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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. If your talking about Adobe Device Central then yes Adobe CS4 comes with it, and although I never really design websites for mobile phone usage or design wallpapers or such for phone usage, it is a great program for those who are in that market.
  2. Now my question is odds are the forums are very specific and thus the categories are specific as well, however, this is a web hosting community meaning that people who post in these forums have very specific reasons and thus the reason for all the categories. Each category is specific in its own way and because of that it keep the organization a lot less crazier if we just had one forum that covers everything within the forum and thus it would be 100% chaos with 100% confusion as well. Due to the fact it will be hard to post in topics that have a few hundred replies in each one and then going on to beat a dead house by replying to question topics that have already been answered once. For me though I would think it is time to begin archiving topics because we have thousands of topics which haven't been touch in almost 5 years and its time to bring some freshness in the forums. By archiving very old topics, it cuts down on the spam and preventing members from bringing up these old topics that are really out of date. Granted, ther are some forums such as tutorials that should be archived, but topics in the general forum or even in the introduction forum should be archived. Of course house cleaning a forum that is near the half million mark in posts isn't a easy task either but still if we archive the old stuff then members will have a sense to start posting fresh topics instead of just posting in older topics and or replying to ones they already replied to.
  3. I have to say it looks good and that you keep the theme going as well with the blue and white colors which is easy on the eyes and keeps everything organized as well. The only thing that I have notice is that you need to fix the search box because at 1024x768 because it gets pushed down into your footer area and blends into it. From the looks of it and correct me if I am wrong, but if your using a CMS(Joomla) I would say incorporate the PHPBB forum into the site, along with the social networking page (if possible) and that way users and visitors won't have to do too much back in forth with the browser when it comes to those parts of your site. Other then those discrepancies, the website looks good.
  4. If your referring to the thesis statement of your paper, the best thing do is first set up a primary question that you want to answer and then select the three topics that you are going to cover. Once you have covered your three topics that you want to discuss in your paper then you will be able to set up your thesis statement based on what your wrote in your paper. As for your question its a tad to broad and so you need to tighten it up a bit and so you could rephrase your question this way:what are the negative and positive effects of modern computer technology in schools?what are the negative and positive effects of modern computer technology in automobiles?what are the negative and positive effects of modern computer technology with social networking?With those questions your topic is a bit more focused and based on the information from any of those examples or whatever you want to focus on, it will help develop your thesis statement a bit better.
  5. The quickest way to reset the BIOS password for any computer is to take out the BIO Chip on the motherboard and then place it back in. Of course, since you have a name brand computer your best bet is to get a hold of tech support for Gateway and tell them about your situation as they might provide for a better answer that doesn't require taking your computer apart.
  6. The first thing I would do is reset the router to its factory settings, then log into the admin panel for your router and begin setting up WPA password, Clone the MAC address for the computer the router is connected to, then look for the channel menu and set it to channel 11. Also make sure to upgrade the firmware for the router as well and you would get that file at the Netgear website as well. Although this guide didn't get specific on what router it is using, but it is used for netgear routers and so it should work for what you need it to do. Also when your setting up the WPA encryption make sure you have your other computer nearby and that way you can set up the wireless connection based on the WPA you used.
  7. Although this plug-in goes back to Firefox 2, it still is a convenient plug-in just because if you doing quick edits and want to upload files to the server quickly then this is the plug-in to use. Of course, if the people of SmartFTP never canceled the free version of their FTP software, I would have been happy using that. Of course, if your a dreamweaver CS4 user then the FTP is all you really need since dreamweaver came with a live view browser you don't have to worry about refreshing browsers all the time or have several programs running at once in order to edit/update websites and web pages.
  8. Well, Internet Explorer 8 has gone gold and so far I am of mixed opinions of Internet Explorer 8 and the reason for that is on my first start up it took darn near forever to get it going and this was after it was installed and rebooted. Of course, what was really shocking was the Acid tests and that Internet Explorer 8 passed the first two with flying colors, however when it came to Acid Test 3, not only did it score low but it crashed on that test. As for the score for IE8 it was pitiful 12 because it would crash on 13/100 but at least I got to test out the tab recovery feature they added, but it failed on me once like out 10 times I was trying to why it was crashing and junk. As for the compatibility mode, the automaticness of it didn't really happen all that much, but I doubt I am visiting the right site, but I will say that if your a wordpress user, IE8 does get funky and when you go to add a image in a post it switches to compatibility mode. Correction, my site went into compatibility mode, of course I thought about changing the design anyways to my old site, even though I don't use it as much since I gone blog awhile ago. But lets talk security, if you check out the first link in the sources, they mention that IE8 was cracked just like that, not by new stuff but tactics that have been used before, and not only that one hacker was able to crack Safari, IE8 and Firefox in one day at this convention. So as security for this new browser is concerned, forget about it, Microsoft didn't much if people where able to get into this browser so fast with either old hacks or new ones. Either way, at least we know that there will be a lot of updates this year and I had mention that Internet Explorer 8 will top at least 30 updates this year alone. I know I wanted to get out of Internet Internet Explorer 7 as soon as possible because now I can design and fix websites without havint to do all those patches and quick fixes and junk. SOURCES http://www.pcworld.com/article/161533/ie8_browser.html http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/19/ie_8_released/ http://www.pcworld.com/article/161532/internet_explorer_8_browser_review.html http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/19/ie_8_download_day/ http://www.zdnet.com/topic/security/?p=2934 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. To clear up a few things, first it is called a favicon, which is basically a bookmark icon you would save in your bookmarks or favorites folder in your browser, second it is a 16x16 not 32x32. Pankyy is correct that you would need that line of code in order for for the favicon to be display but of course don't forgot to upload it your hosting account in order it to be displayed correctly.
