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Everything posted by amhso

  1. yeah he wrote my site's default content in latin, heh. i think the links and stats boxes stretch into the content in IE. In firefox and the other browsers usually work. been trying to figure out why. He actually wrote that note to himself. I don't know what a css management system is actually. He put that there, heh. I just made the graphics and the organization. what is an "i-frame". The site doesn't use frames.
  2. i hope i am allowed to vote. i like reaver's. his colors are most appealing and everything blends together well.
  3. you can do remote access through msn messenger....or else get windows and use ssh.
  4. Windows is pretty much an OS begging to be killed. And it's very unsecure, along with everything is done without your knowledge. Your pc could be running a hundred scripts and programs and you wouldn't know. In *nix systems, you control what's running. I prefer the *nix systems over windows for control, not so much as security.
  5. eh, alaska is too cold for me. asia gets too humid for me....no place is perfect. in cali we get a lot of earthquakes, but not that many, and most of them are small.
  6. im usually smaller/younger than the girl so it always looks cute to them. Just go up to them and be all, "I like you....will you go out with me?" hehe what do i know.
  7. Half Life 2, game of the year. Counter Strike, all the steam games, source, DoD, everything. You haven't lived a gamer's life until you've played those.
  8. amhso

    Amd Vs Pentium

    amd's are supposed to be hotter because they are trying to emulate higher speeds. anima, what do you mean 3 cools and 6 coolers and what not, how do you fit six coolers on a single cpu. do you mean fans on the case? AMD's arent only made for games. Intel is just more reliable, and their HyperThreading Tech allows their multitasking to be better. In most cases, AMD isn't cheaper than Intel. AMD 64 x2's cost 3-5 times more than Intel dual core processors.
  9. amhso


    steam doesnt come with anything, you can get an account for free, but you either need a CD-Key from the box that you bought a Valve game from or you buy a game off of steam. There are no fees in registering with steam, if you own the game, you can play it over steam WITHOUT paying anything. The only thing you will pay for with valve games is the actual game. Steam doesn't come with anygames, it is just a program to find servers for games you have and to buy games off of.
  10. if windows, get linux. or just reformat. also, when you first got windows you should have made backup/rescue disks, jsut put those in and load. But an actual complete clean of your harddrive, will fix any problem if you still have the windows install disks.
  11. I think the car's just ugly, and isn't much different from what we have now. People claim to have hydrogen powered cars...and there are some cars that run off recycled vegetable oil, along with hybrids. but it does use compressed air which is different, but iwth combination of fuel, still gives off polution.
  12. not necesarily....lots of numbers can be multiplied to have a 1 as the end digit.....13...17....19...3....7...just adding 1 doesnt make it a prime.
  13. stuff like lemonparty (i strongly recommend you dont google that) or pain4 (dont google it or go to it either). those are worse then pornography in my opinion.
  14. well that would get rid of the purpose of the text size feature. Some people have bad eyes...What reason do you mean for doing this?
  15. what what do prime numbers have to do with hunger, blind and cancer?
  16. to cerb, the handdrawn plans were just the base, we're working on those. damn my bad handwriting.
  17. graphic cards for laptops are wasting your money, you'll eat the hell out of your graphic card, and it won't improve much due to the speed of the laptop.
  18. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ my friend made most of it. but i helped i gues..."design" it. anyways tell me what you think of it, tried to make it a simple design, which wasn't so easy in the coding part. but i guess tell me what you think of it, the site itself and content (which i have a lot more to add, but not with the current ammount of space)
  19. before i got in trouble and crap at school, i went cal-i for summers though, and only weekends in the year. but now im crap, grounded from playing any video games at all.
  20. well if you have the time, get a computer and calculate prime numbers for....llike 10 years, you'd prolly find some high ones, but not as well as a bajillion computers uses spare power.
  21. linux doesn't need 7gb to be installed....there's DSL and stuff, less than 100mb, and you can decide in almost all distributions what you want. my slackware installation is barely over 1 gb. And linux is not expensive, in most cases, it's free. Fedora, Slackware, Debian...all free.
  22. my top games would have to be:1.Counter Strike 1.6 (and all the way to 1.3, played for 5 years)2.Half life 2 and CS:S (this was a new level of 1.6)3.Parodius (an old scrolling SNES game, impossible to beat on normal mode)4.Dance Dance Revolution (all mixes)5.Super Mario World (SNES Version)6.Mortal Combat II7.Street Fighter 8.GTA Vice City9.Turok Revolution10.uh........nothing else.
  23. how do you make watermarks that can't be moved or anything, i just add some text so that people that follow an honor system will not try to remove the url.
  24. your title says it's alternative to a CMS but right on the hompage, like 1st or second sentence it says it's a flexible cms.
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