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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. It should be added that it takes at least 5 posts after registering for myCent's to kick in and that is for both old and new members as well.
  2. Bleh completely missed something in my last post , what I meant was just like the hosting credits you get them automatically after you post the tutorial before its approved, however I never got credited myCent's before or after it was approve and I checked 4-5 hours after each event to see if kicked in or not.
  3. This post is based on an article printed by lifehacker.com in which I thought I bring my opinions about this article. 10. Side bar Thank god I would think 99% of the world would agree that this was the most useless feature and a memory waster as well, because every time I started up vista the memory would spike when it was loading that sidebar and besides I close it most of the time anyway because of how useless it really was. 9. Old school programs get the respect they deserve To be quite honest I am glad they are at least updating these programs, even if it is just a new look and a couple of features. Still it would be nice if they could improve on them and add some more feature open source style without making people have to buy them seperately. Of course, you can't do much to a calculator but Word Pad and paint could use some new stuff to match Open Office and Gimp, and yeah I know that those programs are as basic needs and nothing to spectacular. Yeah their size would increase the overal size of the installation but still 3-400MB in size programs are not that big and could pack in a lot of stuff into them though. 8. More Power I believe it when I see it because battery life becomes shorter over time and all though I never saw how long a battery lasted on Vista I highly doubt it was long. 7. WIFI Although I had to connect using the Windows WIFI location one or two times, I did find it a inconvenience that I had to click like 4-5 times just to get to it, but moving it to the task bar makes it a whole lot more convenient. 6. More Taskbar fun. Well from what I read and what I know I would say that this is a good thing because users couldn't do to much task bar configuration besides editing hte registry and what not. Of course i remember the topic I made about the worse features and one of them being the balloon pop ups and so people should be happy about that. 5. We all hate UAC Talk about being the most hated feature in a matter of minutes, the User Access Control annoying help make your computer more secured, but the first question asked was "How do I turn that crappy(changed word( UAC off?" As for what kind of customizations your guess is good as mine, but hopefully it is set up so programs that are installed can bypass that. Yes bad as that could be, but of course you could set it up so when a program is installed a pop up comes up about it. 4. Network made easy? Never really network computers into servers and all that hooplah, but it would make sense that your network can grou similar content and thus make it easier to access it and what not. 3. Dynamic Desktop Even though Microsoft never did big things with its desktop exepct for those dynamic website links and what not. It would seem that Microsoft made the move with a type of split screen or split desktop and being able to clear your desktop by shaking a window back and forth. Granted that last one would seem something like you would have to get use to, but if your multi tasker who has like 100 things running at once and just want to minimize everything all at once instead of clicking every window, I would think this would be a useful feature but as for the split desktop I feel as though the description was a bit cryptic and the image didn't help much either. So I be interested to hear more about that along with other dynamic desktop features they might have. 2. More Speed The good ole the newer version is always faster statement, of course that proved true to vista and its horrible slow boot up, but from what I read about Windows 7, the operating system look smaller and thus seems a bit faster and it should be interesting if becomes any faster or slower by the time the full version comes out. 1. OMG even more Task Bar customization First let me start off and say Microsoft stole an idea from RocketDock and Mac Leopard Docking feature, they have it now, and to be quite honest what took them so long. I have been using Rocket dock for awhile now and I love it as I don't have to do all this needless click to get common programs running anymore. Either way docking feature is one of the great features if not the best feature of all time because of the time saving it does. Although they mention the task bar preview it is also on vista as well when you hover over the tab in the task bar so that is nothing new. I would have to say these would be just some of things to look for, but the thing I am looking for is price tag and how bad it get with a computers drivers, hardware and all that other fun stuff. However, it would seem that everyone is split on the beta release of Windows 7 and yet most everyone agrees that it is better then vista, so far. SOURCE http://lifehacker.com/5078582/top-10-things-to-look-forward-to-in-windows-7
  4. Hopefully this leads to example of what to look for in setting up your nominations and don't copy my list it defeats the purpose .
  5. Nominations have begun and so post all your nominations at the following topic, and remember to keep all general talk about the awards here and not in the nomination topic.