  10. If the the USB drive feels hot at all then it is useless, of course it could be the USB ports on your computer and so if you already tied the flash drive on another computer and it doesn't work then you might as well trash it and get a new one. That is pretty much it for solutions on how to fix the USB since there is only two places were there could be problems with a USB flash drive.
  11. Since you didn't give us a model number its hard to say which specific cable you need and so I set up this google search result that gives various sites you can purchase USB cable for the handy cam. Link
  12. OMG WHO DID NOT SEE THIS COMING!! i wonder how Sarah Palin is going to live that up in 2012. Although it maybe early who knows they might get back together, ahaha who am I kidding, unwed teenage mother is the capstone for Sarah Palin and her political career and so we won't have to worry about seeing her in 4 years. Yes I am gloating because its just another sore eye for the republicans to deal with and I bet they will try to distance themselves as soon as possible from her. This article made my day especially on that campaign of abstinence which seriously never work to begin with. Source http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  13. About two weeks ago I read an essay by the (im)famous Peter Singer titled The Singer Solution to World Poverty, now I will say this, once you read what he has to say about his view on world poverty. I would guess that 95% of those who read his article will be angry and would want his head on a pike. Now on that note, he does have some interesting points and ideas about what he has to say about those involved and not involved in helping in the world poverty. Granted that society frowns upon the poor and all that good stuff, however, after reading that essay, most likely the crowd will be split on his views and of course my views on his views. Well you get the point and so after reading it leave your comments so the world can what you think about this his article and mine.
  14. In a interesting twist into the browser wars it would seem that there are rumors going around about the longevity of Microsoft's most infamous browser. That rumor it seems is that Internet Explorer 8 is the last browser in the IE family and that Microsoft is working on a new browser engine as we speak, codename "Gazelle" which will supposedly be more secured then Firefox and Chrome. Granted that Microsoft has made huge improvements on Internet Explorer 8 in terms of standards, but it would seem a taf late to even designing a new engine for your browser. They should have been designing a new engine since Internet Explorer 7 to coincide with the fact they are making the browser standards compliant and that way not only would it be the better browser in the IE family, but it would be the best browser overall in the IE family. However, the only downfall to this new browser engine is ActiveX and we all know that back in the day that is how most of the attacks are carried out, heck I still think hackers try for the ActiveX hack to get into a person's computer. On top of that. there is the ever popular issue on HTML/CSS and how IE interpret the code, we all know IE7 blew this big time and that IE8 is making up for that mistake. Since IE6 there have been hundreds if not thousands of different tweaks out there to make Internet Explorer display a website like it should while the other browsers got it right the first time. Just like the rumors of Windows finally getting shut down, back last year will Internet Explorer join its big brother in the computer graveyard in the sky or will Microsoft just simply improve it with some new looks and some new gadgets? who knows, maybe. SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  15. Well you can try this site out and see which one works for you, but I try and see if you can get comodo support and your problems in order to fix the problems your having.
  16. In maintenance phase, do you mean upgrading from 1990s design to 21st century web 2.0 design? As much as I like the organization of the site, it needs a drastic new look with better color coordination, heck your forum looks better in terms of color coordination and look. What I would suggest is use the colors of the forum, gray, white and that light blue and then base your design around those colors. OF course, the graphics don't help much either and so I would suggest trying to update your graphic design skills as well.
  17. I never got a chance to see that movie, kept on putting it off and stuff because of the holidays, but if it is anything like Sin City then it should be a definite watch.As for the trailers luckily they never spoiled anything which I am glad, because most of the time trailers pretty much tell the whole movie. On top of that since i never read the comic it was equally enjoyable because the comic would have ruined any enjoyment I might have gotten out of this movie. Not saying I would go just my praise might be a little less since most of it I would have been expecting already.
