side of the market which doesn't need as much mutlitasking as servers and such do. Intel's have their HT which with dual core and 64bit have better in multitasking.
  16. photoshop, maya, blender, notepad, firefox
  17. i use it, and it works well. just when you do conferences, only up to 4 people i think. good thing is that if you have a crappy mike, it cleans static pretty well.
  18. there are special converters you can buy. especially in the street markets of HK you can get bameboy and n64 ones that go into your usb and you put your game into it like a gameboy and it loads up like a usb drive to your computer. from there you can compress them to be "roms"
  19. i would suggest a person learns html and css and all those languages first using text editors, and when they get a full understanding use bluefish or dreamweaver.
  20. from what i have read, ROM's are legal also if you own the actual game and catridge.
  21. Guide to overclocking, version 1 This guide was written for http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , which is now located at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . Anyways overclocking is the process of pushing your hardware beyond factory specs. In doing this, nor I or your hardware manufacturers (AMD, Intel, Ati, Nvidia, and motherboard companies) take any responsibility for damage done. Overclocking past a certain point will void your warranty (except if you do it this other way for Nvidia cards, which I suggest googling). 1. The Basics-What is Overclocking? Overclocking is pushing hardware to perform out of the manufacturer's specifications. Life if you processor runs at 3.0 ghz, you can overclock it to 3.2 if wanted. So how do you do this?That's why I wrote this guide! Some terms ?gpu:graphic processing unit, generally refers to the graphic/video card ?graphic/video card: a card usually AGP or PCIe, greatly improves graphics on a computer. In this guide I will also include how to overclock this card. Good investment even if you aren't into graphics, 3d, or gaming ?CPU: central processing unit. The "brain" of the computer. This will be what you will mainly be overclocking through this guide. Everything done in a computer goes through this. This component is easily located on your motherboard. ?BIOS: The little chip on your motherboard that contains boot information, and and speed, voltages, the time, safety features and such like that. This is where CPU overclocking will take place. When you boot up your computer, at one point you will usually see a bunch of bootup scripts and you also usually see something that tells you to press a key to get into athe setup or bios. More explanation later in this guide. ?artifacts: the most usual indication when you have overclocked your graphic card too much. these are on the most part errors in rendering and producing models, and if it's really bad your desktop will have a lot of weird stuff as well. Anyways you don't want these. Well this is the first version of the guide, probably never to be updated again, so I'll explain anything else as we go. 2.What are the factors in overclocking? For the graphic card, the main factors are the cooling on the card (headsink, fan, both, etc), airflow in the case (is the air going to your cooler/card from the cpu as warm air? or is it cool air from case fans and result of good airflow?), and voltage (I'm not too good with this so I'm on going through cpu voltage). Just remember that the graphic card is meant to run at higher temperatures than the cpu, so if the air around it is warm, don't worry, it's supposed to be that way. CPU has about the same factors as the graphic card, but voltage on the most part, is easier to modify. Voltage is more essential to get good overclocks than on the graphic card, but I have seen crazy overclocks on cards with major voltage mods. Voltage on CPU is mainly for stability. Also, 3rd party coolers are very effective. 3.Jumping Right In.. First realize that you will probably get a 10% easily (usually). But after that, it make take lots of time and patience. 3-1 The Tools You'll Need: 1)Benchmarking Programs -CPU: SiSSoft Sandra SuperPi -GFX and CPU: Aquamark 3 3DMark03 3DMark05 All of these are free. The 3dmark's and Aquamark have a free basic version that allows you to run the tests you'll need. The free stuff is all you will need, all you will be paying for is hardware, if you don't already have it, And maybe if you want better overclocks, aftermarker coolers. 2)Overclocking Programs -CPU: You won't need any programs at all to overclock the cpu. -Graphic: ATI: ATI Tools or RadLinker Nvidia: I heard there was a built-in tool with the Nvidia drivers, or else search google. 