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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. :Automated Message: Welcome to Xisto.com here is your welcome basket of assorted fruits and vegetables, a welcome card, a picture of me. <---that's me Make sure to check out the Xisto.com readme which you can find here Fooled you the actual link is here. It is the best source of information and it will answer all your questions that could possible have. If you have any questions after that, look for one of those blue guys those are the moderators of this forum. Of course you can ask other members as well about what to do and stuff. So enjoy your staying, enjoy your posting, and your future hosing account :End of Automated Message:
  2. Well thanks for the comment and such, sad thing is that I didn't do this by scratch you can make your own M&M by going to this site http://www.becomeanmm.com/.
  3. Agree on that it was cool the first time I saw it but after that, it was even coo, except for those who tried some completely different. Although I did find it interesting as to why this combo works like it should.
  4. Oh oyur one of the mooon conspiracy theorist that say, the hwo moon landing was staged, just so USA could claim the first to be on the moon.Now I will admit it was a possibility and I wouldn't doubt the US would or could have done something like that. Then of course spend millions or even billions to fool everyone. However, If thier was any evidence of that happening then maybe, but I do believe American's landed on the moon although I can't prove it that is stated as fact as of this time.Now with the 100 years I was a exagerating just a bit, but it still saying japan is well beyond most countries in the techonology world.No Japan alreayd had a space shuttle built but the equipment that was just now finish screw up the who shuttle launch they planned to do.I may not be a rocket scientist, but I do believe Japanese scientist know what their doing in building a shuttle, yeah they like experience but they have the skills to pull it off or even better maybe who knows.Agree with you that space flight is built on economic power and China lacks that at the moment, but in the last 6-6 years they been building it up good, no matter how corrupted it is.
  5. Well if you want to get technical on this I would say the very first computer would have to be the molecule. Since they basically program life in the known universe.But yeah the very fist computers looked like radio equipment since the monitors just showed blips and wiggly lines.
  6. I do believe you need to have the Arabic language pack installed on your computer in order for your computer to render the font properly.
  7. We do have the follow forum that covers most of what you would like to see. Science and Nature http://forums.xisto.com/topic/251-science-and-nature/ Religion topics would fall under the life forum in general or regional depending on the nature of the topic.
  8. Their is no sure way to preve you from getting a computer virus, because as long as your connected to the internet, your going to get one regardless if you visit a dirty site (not porn) or not. Best thing to do as mentioned above is keep it updated and check out the anti-virus center on your software they sometimes give you messages like McAfee does sometimes when their is a new one floating about. Also make sure to get a good firewall to that double the protections sometimes.But with all that software helping you, the one thing that will get a user all the time is that they do not pay attention to where they are going. That's how viruses best work they just wait for you to click this or click that.
  9. I would go with the ftp from the site and I tell you why, the security is already set up to prevent anyone from uploading to your site. So that's one less thing to worry about.I wouldn't give ftp access to your forum, because their are many way to sql inject a forum. Though I never heard of someone doing it through ftp.However if oyu feel uncomfortable I would set a separate ftp account that in no way could affect either of your sites and give full access to the point where they can download stuff.
  10. I got FF2 blocking them just fine gingica. I say give it a month and see if the ad will disappear.
  11. I can do you one better here is a link of what it looks like. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Hopefully that helps out.
  12. I am not saying he can't do I am all for him. That is is everyone's dream to fly in outer space. However we don't know why outer space can do to someone in his condition. Yeah I am assuming about the worse and I shouldn't but whats good for him is that he will get he proper training from those who know how to do it. Of course though Stephen hasn't used his legs in his whole life that I know of, so when you have half you body useless whats to say how he will be able to work in zero-g. Well I guess we will find out in two years.
