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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Current Version which you can find in the fantastico link in your cpanel is 1.0.11. I believe this tutorial is univerisal on how skins/templates are installed so this should help. https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/. For FTP programs you can get fireFTP for firefox and or SmartFTP which is easy to use, both of them I recommend. The skins people make or version specific, if you tried installing skins from different versions you will most likey produce either installation problems or viewing of the skin problems when people go to your site.
  2. I can only assume your referring to the pre-install scripts,, the simple answer is if you have two pre-installed scripts running on the actual root directory like it will create some conflict in the servers so I suggest 1 of 2 ways to do this 1. Download joomla from the main then upload it that way. 2. Preinstall into it's own directory then set up a redirect for your joomla on your index page. Unless their is something different about it this will mess up your SEO when people search for your site. EDIT: I do believe this little PHP script will be able to solve the index on the redirect issue <?Header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );Header( "Location: http://new-url.com; );?> Hopefully this helps, of course last I knew you couldn't do a install on the root directory without creating any problems.
  3. I actually used this stock photo fro,m the halo game. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Told someone it's master chief in a snow storm on a bright sunny day
  4. Rules of this weeks SOTW size: 400x150 max Render:Halo Text: Halo This weeks SOTW will be a Halo battle entries due this sunday.
  5. about 30-45 minutes about 25-30 layers loosely following some filter and lighting stuff. since I got with the sig block I would 1/10
  6. about 30-45 minutes about 25-30 layers loosely following some filter and lighting stuff.
  7. You got some good coloring, depth, light into, a bit over blended but still good.
  8. hmm I would say I would want to be either at the beginning of the Roman Empire, The reason I say that, is that you could in a way prove the myth of Romulus and Remus and if they had any part in the founding of Rome. With the Fall of the Roman Empire, Europe would see it's darkest years for almost 1000 years. I would want to live the last 10 years of the Roman Empire just see how they were able handle this. With the Midieval times we would see true nature of human civilization or it's savagery. Of course I wouldn't mind finding out who reall discovered America first the Vikings in the early 1000's or the the Spanish with Christopher Colimbus.Also I wouldn't mind living in Ancient Egypt either just to how they became sophisticated in 5000 years (give or take). Of course my best answer would be to go to the different time lines and either disprove or prove of what are history writes in it's book, we all the the ultimate timeline most everyone would want to go and that is see if Jesus really existed.
  9. Site looks fine to me except that the google ad your place makes the rest of the site look to compact, making it smaller or adding it to the sidebar would be more reasonable.
  10. 1..2...3 Kick . Question what about someone (referring to me) that can't lift no more then 25lbs forever (thinking that's referring to dead lifting)(I break the 25lb rule anyways)?Also couldn't you do a a burnout session say with 5lb weights going as fast you can (with in reason)?What about weights you can Velcro on to your legs or something like that?
  11. I haven't seen 108 on the market before, don't think it is really necessary either, your WIFI is only as fast as your initial connection. Like I said just wanted to know what people thought about it, well at least I same some money and not purchase it, since my laptop has a built in wifi already.
  12. To ad my two cents, here is the standard answer I usually give when people are starting and that try and build one in order to get a better understanding by going ot this tutorial site.http://www.pixel2life.com/
  13. Music Rocks Chesso!! :)I would change the Esc key to enter just to make it quicker for people to proceed.Next steps should be if possible-add in backgrounds (animated)-scoreboard/point system-obstacles to make them ore challengingthat should get you going on what to do next.
  14. not bad it could save me the time of reverse engineering a left drop down menu.I seen menu's at cssplay that up inside of down for those who want footer links and such. Of course for some strange reason though when I look at tutorials for suckerfish drop downs it looks greek to me, most likely due to the fact can't bring down the menu's right when it's all crunch together like that.
  15. It's more like a pirated and illegal downloads site from what I saw.Nulled scriptsmoviesromssoftware and other good illegal stuff.Other then that the design looks nice.
