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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. No problem delivi and remember vote me president of the world in 2035 . Topic solved and topic closed.
  2. I believe that has already been posted. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/92050-topic/?findpost=1064361953=
  3. in your css file ad the following. background: url("navbar.jpg"); background-repeat: no-repeat; XHTML no longer supprts backgrounds so you must use a css file to show a background image.
  4. Lyon2 that award was giving for posting the most in the freebies section, meaning that with expensive software you provided free alternatives. Here is last years results http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=31777= http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=32033= http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shoc=32176=
  5. It's 3 minutes late but HAPPY NEW YEAR and My resolution is to be More EVIL then EVER MUHAHAHA BANS ALL AROUND.
  6. AWWW YEAH Comedian of hte Year 2 years running, I never had a doubt in my mind that I would take that one :lol:WOW about aggie and Boozker winning especially aggieI have to admit albus got in some good votes to stay with me.Can't Believe I didn't get the Dr. Phil maybe I need to get into more peoples love lives to get it next year. ^_^Well congrats to the winners and such. I plan to threepeat my winnings again.
  7. Polls are officially closed. Expect the results and tags to be up by 12 am east coast time.
  8. Yeah agree with pretty much everyone that the top nav and header need to be changed. Also it would be good to make your text just a bit larger or bold it in some spots (most likely my resolution). It's also a bit crowded, should try and space it out a bit more, but other then that its a good template.
  9. Doesn't look familiar to me but I do some search and found this info. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ These messages are saying you can do ahead a delete it since it is part of the update log. I suggest you read more into it. Microsoft answer to your problem. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/927978 It looks like it has to do with the updates from November 2006 up to now. GOOGLE KEYWORD: msxml4-KB927978-enu
  10. Another way would be to change your passwords often and not have them saved on your computer. But what xbox said he most likely changed your settings to keep tabs on you. Of course the smart thing to do is stop talking dirty because who knows who you will be talking to, you might get an unexpected visitor.
  11. Well we hit another Milestone and thats the Grim fact the U.S has lost 3,000 sons and daughters, although a handful of those deaths were caused by accidents by other soldiers, suicides and even natural causes. It still remains the fact the these families will not see their love ones again. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I had the displeasure to find out that my roommate was one of those casualties RIP Trevor A. Wine. Regardless how others feel about this war and how the U.S Government treats everyone else. These sons and daughters died because of people who think war is the only way of life and if they don't know peace then it is their jobs to make sure no one else can have peace in their lives. In a fantasy world we talk things out and figure out a compromise that would benefit everyone. But in the real world we can't have that. We don't know when this will end, but hopefully in the future when our children grow up they will fix the mistakes we have made from our past. Then bring peace that we all want in life and not have to look behind our backs just to make sure we won't get shot, kidnapped or even blown up. Of course we can't forget the wounded who won't be able to do the things the rest of us take for granted and leads them to a dark place in their minds because of the horror's they have been through. Although I survive this war, I am not the person who I was before, my world that I grew up in, came crashing down. Although we learn about the wars in the past, we don't know how real it is until we are there embracing it for the first time.
  12. Well we hit another Milestone and thats the Grim fact the U.S has lost 3,000 sons and daughters, although a handful of those deaths were caused by accidents by other soldiers, suicides and even natural causes. It still remains the fact the these families will not see their love ones again. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I had the displeasure to find out that my roommate was one of those casualties RIP Trevor A. Wine. Regardless how others feel about this war and how the U.S Government treats everyone else. These sons and daughters died because of people who think war is the only way of life and if they don't know peace then it is their jobs to make sure no one else can have peace in their lives. In a fantasy world we talk things out and figure out a compromise that would benefit everyone. But in the real world we can't have that. We don't know when this will end, but hopefully in the future when our children grow up they will fix the mistakes we have made from our past. Then bring peace that we all want in life and not have to look behind our backs just to make sure we won't get shot, kidnapped or even blown up. Of course we can't forget the wounded who won't be able to do the things the rest of us take for granted and leads them to a dark place in their minds because of the horror's they have been through. Although I survive this war, I am not the person who I was before, my world that I grew up in, came crashing down. Although we learn about the wars in the past, we don't know how real it is until we are there embracing it for the first time.
  13. OOOH love the gradient better copy those colors down. :lol:I center the copyright though, on my resolution it goes way out though.Also I think a nice skinny sidebars on the page would look good with it, just enough to give a separation from the gradient your using.
  14. Although your looking for the valid way in coding, sometimes a handful of errors won't make your site any faster. The <center> tag maybe invalid but it is still usuable. However since you figured out your problem the topic is closed.
  15. Members nominated other members simple process. Then those with the most nominations get put into the final voting poll. I Think thats what PLeno did this time.
  16. Kubi the problem your referring to is the email that was listed in the web applications. What "Chad" is referring to is that when he googled his sub domain he would be point to trap and not his own site.Now I am assuming that "chad" was typing in his sub-domain when he search his site. If thats the case all references to that domain will be showing up. I don't know his user name so I couldn't tell if that was brought up.When your trying to see your ranks in search engines, those are based on links and key words. I highly doubt he had a fair share of either and so his web application showed up in the search. Of course I just tested to see if my web application showed up and it didn't. Which means the web applications forum has been programmed in a way not to get index whatsoever. So you can clam your fears with that happening again, so most likely chad had an account before this change was made.
  17. This should help since this is the proper tag format <img src="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; border="0" width="16px" height="16px" alt=''> You only use ' when you are using such scripting such as javascript and php, in html you do need the "" in everything in order for it to work. A suggestion would to get a image host like imageshack or imagefilez and load them up that. For the Following reasons -Shorter Url -Don't have to worry about hotlinking errors Also if they won't show up on one browser their are not going to up on the other ones as well.
  18. One Evil down Osama is next. $5 bush is jumping for joy right now that he finished the family feud that started in 1990. Of course expect that video to pop up over the net in the next few days as well.
  19. It's a IPB forum he is using, unless he did a conversation then it would be SMF since I don't know of any phpbb mods that convert ipb to phpbb.
  20. instead of doing all that go to your cpanel and then click onto mysql, then look for the forum db to see if it is there, if ir is then scroll down then select the user and then select the forum db name.Make sure Privileges are set to all then click on Granter Permissions and that should get the forum back online again.Of course from what I have been reading in theses posts almost sounds like all the information that is with this forum could be gone. In which you will have to start from scratch.
  21. Well the day has come for this to happen. of course from news articles I read some U.S. soldiers don't want him dead, just because of the after effects it will have.Of course I wonder how sincere Saddam was when he told Iraqis to be friends with us.
  22. Lets not get philosophical with this. I think the quote is referring to how big of a hand MS has in the computer industry. Most people even former MS employee's base their programs off of MS hard/software in their own little ways.True they don't have their corporate logo imprinted on everything, laws forbid it, but MS influence is everwhere you see it.Yes it has been 31 years exactly since Microsoft has been in power (April 4, 1975) and making roughly $40-50 Billion a year while Google so far makes about 7 Billion a year. OS you see google has to do something in order to increase it's revenue substantially.
  23. Yeah almost forgot something else I think the "Accidental President" would fit better when he fell down of the airplane stairs. Funny they didn't show any images or even mentioned that little fact.
  24. I would say it's a toss up between PHP and C++ their a lot of stuff you can do with both languages.HTML and XHTML are mark up, DHTML can be considered a programming language since it requires javascript to make it work.
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