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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. I suspended you because you decided to post that Saddam video on this forum, you should be grateful that you haven't been banned permanently for posting that inappropriate video on this forum.Don't let me or another mod catch you posting another video like that again or your account will be terminated.
  2. :Automated Message: Welcome to Xisto.com here is your welcome basket of assorted fruits and vegetables, a welcome card, a picture of me. <---that's me Make sure to check out the Xisto.com readme which you can find here Fooled you the actual link is here. It is the best source of information and it will answer all your questions that could possible have. If you have any questions after that, look for one of those blue guys those are the moderators of this forum. Of course you can ask other members as well about what to do and stuff. So enjoy your staying, enjoy your posting, and your future hosing account :End of Automated Message:
  3. I rather look like fool (50 cent) and wear a vest, of ocurse I am surprised that you didn't ask how much muscle a person were to need to order to become bullet proof.Also I would assume that this bullet proof would come form small arms and say like a high powered rifle or 50 cal sniper rifle (yeah hundreds of people are running around with those).
  4. :Automated Message: Welcome to Xisto.com here is your welcome basket of assorted fruits and vegetables, a welcome card, a picture of me. <---that's me Make sure to check out the Xisto.com readme which you can find here Fooled you the actual link is here. It is the best source of information and it will answer all your questions that could possible have. If you have any questions after that, look for one of those blue guys those are the moderators of this forum. Of course you can ask other members as well about what to do and stuff. So enjoy your staying, enjoy your posting, and your future hosing account :End of Automated Message:
  5. Welcome to the forum here is your welcome basket of fruits and welcome cards . enjoy your stay and make sure to read up on the rules/information of the forum in which you can find them here Xisto Read Me and you can also find them at the top of the shoutbox as well. So again Welcome and enjoy your stay and if you have any questions that have not been answered (most likely they already have) ask any one of members or mods and they will point you to the way.
  6. This is a common error when you don't pay attention when you copy and paste code. You best bet would be to get a fresh unaltered version of that file and then try it again but pay attention to where you copy and paste. Some times it is good to press the enter key a few times to create a gap then paste it in, so won't create any error out of it.So go ahead and post the code and we shall see what happen.
  7. Well the only way to explain how people would be touch, would be erotic dreams. Everyone has them and their bodies feel the sensations they have in their dreams and in a sense their bodies believe they are actually have sex.Sound and smell are a lot harder to explain, but my best guess with sound, would be the electric impulses the brain creates that activate the ear in some sort of way.Smell I think the only way that could be explain if your brain remembers that smell, IE: smelly flowers in a flower garden. Then during your dreams in some weird way it conjures up that flower/s and that you remember.Now about that post about if you can see colors in your dream. I would say depending how you mind works you could have both black and white and colored dreams. I had my share of both.I agree with shadowx that only impaired could see shadows, of course color blind people can only see shadows of that specific group of colors as well. However in the post about hooking up a computer to someone's eyes that computer could generate a rough image of what it sees. So the problem would be able to see depth in those images.
  8. That is interesting that they would set that up, which means you could take the number USB your computer can allow and plug them in and BAM instant RAM. My laptop has six USB which means I could put in about 6 gigs of ram if I wanted to. Thats if it will recognize more then one stick. Or could get those USB ports that offer like what 4-6 more slots apiece. Of course that would a bit excessive since the 1GB stck cost anywhere from $30-$40 a pop, then a somewhat of a question would be what would cost more those sticks or getting the ram chip set needed.
  9. Well the only problem I see is the IPB search function is weak, to the point you really need to get lucky in what your looking for in first few results of your searches.I think it is possible to alter the search set up, to allow more words inside the search query, this should be looked into and should see what comes up.Other then that good job as always M^E.
  10. Well the reason you see those is because your computer has cookies that have gone to pornographic sites. . If I remember correctly, the ad's system OpaQue uses cookies to display the ad's based on those cookie files. So stop visiting those porn sites and you won't see them here , that simple.