  6. Today is the big day and so let the Xisto Awards nominations begin. The categories are below and like I mentioned in the previous topic you can vote for yourself with in reason and of course you can vote for as many people as possible. So the more people that are nominated and the more people who nominate the greater the odds are for any member to get in and so good luck and enjoy the next three weeks.
  7. I might have found another bug in the system, I just posted a tutorial and sure I got the hosting credits but before and after it was approved and so it is something to look into.
  8. How to Design a Contact Form in Flex Part Duex Part 1 Well if you had read my first three tutorials on how to design a contact form, you learn some basics on MXML and of course design a contact form. Yeah I promise a part 4 to that series, that is why I renamed this one to Part Duex, since the form is completely different, and using a different way to populate my combo boxes with data. Although, I might have found something to get the php going for this, but I save that for another time. Now because I am using the flex editor to design my contact form, I will be referring to it, but the source code can still be used if you know how to use the SDK. So lets start up by opening flex and then opening up the flex that you first created when you created version 1 of the of form. It should be listed under the Flex Navigator Menu, which is usually on the left side of the flex Design software. Now click on the src folder and then click on form.mxml and it should up in the source code viewer. Now, the reason I want you to have the first form open is that it will do several things; first it will save you the time by copying and pasting all the form fields and what not to the new form. Two you will be able to compare the source code for each file just to see what way you might go next. Now right click on src folder and then select New and then either select new application, component, or module and depending on you will use this its up to you, but now I am choosing application. Then you will get a new window to name your file and go ahead and put in form2. Now to make the design process we will be working in the design view the whole time and thus the reason why you want the first form open in order to copy and paste. Step #1 Ok to begin, click on Window menu and then select Components and pay attention to where it will show up, usually the bottom half of the left side as tab that is next to the Outline tab. Step #2 Now click on the Layout folder and it should expand and click and drag Panel on to your canvas there, Next we need to set up its dimensions and so on the right side of your screen you will see flex properties and at the bottom you will see layout and then a bunch of options. Set your Width to 410 and your Height 456 and as for your XY coordinates that all depends where your using this but since we are just working on the form, X=450 and Y=150. Also make sure to hit the enter key after you put in each number to set it in the source code. Next click somewhere on the top of the Panel and you should get a text option for the title of your Panel, put in there Contact Form v2, and press enter. Step #3 Now if anyone who is reading this tutorial might have come across websites with collapsible menus and with our form that is what we are going to use and it is called Accordion. So click on your Navigators folder in the Components menu and then click and drag and drop According on to the panel you just created. Now set the height of the Accordion to 390x380 to give plenty of room for a submit and reset button. So let’s add those buttons in and so in order to do this, go to the components window and select controls and then drag and drop two buttons in that small gap we created for them. Then Click on each button and type in Submit and Reset. Next, we are going to add some XY coordinates to our buttons and so for the submit button put in the following: X:132.5 y:388 As for the Reset button x:206.5 y:388 Step #4 Now select that first accordion tab you made and if you look on the right side and look at flex properties, in the Label type in Basic Info. Now you should see a + / - box in the upper corner and so click on the + in order to add another accordion tab and name it Contact info and now do this three more times with the following tabs: Forum Registration Payment Options Comments At this time, I would recommend that you save your form before continuing as it took many hours of adjustments to get this form to not scrollbar on me (lol). Step #5 Now we can begin the process of creating our form, so go to the components window once again, select the Layout folder and then click on form, and then drag it on top of Basic Info tab. Then set the width to 388 and height to 274 to prevent the scrollbar effect from happening. Now go to the Design view and then select the following text boxes: First Name Middle Name Last Name Date of Birth Age SSN You will notice that the text boxes are either touching the borders or over lapping and so we will make the following adjustments to them. Hold the ctrl button down and select all the text fields and then go the Layout and change the width to 150. Next, we are going to add gender to the basic info and so head over to the Component window once again and select the Layout folder and select HBox and then drag it under SSN. Then adjust the left box to 150 in Layout and then replace Label with Gender. Now head over to Controls folder in the Component Window, select