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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Should be interesting how this works out but since your other forms of income are coming from somewhere else I doubt you will see ad's here unless prices for webspace skyrocket.
  2. Pretty much what everyone else has said read up on some tutorials and do the following in this order-Work on Backgrounds-Work on render blending-Work on coloring-work on text-work on borders-work on special effectsWork on them in that order and you will do fine of course after all that starting combining idea's fro mseveral tutorials at once and you will improve greatly.
  3. sharpness is bad, flat background and what c4d, using c4d are a lot harder to use because to use them properly you need to a combination of blending, lighting and coloring and using the right laying properties. But with that said what c4d? Text needs improvement.
  4. pixel stretch backgrounds are a good start but it's best to get away from them fast, because now it's all about layering, lighting and good blending.
  5. I would agree they would look good if they were cut properly, I would say some more background could be done to them, lighten up the glass just a bit more as well, to not make them as obvious.
  6. feathered way too much, grunge needs to blended in more so do the colors.Then of course work on the depth, lighting and all that other good stuff.
  7. First put the google ads within the website (rightside), need some more color, black and grey don't really cut it anymore, maybe a coloful image or two, of course needs more content.
  8. You can kiss fireworks goodbye since photoshop is the superior of the two graphics software out there. I haven't heard to much about a new fireworks coming out and I doubt it will After CS3 goes full version, they might take some idea's from fireworks, don't know if they have already. I would say say macromedia will keep it's programming software amd drop it's graphic software while adobe drops its programming software and keep its graphic software.
  9. You will be surprise how much a person could stretch out 1gb of storage space, plus I think it's kind of a turn off to pay .50 for additional storage, yeah it pays for the space, but any smart person could just create several accounts and not have to pay for it.
  10. Its a good skin nothing to fancy about it , just change the header and your fine.
  11. well the actual site just shows server info and no searchs of come up about any phishing scams or otherwise about it.Also the info would be listing xisto servers and not from that site.
  12. Wouldn't doing a little copying and pasting of the group permission set up fix that little technicality. most likely you will find that php string that sets up the file permissions for admin and mods in the admin files that list the group permissions in it.
  13. Dark skins are out for profession gfx sites you want something on the lighter side with dark color gradients for title bars and what not. Dark skins are mostly for gaming/clan sites. Whats funny that this skin got an upgrade from it's 2.0 days. http://www.ipsfocus.com/portfolio/IPBFS.png http://www.ipsfocus.com/portfolio/IdahoTalks.png http://www.ipsfocus.com/portfolio/SurrealDesigns.png http://www.ipsfocus.com/portfolio/TutorialFxv3.png those are professional looking skins. I would suggest using the colors of the new gfx tab the dark orange and the grey.
  14. Working on it on and off for a couple of months.
  15. something I made before class this morning. 30+ layers give or take
  16. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ This what I have been doing for the last few months in school more or less leave a comment if you want and junk, it's in frames so bare with it (it's the CMS they are using).
  17. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  18. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  19. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  20. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  21. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  22. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  23. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  24. You just been spammed by that S&M guy XD.

  25. descent sig, text could be a bit better and stand out just a bit more, since it is a bit blended end. It is also bright as well, at least he background is, need some more depth to it, other then that good work.Like the grunge look, although it looks imcomplete since the grunge brushing is in patches and what not, could use a couple of more colors, maybe some greens and dark oranges.
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