  11. We might need an example on this one, if it is a picture then get a graphics program nad make one other then that I would need to see an example of what your referring to, in order to get a better idea.
  12. most likely the programming has caused glitch somewhere, you best bet would to debug your program and look at the code that controls the drag and drop function (thats if their is one). Then of course look at all the game files you have made as well and see if their is something you did close off in the coding.
  13. Not a problem, also Not to get to much off topic but do you have spybot as well, it's free and effective should look into as well, could find stuff AVG hasn't. But if you already have disregard this post.
  14. I should get full copyrights to your site booz here is the javascript you will need. However this will open redirect on browser types, which means you have to set up all your pages based on that browser. Annoying yes, but of course by then you start using php includes and then just edit those files and nothing else. <script language="JavaScript"><!--browserName=navigator.appName;browserVer=parseInt(navigator.appVersion);if ((browserName=="Netscape" && browserVer>=4) || (browserName=="Microsoft Internet Explorer" && browserVer>=4))version="ver4";elseversion="other";/* Version 4 browser URL */if (version=="ver4")window.location="http://someplace.com/ver4.html";/* Other browsers URL */elsewindow.location="http://someplace.com/other.html";//--></SCRIPT> You can remove the version stuff it won't effect it at all.
  15. And I thought I wouldn't find a solution to this one but this could be what you need. http://aumha.org/downloads/dragndropx.zip http://www.aumha.org/regfiles.php their might be some other patches with the drag and drop so search the site. Now I recommend contact theses guys and see what you have to do in order to patch this correctly and properly.
  16. Well think about it, Microsoft took 5 years and last I heard $50 million dollar price tag to develop this OS. If this happens to bust (which I doubt) it could hurt them in the future on any other OS's they might bring out. Of course the slowness of everyone converting to vista could hurt them as well.Although you comparing Apples ot Oranges, but Sony is have some huge financial problems due to lack of sales and problems with their products. Although they might not have $50 Billion to work with stocks could fall and could ruin M$. That of course would happen if we thought the worse case scenario would happen to befall M$.
  17. Your best bet would be to go to filefront.com unlimited space and allow up to 1gb files. I been with almost 2 years haven't failed me yet. Best part it makes megaupload look pathetic.Only downside is sometimes its takes forever to upload or download, but that would depend what time you download or which server you download it from. Usually I go somewhere in the middle to download files.
  18. I have no clue, I don't use Safari, your best bet would to post your problem at a safari website. Unless their are some safari users on here, of course I haven't seen one at all.of course the next solution would be to set up a individual CSS script for Safari and then add a javascript that selects the CSS style depending on the users browser.
  19. This is pretty cool and the programming to this must be good as well to pull off an accuracy like that. But by the looks of it, this software can only do pictures, I think it would next to impossible to revert ASCII to an actual image without uploading millions of images and the program as such.
  20. Answer is easy, in order to change the size of the marquee size you have to set the height and width with in the marquee as such. <marquee height="200px" width="200px" align="right" direction="up" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="3"> So replace the the following lines in your file and you are set. <td style="border: solid;"><marquee height="200px" width="200px" align="right" direction="up" behavior="scroll" scrollamount="3"> Marquee Referances http://html.mcwebber.net/marquee.html http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. Well I was using the USB booster as example since I haven't heard to much about USB be used this way. I don't trust those who who claim to get a faster connection.
  22. 1: Yeah it usually takes about 24-72 for everyone to see it although, I got the same thing, but it looks like a completely dead domain so you might want to check on that again. Also the other domain the afraid one went to a site looking for hosting so you might want to check that as well.2. Refer to haslip post about cheap domains.3. You can do whatever with your account just as long as it follows the guidelines set by the host.4. 1 credit=1 day of hosting so the amount of credits you have are based on how well your posts are. Now if you choose to pay for credits then it is a one time payment.
  23. God of Earth Bkag Avalon itsmyard MIGUE2k7 Saint-Michael Forsaken MICH Most Votes win and good luck.
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