RadioButton, and drag it into that left box in which you adjusted the size to 150. Do it one more time, change both radio buttons to Male and Female, go ahead, and save once again. Step #6 Except for Forum Registration and Comments copy everything over and using the same width adjustments into their respective places, check the following images on where to move what. Step #7 Ok Click on the Forum Registration Tab, add a form container, then insert three Text Inputs with a width of 150, and then Label them with the following: Forum Name Password Re-Type Password Now select both Password Re-Type Password Text Input, in Flex Properties go to Display as password, and set it to true. Now if you run the form through a browser and you type something in there you get ******** to protect your secret password and what not. Now outside the Form container we are going to add a checkbox that a person would have to click on to agree to Forum TOS or anything else that they must agree to. You will see how that works out later in the validation process. So go to the Controls Folder once again select the CheckBox and put it at the following coordinates: x:123.5 y:242 Step #8 Ok go ahead and click on the comment tab and then we are going to do three things, add some text, add a image and then add a comment box for someone to type in their comments. Let us start with the text by going to Controls Folder and then select Text and then drag it to the top of the Comments container or coordinates x:10 and y:5. As for the image you can think of as the html tag version and in the design view you have the option of dragging an image onto the canvas of the Comment tab and if you know the source type it in or browse for it by clicking on that folder icon. Just a reminder that there is a different Flex Properties window for an image then the rest of the controls that I talked about so far (it will be bordered in the following image). Now with the Controls folder still open select TextArea and drag it below the image with the following properties: Width:370 height:120 x:10 y:147 Step #9 Ok at this time, it is recommended that you save form and take a five minute break after creating a form just using the design view of the Flex builder. Also at this stage it is recommend that your run this form and check everything out to make sure you get no scrollbars or anything, and you shouldn't, but if you do make adjustments as need be and then check out in various browsers. As of writing this tutorial I know Firefox 3, IE7, Opera 9.62, Google Chrome have this form working properly at 1024x768, I was told that in Firefox 2 that the scrollbar effect is in place and so if you’re running Firefox 2 adjust accordingly. So that is it for this part of the tutorial now the source code is provided below for those who don't want to go through all that nonsense and want it now. In part two, I will teach you how to use bindable arrays to populate Combo boxes and of course add some more validation techniques to your form so look out for that in the near future. LIVE DEMO http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SOURCE CODE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application xmlns:mx="adobe.com/2006/mxml; layout="absolute" verticalAlign="middle" pageTitle="Form v2"> <mx:Panel x="459" y="117" width="410" height="456" layout="absolute" horizontalAlign="center" title="Contact Form v2"> <mx:Accordion x="0" y="0" width="390" height="380"> <mx:Canvas label="Basic Info" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Form x="0" y="0" width="388" height="274"> <mx:FormItem label="First Name"> <mx:TextInput id="fname" width="150" toolTip="Enter your First Name" tabIndex="1" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Middle Name"> <mx:TextInput id="mname" width="150" toolTip="Enter your Middle Name" tabIndex="2" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> <mx:TextInput id="lname" width="150" toolTip="Enter your Last Name" tabIndex="3" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:TextInput id="dob" width="150" toolTip="Enter your birthday mm/dd/yyyy" tabIndex="4" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Age"> <mx:TextInput id="age" width="150" toolTip="Enter your Age" tabIndex="6" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="SSN"> <mx:TextInput id="ssn" width="150" toolTip="Enter your Social Security Number xxx-xx-xxxx" tabIndex="7" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Gender"> <mx:HBox width="150"> <mx:RadioButton label="Male"/> <mx:RadioButton label="Female"/> </mx:HBox> </mx:FormItem> </mx:Form> </mx:Canvas> <mx:Canvas label="Contact Info" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Form x="0" y="0" width="388" height="274"> <mx:FormItem label="E-mail Address"> <mx:TextInput id="email" width="150" toolTip="Enter your E-mail Address" tabIndex="5" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="City"> <mx:TextInput id="city" width="150" toolTip="Enter the city you live in" tabIndex="8" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="State" id="State1"> <mx:ComboBox id="StateCombo" toolTip="Choose your State" prompt="Select State..." dataProvider="{state}"></mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Zip"> <mx:TextInput id="zip" width="150" toolTip="Enter your zip code" tabIndex="10" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Phone"> <mx:TextInput id="phone0" width="150" toolTip="Enter your phone number 000-000-0000" tabIndex="11" /> </mx:FormItem> </mx:Form> </mx:Canvas> <mx:Canvas label="Forum