  13. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Japan, what can you say they are practically 100 years ahead of everyone else in technology. But the one thing they have yet to do is go to the moon. They have the ship but with years of complications and the fact their spaceship is outdated and in need of massive repairs they might scrap their fist mission to the moon. Of course they never did give the price tag of how much it would cost to fix it. But 12 years of rust who know's what would happen if that thing was launched. The mission they were going to do was put in these seismic devices and see what kind of data they could get on their moon. But what does this say about their planned mission in 2025 to go to the moon? Took almost 12 years to get these devices ready and not they can't use them. However they are selling them to the highest bidder who is space capable, right now Russia is top dog on that. But I am shocked that America hasn't made bid. Because in 3 years we are supposed to head back ot the moon again, if possible at all because of the huge amount of money being sinked into this war on terror.
  14. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Most people knew that the government was selling it's own equipment to make money and allies but it looks our own citizens are really helping fuel the war on terror. I am not talking about Middle eastern American's either I am referring to the rest of the American's. Our own companies are buying parts from are own weapons and equipment and to make easy cash sell them to terrorists. It is pretty obvious from the article we have many Benedict Arnold's in our country woh rather make cash instead of protecting our country. We already knew that our own equipment was killing soldiers now we find out that our own bombs are killing them. I am so glad I living in a country where people don't care about others and order to be rich you just have to kill someone. :P .
  15. Well that is what I am going for is basic layout without all the twists and turns needed. Since this is based on online tools and what not.
  16. To add a bit to that, pop-up ad's were the biggest thing back in the 90's and hten they got annoying. People started making up scripts in which people had to click 3 or 4 ad's just before getting to the main site. They were ok at one time but people abuse them and now we hate them.
  17. YEAH!!! it works and funny enough I was shocked to lear I was at 89% without trying . Looked at the rest of my info and I am surprised that I did this well without really trying. Wonder what could happen if I did try.
  18. Man who's next Japan? I wouldn't be surprise if they start throwing claims out for an Iphone.Guess what guys? IPhone been copyrighted to me as well since 2001 when I coin the term Internet Phone or IPhone .
  19. :Automated Message: Welcome to Xisto.com here is your welcome basket of assorted fruits and vegetables, a welcome card, a picture of me. <---that's me Make sure to check out the Xisto.com readme which you can find here Fooled you the actual link is here. It is the best source of information and it will answer all your questions that could possible have. If you have any questions after that, look for one of those blue guys those are the moderators of this forum. Of course you can ask other members as well about what to do and stuff. So enjoy your staying, enjoy your posting, and your future hosing account :End of Automated Message:
  20. Make that North America, I am below you in the states and I can confirm we are getting them as well. Of course this ad been going on all week so it has to be something. I recommend finding a us proxy/ip and see what you can find.
  21. I had the same problems different system and wifi router, but it should work eitherway. What you need to do is download an updated firmware then after that turn everything off including your main connection. Then wait 3-4 minutes turn your mainline back on then your computer then your wifi connection. Next do a automatic detection of your connection it should pick up your main line connection and you should be set. If this don't work then follow this guide from netgears.
  22. Today we celebrate the life of a man who was a patriot of peace, a man who was a patriot for all men to equal. He had a dream that some believe that it could not happen today, it maybe true that his dream is not yet there, but one day his dream that he sacrificed his life for, could one day be true for everyone. Not Just for American's but for everyone across the world who want a life of peace and happiness. He did things no one would have thought of in the past and that was stare racism and fear right in it's face and say to that racism and fear that we won't take it anymore. Today we celebrate a true American Patriot of freedom and his name was Martin Luther King Jr. The fight for equality is still going on and still as strong as ever even though those who don't want it are fighting it with fear and terrorism, one day his dream will come true. These are his words of that dream: The Fight still goes on MLK but the fighters of peace are still with you in the past, present and the future.
  23. Thought I try this out on a hunch and I am correct, this SEO does not do sub-domains since it will referred the user back to the original domain which is Xisto. Now since this is in beta I would assume they would do something for sub-domain. But by the looks of it I highly doubt it and is only effective for TLD sites.
  24. Ok this is what we are referring to. Here is your background Heres your footer Now in order to for this to work properly I had to flip the background over so the footer and the content back ground match like so: and there you go your brand footer. It might not be perfect since their is no closing but you could do something like your header and fade it out.
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