  16. It sounds interesting, almost had a blue screen of death of my own, was able to not lose everything which was a god send right, or I be up for like day's reinstalling everything. I do have Advance system Optimizer that has a reg cleaner as well. Do it ever few weeks just to make sure nothing is wrong though.
  17. The only think I could compare that to would be 28k or 56k telephone line, I would assume that in order to get a better connection you would have to pay out the butt in order to get.Also Asia is still working hard to develop good internet connections, of course then you have those who want total censorship, although I haven't heard to much about that happening India. Then that brings to the 1.5 of download, BW costs a lot of money (somehow) so $12 barely covers that. Of course you could try out proxies and see if you can get a faster response, sometimes you do sometimes you don't. Best of luck on that.
  18. Amen to that rvalkass, credit cards are pointless to the fact your paying either double or triple of what you spent if you don' pay it back. Same with school loans and other things with credits. Lucky For me I am set with vehicles don't have to worry about purchasing one. Now getting a house that maybe a different matter but that will come eventually, hopefully the misses will have better credit them me .
  19. I almost made a assumption but I am glad I caught the were they said they error it on purpose. Now explain this this to me since I am rhetorically stupid on this.If you going to error it on purpose then how is it really a test? As you can tell each browser errors it differently that I get, so am I to assume that this is the reason or is their something obvious that I am missing on this? OR just to show how bad it looks.To me I think the only reason why Opera looks like is because they programed it like that, which means they are bias to the browsers they used.EDIT: well after reading the how it's done still makes me wonder what they are leaving out in that code somewhere meh.
  20. Let's not mention the fact about your Love of Mcdonald's buff , I would be interested in this to because I need to lose about 40 pounds of surgery fat, lazy fat and plain out fat. I was able to run 4-5 miles in about 30-35 minutes I be lucky If I can reach 1 mile without collasping.The only thing I really need to know is how to burn fat and burn it hard on a poor man's gym membership . I do have a weight set that I work on occasionally, so I could say maybe 1-5 pounds of that is muscle.But I need to get back to my 175-180 weight range . SO FAT!!!!
  21. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I would say I am shocked that he would do this, I don't think his body could handle this kind of trip. But who knows, this guy is like 10,000 times more smarter then me in like every way. So it might not do anything to him. Heck I don't think I could comprehend any of his books, of course from some sites I saw no one has either .
  22. http://www.foxnews.com/story/2007/01/08/world-smallest-country-for-sale.html Wow and you only need $977 Million dollars for it but whats funny is this http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ No wonder they want to sell it, of course the article goes on to say that is worth about $126, I bet some terrorist wouldn't mind getting a hold of that little platform . I say this once, the person to buy this is a MORON!!! and the people who "own" this island are even bigger idiots for even thinking this would be possible to be consider a nation. Hey what am I to say about how people spend their money foolishly.
  23. We can't, it is impossible because we have been doing it since the beginning and that is imposing ourselves in other countries, especially in conflicts that have nothing to do with us. You could say we had a part in what Iraq is today because of of events that happen 60 years ago (referring to Iraq's last King). You could say World War II was the stepping stone that would lead into today's events.Heck we did not need to be in Vietnam but we had to go because of communism same with Korea as well. Yeah some good stuff has come out of it but most of it has been pretty bad. Whoever we made allies with, we made enemies of someone else, then comes the double crossing, Iran-Iraq war prime example.Sad to say most of these problems have started because of us and how we deal with everyone else and our political influence on the world as well.
  24. So it took google two years to figure out what they wanted to do with gmail. Maybe they will do something like yahoo and make it more interactive . Then I might be convince to stay with them, nah not really, I be sticking with yahoo for a bit longer.
  25. discussing about it and actually showing how it happen are two different things, especially with the members here who are extremely young to be seeing something like that. Either your question is answered as to why.
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