Registration" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Form x="0" y="0" width="388" height="142"> <mx:FormItem label="Forum Name"> <mx:TextInput id="forumname0" width="150" toolTip="Enter your First Name" tabIndex="1" /> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Password"> <mx:TextInput id="forumname1" width="150" toolTip="Enter your First Name" tabIndex="1" displayAsPassword="true"/> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Re-Type Password"> <mx:TextInput id="forumname2" width="150" toolTip="Enter your First Name" tabIndex="1" displayAsPassword="true"/> </mx:FormItem> </mx:Form> <mx:CheckBox label="Agree To Forum TOS" x="123.5" y="242"/> </mx:Canvas> <mx:Canvas label="Payment Options" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Form x="0" y="0" width="388" height="100"> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card" id="creditbox"> <mx:ComboBox id="CreditCombo" toolTip="Choose your Credit card" prompt="Select a Credit Card..." dataProvider="{credit}"></mx:ComboBox> </mx:FormItem> <mx:FormItem label="Credit Card Number"> <mx:TextInput id="credit1" toolTip="Enter your credit card number" tabIndex="13" width="150"/> </mx:FormItem> </mx:Form> </mx:Canvas> <mx:Canvas label="Comment" width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:TextArea x="10" y="147" width="370" height="120"/> <mx:Text x="10" y="5" text="Type any comments about how to improve are site or why you joined are website and forums." width="368" height="35" fontSize="12" textAlign="left" fontWeight="normal"/> <mx:Image source="" height="96" x="98.5" y="47" width="191"/> </mx:Canvas> </mx:Accordion> <mx:Button label="Submit" x="132.5" height="22" y="388"/> <mx:Button label="Reset" x="206.5" height="22" y="388"/> </mx:Panel> </mx:Application>
  9. Its not the hosting credits that need to build to get a domain, but the myCents and in this case you need 999.0 myCents or $9.99 in your myEarnings. Which is a yearly payment and not a monthly payment for the rest of your account unless you choose to do a yearly payment and then it would be included.
  10. Well I would think their method is new in terms of what they are doing, it was mention in the article that the dictionary attack is the most common and from the looks of it this could day hours to days to get into the system. So I was partially right that this is a new technique that is a lot faster and uses less resources. As for the handshake and reconnection it just sounds like the other computer is useds as a packet sniffer and lays in hiding while the other computer does the work then. Anyone can hack into your computer use your connection, but hacking into WIFI is difference because you need to decrypt the packets that are being sent because that information gets encrypted before it is sent. So you would need to collect a lot of packets and then piece them together in order to get into the WIFI connected router. That is why many hackers War drive for wireless signals and that way if they find and open connection they can find out what is on the other side of the signal and in the case of TJ Max, it was connected to credits cards dating a few years.
  11. Patience on the tutorial on the tutorial since I am still working out the kinks to it and making sure I have everything set up properly. As for prior knowledge best to read my first three tutorials on flex, check out a few books and of course have the software needed. Also shadowx had made a couple of topics because he is/was using the sdk when he working on it. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60453-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-1/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60707-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-2/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60963-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-3/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/60963-design-a-contact-form-in-flex-part-3/ http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?sho001&hl=flex Notice from rvalkass: Merged accidental triple post.
  12. Well it would seem that white hat crackers have done it again and then foolishly show everyone how it is done, heck I wouldn't be surprise if two guys who broke this gave them directions on how to do it. However, the problem is though that WPA is the better alternative in securing your WIFI routers because of the fact that WEP security got cracked and is pretty much useless. Like one person mention if this partial crack works then WPA has taking a big blow especially since practically all businesses use WIFI in one form or another. It does say that that WPA2 can survive the attack, but knowing these to white hat crackers they are going to keep on developing the WPA encryption crack until either those two get through or some finds out how they did it and they get through. So for those who are still using WEP change to WPA at least you get the better protection for now and here is a link to a small guide and even though you might not have this router use it as a guide to set up your WPA security. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. Well the are many html equivalents out there but this form is used by a specific piece software called called Flex that be used for all sorts of things if you go to flex.org you can check out of the various applications that being made for this. Like I mentioned in my first post, I haven't gotten to the validation aspect of the form and besides if you click submit it isn't going to take you anywhere .