  18. In order to use kontera on trap you need to use kontera on your own website and so the quickest way to do that is add a couple of weeks worth of content or just make a quick portfolio website and then just resubmit once again to get approve.
  19. No you have to put your website up before you can add your account to Xisto or it won't work. It is a good incentive to be building your website in order to use kontera and that is what I did and as for traffic it wouldn't really matter much once you add your account to Xisto as you will get decent hits and stuff. Though you will be making change on a daily basis but once you start building up your website(s) then you can spread kontera out pretty good. A blog is a sure fire way to help improve on your kontera earnings since there are plugins to add ot get kontera running without to much editing.
  20. I saw this movie last night and all I have to say is WOW! What they did to this movie was equal to or better then Dark Knight, the characters, the story, the action perfect. This movie was about two and half hours long and boy they packed in at least two movies worth of stuff in there and its funny I almost thought that was going to happen towards the end when it felt like they were going to continue this comic mini series into a second movie. In my opinion and thats not including reading this comic, I feel as though that this movie made C-list comic heroes into A-list comic heroes. That was even true after boning up on this comic just to see what its status was and still the raw emotion that this movie produce was outstanding. Heck most of the cast I do not recognize at all and even after looking at their bios and seeing all the stuff they have been in, the producers made the right call in not using any big names as that would have been an injustice. I give mad props to Billy Crudup(Mr. Manhatten) and Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach) for how they develop these roles because of the raw emotion you could feel from them. Heck, I can smell Oscar, Golden Globe and a Emmy contender for next year with this movie. I wouldn't be surprise if they do hit most of the categories for this movie because that was how well the develop the story, the characters and everything even though the comic was the backdrop for this movie, they made this 12 issue comic seem like 100 issue comic. I just couldn't find anything wrong with this movie, the plot twists were dead on, the music awesome, heck the show I went to the place was packed, the show afterwords had a huge crowd as well and so comes time for my Box Office prediction. $100-$150 million opening weekend and I put this movie in the top 10 overall box office, maybe even the top 5. Thought it won't beat out Dark Knight with its $500 million box office take it should still take in about 300-400 million tops. Heck if you got enough movie to get a movie ticket because of whats going on, that money is well spent because you be 100& engrossed into this movie from beginning to end.
  21. All together now **FINALLY** Well it seems that Microsoft has finally listen to its customers for once and now it is possible to get rid of Internet Explorer in Windows 7 altogether and have no ill effect on the rest of the system. Of course there is more, it seems that you will be able to disable Windows Media Player along with with the built in search system as well. It makes me wonder if after all these lawsuits they have gotten over the years finally made Microsoft say "FINE We will make Internet Explorer optional". Of course, it took a couple of bloggers to actually discover this and once the discovery was made, Microsoft finally revealed that it was true. However, how will this affect Internet Explorer in the Browser Wars? I say it will affect Internet Explorer greatly and I would say a year after IE8 comes out, its market share will drop to at least 50-60 points making it at least the number three browser with Firefox and Opera taking a large chunk of that share drop. Even though that is a big number that most likely won't happen for a couple of years, Internet Explorer will lose a good portion of its points once people start switching over. That is if people start switching over once Windows 7 comes out and so it makes my statement seem a bit stupid, but who knows it could take something like this to motivate people to buy an operating system. SOURCE https://www.yahoo.com/tech/ http://www.pcworld.com/article/160856/windows_7_ie_off_switch_what_took_so_long.html
  22. I notice that as well and its funny this all started happening when I became a mod again , but from looking at the server status, https://support.xisto.com/serverstatus.php, it would seem everything is fine for the server Xisto is on (ALPHA). It could be the Databases maybe, but we won't know until they could down or not. However, I would recommend everyone that is hosted to check all their PHP scripts and find any looping going on, also check your cron jobs and making sure they are not set for like eve 30 seconds or something like that. Of course, it could be the MyCents script as well, but who knows, but to help the forums and the servers check to make sure your hosting is good and not causing any problems.
  23. Well if your using large images, then you want to use 800x600, 1024x768 since those are standard monitor resolutions, although 1024x768 is the current standard resolution now. However, you would want to use small images are thumbnail size, such as 50x50 or 100x100 or 200x150 and that way you can link them to much larger ones if need be.
  24. Finally, you think they would done it it years ago with with Windows Media Player or at least Vista, but it seems that Windows 7 will set up Media Player to play .mov videos. Of course, if you been a computer user for ever only one piece of software could .mov and that was Quicktime (waits for the grumbling and moans). Ug every time I wanted to watch a movie trailer back in the day you needed Quicktime to watch it and of course the worse thing about it is that you oculd never remove the taskbar icon unless you uninstalled it. Let's not forget the pop ups and updates and what not and so this is like the first smart thing Microsoft has done so far SOURCE http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  25. Saint_Michael


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