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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I would have to agree that is something that was never really developed, although we did have a directory script built one time but it should be long defunct by now, of course you could just use the google search engine and put this in site:Xisto.com. Do not forget though you have lot of forum topics to go through and not everyone is using the Xisto sub-domain and so it might get a bit more difficult to find out who is hosted or not.
  2. You could park as many as you want as you can purchase a few parked domains in the hosting package, but you develop your network a lot better if you use them as add-on domains and build websites from there.
  3. Gay marriage is only political because of how religious the government is and that is the reason why everyone wants to ban gay marriage because religious it is immoral. The question is who decided that, they claim the bible is thousands of years old and I highly doubt the stone age really thought about stuff like that. I wouldn't put it past the Catholics of saying being gay once they found out what ancient Rome and Greece were doing with the whole sexuality thing. Of course, you got two face people like Sarah Palin who doesn't mind gay people just as long as they are not married, and the reality is that is the stage we are in right now. Most everyone has accepted gay and lesbian relationships, but because of the fear of God that has been drilled in peoples minds for the last couple of thousand years, these religious leaders use it as a means of control, surprise they didn't do this witch burnings of Europe back in the 14-1600s.
  4. Well if you have ever built a computer and I believe a few have, most of the time its the name brand as most of the hard you find in most computers you can get dirt cheap. Again Apple has been playing this game a long time and that is why they will always be number 2 because they seem to have some interesting quirks about their products. We all remember that Iphone incident in which people who got the IPhone early were screwed out of a lot money when they downgraded the price tag for that phone. Of course, I blame apple for that crappy OS from the 1990s as those were most bugged up OS during the time.
  5. Well, that organization has some of the biggest companies that seek their protection and if I remember correctly you could get whole operations shut down if your whole company has some software you have no proof of purchase from. Luckily they only went after Microsoft products. However, the question who ratted your company out because that company usually doesn't get involved unless they get a wiff of something through their network only then will they pull a surprise inspection. Of course, they like to do random inspections as well to the much more visible companies but if your a small company then you can consider yourself done if you get caught.
  6. Well here's the thing, I believe the reality will not set in for this country until January 20th, 2009. I could be wrong on that but again we will not know what kind of President he will be, but I will say this though, Obama has no room for failure, I do not think he will fix the 8 years of hell bush has put us through, but I hope he will try to fix as many mistakes as possible and bring us back to prominence instead of country controlled by oil tycoons with great connections.
  7. Where I live Fall is awesome because leave near a mountain range and so we get to see all the reds, oranges, yellow, browns which make it really awesome on some days. Also, anyone interested in a bag of authentic fall leaves? $5 a bag , I think I could sucker a few tourists on that scam I mean business opportunity.
  8. Odds are the computers he was using we pretty bad in the memory department and thus made them crash, but I gotten Microsoft Office Word to crash on me a few times and that was back Word 97 I believe. As for easy tell that to the people who got Office 2007 boy did the complaints shoot up quickly because of its new layout and that ribbon navigation Microsoft set up.
  9. You can try out newegg.com they have some pretty cheap computers, I haven't notice any under $300 but then if you can find a descent computer for $300 then got it made. Since most of those computers in that price range are very outdated or something is wrong with them.
  10. 1. Once you get your website through Xisto you want to point the name servers to NS1.computinghost.com and NS2.computinghost.com and then you want to either park or add-on the domains through your cpanel account from there. 2-4 Please read the topics and FAQS related to the new system, which you did, and you only get $1 every time you make 100 MyCents which will get transferred into your MyEarnings which will be used to pay for your hosting package. A-- Every time you post your MyCents will be updated every 4-5 hours and so the longer the posts and the most you post, the more MyCents you will earn. B-- No your application will be approve through the billing system from now on. C-- Not sure never used that url forwarding domain. D-E-- You want to register and create your hosting package through the billing website at Xisto - Support.com
  11. Welcome to Xisto Jeff, the biggest little community this side of the internet, I would like to point you to the Trap 17 Read and of course the various FAQs on the new system called MyCents. Since the forums are going through a transition it would help you get accustomed to the new system to make your stay more enjoyable.
  12. Like it was mentioned another post, the amount earn per character is different for both systems and so there is no real way to gauge what a hosting credit to MyCent is because of the time delay under MyCents. You want to post for MyCents and MyCent's only and from my understand the hosting application you see on the forums is pretty much obsolete because now your hosting account will be reviewed from the billing site. Enjoy it while it last because the old system will be turned off and any accounts not yet transferred will be deleted.