  14. Well in the last couple of days after taking a couple of ideas from a book I have redesign based on those idea's. Right now design wise I am about 90% as I still have to stylize the form and add a couple of things here and the scripting is about 5% since I have to redo the validation to the form and see if I can do some more interesting programming wise. So click on the link below and make sure your flash is current 9 or 10 will just work fine. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Comments and or suggestions much appreciated and yes a super duper tutorial will come with it, well the design aspect and a little programming that comes with this design.
  15. It is Official Barack Obama has become the 44th President of the United States of America and also is the first African-American President as well and just like Abraham Lincoln, Obama has made history not only in the United States of American but the world. Now the question will be what will the first African-American President be like in the first 100 days in office and of course his first four years as president.Projections are projections but when you have big lead like Obama does, especially winning the big states such as Ohio, Florida, California, and all of New England as well, and now hopefully Obama will fix all the mistakes Bush has made across the world and I hope Obama gets rid of those connected with Bush as well.
  16. Well hopefully the crises that are happening around the world the thieves in the oil industry got all the money they could out of us suckers and hopefully by the end of the year gas is under $2 and then we could start getting things back to normal. Of course, those oil thieves are trying to get those prices nice and high again either by cutting production or threatening countries by giving them no oil and stuff like that.
  17. Well welcome aboard to Xisto and that has to be an interesting name indeed but I do not think it could top a guy whose real name when combined says Super Man and Bat Man at the same time . As for free hosting no place is greater than Xisto especially now that Xisto is open to more hosting packages then ever before and so it is good timing on your part to join in the fun of those new packages.
  18. Ahh, gotta love battery recalls and you would think that after that last big one they would have design these laptop batteries properly or inspect them thoroughly to make sure they won't blow up, burst into flames or melt when some one turns a computer on.
  19. Shockingly enough I have to agree with anwii once again and this time it is about the seriousness of the situation, because at your age your even more vulnerable emotionally and older guys like this one could take an advantage of that especially if he is teacher. Also because you go to the same school this guy works it could get ugly especially if he rejects it could create problems that you might not be able to control and so I would say either break it off or keep it friendly and if you keep it friendly don't put yourself in situations were lots of alcohol is consume. There is nothing wrong with dating older people, but in cases with people who are just becoming adults it is a lot better both emotionally and mentally to date within your own age group 18-21 but it is up to you how you want to do this but most of the time relationships with teachers or even staff at the same school usually cause trouble.
  20. Well on the latest speed test fro ma few websites it would seem that Google Chrome is the fastest browser with Opera 9.6 and Firefox 3.x fighting for second, Internet Explorer going third and Safari coming in dead last even though its render engine is faster in some areas then the other four. Of course, I do find it interesting that if you get the right extensions for firefox you could actually slow it down considerably and so it becomes a guessing game as to which ones to disable.
  21. It is always good to see old members come back and post introductions after the fact, , oh wait I did one to , either way enjoy your stay and don't forget to read the Xisto read me .
  22. Sounds like you got your browser hijack and the home page is usually the most common hijacks and like buff mention scan your computer for spyware and malware and it will remove that problem. I recommend trying spybot and SuperAntiSpyware to help remove those problems from your computer.
  23. I made some inquires on this idea and that will not be happening either and so when and if a transfer system is set up we will have to find a way to work with donations once again.
  24. Although there hasn't been anything set up about the rules for Unlimited hosting as of yet, but I will mention it wouldn't take much to get that account terminated if you break the rules such uploading illegal files or porn and what not. As for the logic plan you already know what you can work with and what you can and cannot do on that account and as for the prices you will be paying $14.50 each month or year depending on what you picked for the billing cycle. The $1.99 would be the price if you went with default package with no top level domain and didn't increase anything from the configuration page.
  25. You do make a good point, but I would think that would happen if you constantly use it and keep it running 24/7 then the rate of failure could increase. Of course, if you use it every couple of weeks or once a month then those portable hard drives will last a bit longer and that is of course, if you don't drop or spill anything on the portable hard drive then it will last for quite a long time.
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