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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I agree wordpress would be your best bet to for news CMS, or you could look at some tutorials and build one from scratch, of course security would have to be work on them since most tutorials I have seen about news scripts are public.How is cutenews look like a forum?It does for hte most part what your asking besides the search function (which you could add yourself).
  2. Interesting tutorial, not to keen on the text though, could use a lens flare to give it the extra coolness and add to the depth more, might need a bit more brushing for depth as well, but good tutorial either way.
  3. I thought I commented on your site, after I help fixed some of the coding I guess I didn't . But yeah the colors like nice all all that could stuff a bit small maybe you should center everything instead of having it at the top. Just a simple position: absolute; top 500px; and your set, most small sites like your's do it like that, just to make it more fuller or something like that.
  4. I know I have seen several tutorials on pixel2life about adding tables and info, can't think of the links of the top of my head but I have some others, I know posts some links about mysql db's but have to look for it later and let you know.
  5. So you don't have your file menu then file Edit View... You should still have this, if not then reinstall it, if you do the following (shold work for any version) go to tool>customize>toolbars and select everything till they show up. Or do this create a blank DB open up tools>start up and reselect everything that should work.
  6. On top of what haslip said, this is not a tutorial site, we have a tutorial forums but most questions people have can be answered the moment they ask them.
  7. It could 2-3 days but depending how bad the db's got hit and how much of it can be recovered it could be maybe a week or 2 weeks top. Best thing to do is wait it out and just wait for the news to come in, hopefully others will read this so we won't see 20-30 posts about it.
  8. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  9. Their have been other topics about this, basically when the forums got updated, something in the mySLQl got corrupted and lost the data. How about how old that data was I believe a few day's worth of data was lost, so posts, new member accounts are lost. Now with the hosting an admin would be able to answer that for you, but most likely any new accounts got lost as well. So that is why all hosting has been suspended until the the forum bugs are fixed and possible recovery of DB's as well.
  10. I am BF's #1 Friend in the world.