  13. Well, if you think about what is the point of a reseller account? To make money, if you set up your hosting properly and get like 5 or 6 accounts with paid hosting you could easily make that at $5-10 easy and you start making profit right away. Since there is a paypal option to add cash into your myCents accounts that would be a viable option, and that way you can add your $18 a month at the beginning of each month and then build your profit from there.
  14. I wouldn't consider myself the best member based on the list that was provided, I consider myself a good member I do what everyone else does and that is keep the place good and friendly for everyone to enjoy. Along with providing some information and some support along the way the only great members are those who support the forums by spreading the word of trap and letting others know.
  15. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Although I am much of a wikipedia editor or writer I do visit that website quite often to gain knowledge or find out about a person place or thing out of curiosity and what not. As for the book itself it pretty much a how-to book on the inner workings of the wikipedia website. which includes editing, designing, citing sources and more, but also this book can be used by those who have a wiki software installed on their website and want to provide information such as software updates, website/company history, troubleshooting guides and more. So with the help of this book someone will be able to effectively design a well thought out wikipedia like website and have others contribute to it as well, especially other designers and what not. This book isn't one of those books that you can read in one night because of how full of information it is that makes sure you get the best out of designing wikipedia articles and even preventing spammers and those who seek to damage those articles. So it is worth the pick up especially if your building a company website and looking to provide information to your clients or those visiting your website.
  16. It would help to make this Xisto Awards more competitive if you add more people then just say I nominate myself in everything. That is not what this awards is about because it if it was then one person would be winning this all the time instead of other people and so i would like you to reconsider your nomination list and think about other members as well who could be just as deserving as you.
  17. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This is a very great book for all users, loaded with great information that covers the basics such as functions, arrays, error handling and more. Of course, it even covers one of my favorite things to create, forms and of course one of biggest concerns for all programmers security. However, it doesn't stop there as the authors go into MySQL one of the most popular open source database software on the market today. So if your a person getting into PHP and MySQL this book is a great start and as for those who have been programming in php for awhile, then this book is good use for reference or can be used as a teaching reference if your teaching a programming class. in this book all the coding examples that you will will be either in php5 or php6, since php5 is the current version with php6 a work in progress. It is a good read and if your looking for a cookbook then I recommend getting PHP 5 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach is worth checking out as well.
  18. It has been one of the hottest topics in the science community for the last few years, US, Russia, China, India and the European Union have been spending billions and thousands of man hours designing craft to land on the moon once again. Everyone has been projecting a moon landing between 2015-2020 to mark the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing and china has made their history by getting into space for the first time and of course doing their first EVA as well. Of course, the biggest question will be how much as technology improved since the first landing and will it just be as important as the first time, because you hit a good point Echo and that the world lost interesting by 1975 since they did what they needed to do.
  19. Well I wouldn't put it past the US to wait till the Castro's are dead before invading Cuba and taking control of the Island, and of course if Cuba stops acting so high and mighty and finally stop being a Communist country. Then maybe the embargo would be lifted and just today Cuba got hit by another huge hurricane and so when we ask if they need our help they say no because they think we have other motives of coming into that country and what not. Of course, hopefully Obama will lift that emebargo and finally give what Cuba needed for a long time, stability.
  20. The last time I had homemade ice cream, it was freezer burnt and that was many many years ago at my aunt's house, least to say I didn't have another bowl again .
  21. I have to agree, although I seldom go to chatrooms anymore, the capatcha is pointless if the bots can get through it and go about their business asking if anyone wants to see their web cams and junk. Of course, with all the money Yahoo is losing I wouldn't be surprise if they have given up supporting the chat rooms and said this is good enough.
  22. I commend your tutorial and what not but there are quicker ways to create a PDF file; one from an firefox extension and one from a website, which there are several to choose from. The firefox extension is called PDF Download and is current to Firefox 3 and the website that I somewhat used before finding this extension freepdfconvert.com, So downloading software, in this case if your following the tutorial, isn't necessary.
  23. ug I had 143 counties before time ran out and geography is my worse, but still a fun game though.
  24. Its not a rumor its so true , here are the 20 versions that are coming out, and I want to get the Penultimate Version . Odd's are though that the same amount of versions Vista came out with Windows 7 will match it and so 6-10 give or take. As for the Vista hardware and drivers, they said the same thing with XP and besides hardware and drivers come out a lot faster then Windows Versions and so expect to get new hardware or wait a year for drivers to be created when a final version comes out.
  25. So cute and weird at the same time http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ but still cute though.
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