3)Optimized Drivers The standard drivers don't optimize things and settings nor do they usually allow you to overclock, because they reset the clock settings whenever you open a game or anything 3d/opengl. A few drivers to look up are: ?Omega Drivers ?DNA Drivers 3-2Alright, FINALLY CPU Overclocking Well, I'm too lazy to go into anymore detail. So we're going to get on the process. My CPU Overclocking 'process' 1.Benchmark 2.compare 3.Adjust 4.Stress test for stability Step 1:Benchmark Even when you haven't started overclocking, benchmarking is important. When you just start, compare your benchmarks with other people who have a similar, if not the same, set up as yours. Sandra has this feature built in as a comparison feature between memory and cpu types/brands. After you've overclocked a bit, compare it to your old scores, make sure that there is improvement and monitor your progrss and improvement. Notes:Don't fret that you haven't overclocked yet. You need to know this stuff, so you get almost guaranteed results and you don't fry your hardware. Also, try to disable everything when running benchmarks, you'll get the best out of it. Step 2:Compare Compare your benchmark results with your previous ones and other people's scores that have simlar rigs as your own. This is because if you overclock, you need to know that you are making progress. Step 3:Adjust This is where we will overclokc. After benchmakrks and stress tests and all that, restart your computer. On Dell's and computer's like those, (Sony, Compaq, HP, etc) it might be harder if not "impossible" to get into the BIOS. Well once you get into the BIOS (during your bootup somewhere in in all the bootup information, it should tell you what button to press to get into the bios)you'll be presented with a menu. Use the arrow keys to go through the menu and find a section something along the lines of "CPU and Voltage" or "CPU Settings" or "Voltages" or something like that. There you can edit the CPU clocks and in some cases, the multipliers. I won't change the multiplier, but if you're smart it can be a great way to increase getting higher clocks. Just get the best combination for the best clock speeds. EXAMPLE: FSB:200 multiplier:10 --------------- 2000mhz Increase the FSB by the smallest possible ammount at a time, then quit out of the bios (remember to save as you quit) and load up windows. Step 5:Stress Test for Stability Now is the time to run all the stress tests you have, and if you have the time, a dozen times each. The more you do it, the more accurate the stability results are. This is where patience comes in. You are going to need to stress test a lot, because if you are doing something important on your computer, you'd want the computer to be stble and not crash and lose your work. Now repeat the process. And remember to increase the FSB by little increments, don't modify the voltage unless you are sure on cooling because although voltage may improve stability and open a door to higher overclocks, it will generate TONS more heat and eat the lifespan of your CPU unless you have sufficient cooling to get rid of the excess heat. That's about it on CPU overclocking. At the end of the guide there is a section of tips to get better results. 3-3 Video/Graphic Overclocking I'll start with ATI. Well actually, for both cards, if you had installed optimized hacked drivers, you should benchmark and see a great improvement already. Install ATI Tool, the run it. This will be relatively simple. ATI tool alreadt has everything, pretty much "dummy proof". Well just keep the defaults in mind. Now press the "Find Max Core" button. Wait a while, and it will have found the highest core speed your card can take before producing artifacts. If it doesn't ever finish, then just stop When you feel you need to and just test for artifacts and make sure it is stable. Then press the "Find Max Mem" button and it's the same thing except with memory. When you press the button you'll get a message saying "Your core has been modified..blah blah," just click the choice that leaves the core overclocked. After it's done, or you pick your won speeds, save the setup as a new profile in ATI tools. I'm way too lazy to do Nvidia, look up a guide on the net. Now benchmark with graphics to see how your computer has improved in performance. With overclocking, you'll see the most improvement in games and rendering, although some people claim to see a difference in photoshop and 2d images. 4.Tips to Getting Better Results 4-1 CPU Run more stress tests! Also there is a program called CPU burn-in (I also believe that Sandra has a feature for this, for memory and cpu). This makes the CPU run hard and hot, so it's easier to get higher clocks after it has been stressed and broken into. 4-2 Graphics For the lifespan of your card, only overclock when you need to, and that's when you open a 3d program or rendering, and games, and for those few people who think there is a difference, photos and art programs. 3rd party coolers are very useful too, but along with these, you need good airflow in your case so that the air going to the cooler or fan isn't from the cpu or other hot components, but cool air from outside or atleast cool air. Or else mod your case or get a new one, if you have the cash. I've written so much, so I'll stop here. Hopefully you learned a lot, that was my purpose. If you have questions or comments, email me @ alexso.azn(at)gmail.com
  22. soon google's staff will be full of people from insane asylums.
  23. i cant edit for some reason, but another thing is you site's name is BSV layouts...but your banner says templates.
  24. it's a nice looking site, clean template. this is just me, i just dont like the bright colors, but it's good for a template site.
  25. that's why using new OS is not safe. it's not stable yet, drivers arent available...just stick with the norm...if you still have it.
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