  11. My Ban trigger finger is always ready

  12. God among programmers XD

  13. Just growing from leaps and bounds, let see if my count is correct that is 7 servers , OpaQue is on a role with updates today.
  14. I See it and it is broken, I suggest messing with the widths or the padding, I see if I can try and work on it this weekend depending on how school turns out tomorrow.EDIT: I was right however you might want to do some tweaking with your nav menu since it is the cause of it.IE CODE <html><head><title>:: Welcome to Your Site Boo ::</title> <style type="text/css"> /* Body and content sections */body {background:url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/);background-color: #66cc99;text-align: center;}#content_holder {position:relative; left:0px;overflow: hidden;width: 810px;background-color: #ffffff;text-align: left;padding-right: 10px;margin: auto;}#header {width: 810px;height: 100px;padding-bottom:10px;margin:auto;background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/);background-repeat: no-repeat;background-color: #ffffff;display: block;}#right {padding-top:10px;padding-right: 18px;padding-left: 18px;border: 2px dashed #66ff99;width: 260px;background-color: #33cc99;height: auto;float: right;text-align: left;}#main {padding-right: 20px;padding-left: 20px;width: 480px;background-color: #ffffff;height: auto;text-align: left;float:left;} #footer{margin:auto;width: 810px;height: 22px;background: url(http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/);background-color: #cccccc;}/* =============================================================================== *//* P Tags */#main_text {font-size: 10px;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, serif;word-wrap:break-word;}#main_headers {font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;color: 66cc99;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, serif;}#iloveyou_text {font-weight: bold;color: #ff0000;font-size:10px;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, serif;}#nav {color: #66ff99;font-weight: bold;font-size: 12px;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, serif;}#nav_nested_titles {color: #66ff99;font-size: 10px;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, serif;}/* =============================================================================== *//* Links & FF img borders */a {font-size: 10px;color: #66ff99;text-decoration: none;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, serif;}a:hover {font-size: 10px;text-decoration: none;color: #ff0000;font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, serif;}a img {border: none;}/* =============================================================================== *//* Photo Album Styles */.slideshow{ /*CSS for DIV containing each image*/ float: left; margin-right: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .slideshow img{ /*CSS for each image tag*/ border: 0; width: 75px; height: 50px; } #navlinks{ /*CSS for DIV containing the navigational links*/ width: 300px; } #navlinks a{ /*CSS for each navigational link*/ margin-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 3px; } #navlinks a.current{ /*CSS for currently selected navigational link*/ background-color: #66cc99; } </style></head><body> <!-- Header Include --> <a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ id="header"></div></a> <!-- End of Header Include --> <div id="content_holder"> <br> <br> <div id="main"> <p id="main_headers">Hi Boo!</p> <p id="main_text">Thisis your new site. Do you like it? Did you know just for you to look atthis page takes 5 pages? I wrote it all for you Boo! I am going to adda photo album, quiz, the first site i made you, and a notes section. Ihope you like it since it took me a lot of time to write it and make itlook all "pretty".</p> <p id="iloveyou_text">♥ I Love You Boo! ♥ </p> <br> <br> </div> <!-- Right Include --> <div id="right"> <p id="nav">Navigation</p> <ul> <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <li id="nav_nested_titles">Scrap Book</li> <ul> <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; target="blank">01/17/07</a></li> </ul> <li><a href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/photoalbum.php Album</a></li> </ul></div> <!-- End of Right Include --> </div><!-- Right Include --><div id="footer"></div><!-- End of Right Include --></body></html>
  15. The servers do go down sometimes that because either someone is sending mass emails, or someone didn't close their scripts properly. Now if your site looks like it is down check the server status by going here. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Usually it takes 5-10 minutes for the serer to come back up sometimes even quicker or even longer depending on the situation.
  16. Well It looks like the site is back up, remember that sometimes sites do go down and you just have to wait. Topic is closed and move.
  17. Well to start off it was 1944 Spain, so WWII has about a year left which includes D-Day but anyways this movie was done in Spain which meant subtitles. I put it like this, if the pan movie was done in English it would have been so so, however the Spanish work perfect with the movie, especially the music that was played during this movie. I would say about an 1.5 hours into the movie I remembered Pan is a Greek demi-god who is part goat, go figure it clicked on this. So anyways the story was well paced throughout 2 hours and some change, the director mixed in fantasy and reality perfect as well. The music that was played was awesome it was soft and beautiful and sometimes sad as well. The CGI on the fantasy characters was awesome the designs although dark colored were well detailed especially the pan character. Although their were some fairies in the movie they were very hard to see since the settings was dark (not enough light). The movie had some funny moments and some plain out cringed moments. Their was a lot of shooting, blood spatter and some other funky stuff. But it was the sadness of this movie that made it powerful This movie I predict has an Oscar under it because I haven't seen a movie this good in like forever, This is a must see for a good story and definitely a must have DVD when and if it comes out. My ratings Story 10/10 Characters/Cast 10/10 Music 10/10 If your looking for a good story this is the movie for it.
  18. By the looks of this tsu you having a bad day today?? :PWe all have them, hopefully you have a better day tomorrow
  19. 1. To learn it's that easy2. Because it is the law3. Because you know what you want to do, although a stupid choice especially since the Computer industry is more competitive then anything else. Also most businesses frown on GED students, not because they failed because they quit.4. It's called progress and achievement because then you have options of what you want to do.BTW High school is for general education, college is for focus education that is why high schools do not provide nursing. Also by the time some people graduate they will have saved money for college.Kids your age don't know what it's like out their thinking it just parties and making booty calls. For me it's was poor judgment and putting it off that has me where I am. I am 25 and I should be working in the corporate world but I just now going to college not because I need to but because in order to get anywhere in this world you need a crappy piece of paper saying you went to college. Unless you have rich parents try living on $5-600 bucks a month, it's not that easy. $5 says you never thought about those adults who work at McDonald's or burger king that are are like 40 years old. Not talking about Managers and all that, talking about the people who empty trash bins. Those are the people struggling because of bad decisions they made earlier in life. So you think just by dropping out of high school and getting a GED you expect a good job after college, maybe but like I said most people frown at the idea you didn't graduate college. So it is something to think about, if you were smart to finish off the college semester and get yourself back in high school and do something better then a GED. Your a kid, your not old enough to buy a house or even vote, so enjoy it while it lasts because once you turn 18 you are on your own and no one can decided what you should do. Unless your in the military or something.Playing the game of life is not as easy as playing a video game, you don't get a continue or an extra life. You get one chance and you have live with the decisions that you make.
  20. I am not saying he should do it, Heck I know he know's more about himself then I do, so I know he knows the risks about do this. It may not be depressing, sad but not depressing. He is like a celebrity among celebrity's and more respected then scientists of his caliber who can walk and talk. Heck I would say he would rather be buried in space then in the ground and be with the stars then loves so much.Of course his training will be unique, since I don't recollect anything about him doing any zero-g's in the past.
  21. One that video is obvious fake and just edited with the audio tack. Yeah people who say the landing is fake are easily disproved.With the flag for an example when they were putting the pole into the ground they were moving it and so the flag would move as well. So with low gravity it's going ot be moving for awhile now.Why you can't see the stars in any footage is simple lighting, look at the footage in todays space shuttle mission the camera are more superior then ever and yet you don't see a single star. Something about light hitting the camera lense or something crazy like that. A Photography major would know that.Forbez you are correct that US and a motive to fake it, just to stay ahead of Russia during the cold war and not appear weak. But like most everyone else I believe it to happen.
  22. vbitton I am so intrigued by your post, to start off that your opinion and your entitled to it. However you are very very wrong in so many factors. 1-First I am an American. 2-I am not slow like a cow (referring to people being stupid). 3-I am pretty smart last I heard. 4-I don't believe in the media hype and yes our government has lied, anyone with a dull IQ can figure that out. 5.-I wouldn't believe the words of a men magazine with pictures with half naked women in it and beer jokes. 6.-The Americans (my friends)I know are not like cows either, heck even some of the members here are from the US and they are not like cows they are as smart or smarter then me. 7-Also people don't become fat either it's coded in their DNA it's called a slow metabolism, regardless if you exercise fat will still build up because of that. 8-I eat beef as well, however I don't eat it every 5 minutes. 9-A Small percentage of Americans even fit your opinion Hopefully that clears some stuff up for your opinion about the American's What about working it both ways? some people can be both, veggie and non-veggie, I know I can pick up o things pretty quick while some others take their time. I would say it's not the food that makes people this way more like the energy/chemicals the food produces when it is digested. Of course I am not a dietican either so thats just a guess as well.
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