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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well to add a bit to the DL tags, in way those would be use primary as a way to set up a definition of a word and it source, something like this:word This is the meaning of the word and where it comes from..I do believe dictionary.com is using that tag, although I haven't verified that, but it would seem plauseiable to use it. Of course their are many other reasons, primaryily used for organzing information, heck you can even use this to set up work citations on a website if your doing a research project.
  2. Well I saw this earlier today in a headline on yahoo, congress whats a pull out of us troops out of Iraq (Most likely on the 5 year anniversary). Congress says they want a pullout reguardless of the veto threats Bush is saying he will do. I find that amusing that they want to do this, even though most of them got their money for that oil they are trying to get. Reguardless though I don't think it will happen so what does everyone else think, is it a bunch of hot air or do they really mean it this time.
  3. Sorry for slight delay in my next review just getting over a nasty cold, I would say I am about 85-90% rid of it. So tonight or tomorrow depending what time you read this, I will be reviewing one of the best beat up games during the prime of old school arcade games. In which I introduce a new title called "Grand Daddy", which basically means that this game lead the way in it's genre of arcade games, in which Final Fighter will be the first. Final Fight Some Screen Shots Game Maker: Capcom Year:1990 Price: 50 cent to start I believe it 25 cents to continue Levels: 5 Long Levels, 6 bosses Sound: 9.5 (that laugh got quite annoying after awhile). Graphics: 10, because of the sprite detail that was put into this game. Mini-Games: Yes Smash a Car up, Break some glass. Difficulty: Back Then: 10 Now: 7 Game play: Basic punch and jump with character specific special attacks that drain your life Plot: Mad Gear the worse and most powerful gang in all of metro city, decided to some gang land stuff by kidnapping Jessica, Hagger’s (The Mayor of Metro City and former fighter) daughter and Cody's girlfriend, and that either he cooperates or else Jessica dies. Good thing he did not cooperate or else we wouldn't have game and I wouldn't be talking about this. So Hagger tells Cody and of course his partner guy what has happen and so it's now butt whipping time. YEEEAAAAW!!! (think that’s how the sound bit is spelled out) First Impressions: SWEET MORE VIOLENCE , well not really, I really like the challenge and being young that I was, did have a large wallet to complete the game, I the farthest I have ever gotten on the arcade was the Industrial Area then that’s where I usually ran out of quarters. This game was all about timing and keeping yourself alive, especially when their rolling barrels showed up out of no where I got you. The weapons where uber useful especially the knives, since the weapon could do some serious damage while having that temporariness (Can’t believe that a word ) to them. Still it was a good game I even played the nickel version at the penny arcade later in the mid 90s and still couldn't beat it. However I did play the genesis and SNES versions, I did beat the genesis one but not the SNES one. More or less it was one of Capcom's Greatest Old School arcade games. I would say I ball park my dollar amount to at least $50-60 with a margin of error $10-20. 17 years later: Still in awesome after all this time, graphics sound still good, of course it still has it's challenge like it did back in the day, since you are limited to what you could do in dodging attacks and that good stuff. I would say it took me the better part of an hour and a lot of quarters (not really) to beat this game in a long while. Still worth the replay value since you have 3 different characters to play with, who have different strengths and weakness. Buy with the best combo for attacks while Hagger is straight power and Cody with the balance of the two. Overall Ranking: 10 easy, it still has it's perks and it's annoyances like that laugh (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-without the sound), but it's mini traps are still have their difficulty in timing correctly so not to get burned and junk. It has good replay value because you don't always die by hte same character ever time, unless you do then you need to practice more. Now for that Catchy slogan-- "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  4. Well if you plan out your college life in terms of how many classes you take a semester that their nothing to really stress about. Right now I am taking 3 classes a semester, because it's a good workload I can handle without any problems come test time and start pulling out my hair. Of course this is coming fro ma community college student and not a full blown university student, so it could be different. If you think you can' handle the full college life go to a community college, so in that way you can learn at a somewhat slower pace and don't have to feel rushed when doing the work.
  5. I give you the simple answer "why get something extra, when you should be doing it already" that's more or less in refereance to spam patrol and all members, with the graphics crew the only real incentive your getting is getting better in gfx design. and maybe a link or soemthing saying who did it. I tried to set up something a while a go about setting up a mini store when the requests were being done that person would get a small amount of credits. However since most of the request were done by non hosted members and it pretty much defeated the purpose of it. Also OpaQue would need to code that into the credit script, which I don't really see happening in the near future. Also the post count has been turned off here (I think) because it start becming a chat room about what changes need to be more or something along hte lines of that.
  6. Interesting site, of course I know that template that site is using very well, but getting a little side tracked. Anyways I got a few dead links from some of the tutorials, but it looks to be like very basic stuff and nothing you can't already find always, like W3schools.
  7. Watermarking is usually the best method, but like haslip mention your images are out there and in fact they are stored in someone's cache, which is usually used for quicker downloading of websites through a browser. I wouldn't know the percentage of people but some put the original sources of that image on their site (usually with the images that being displayed). However the debate thats going one with copy rights is that unless that person is not making a profit off of someone else work are they either breaking internet copyright laws or the standard copyright laws in the books.Internet copyright laws are very confusing to even the lawyers in some aspects, because of the fact the internet is so open source it is not even funny, because you can find anything and everything with or without the constent of the original authors. However, on the academic side copyrights are very serious and they can get you kicked out of colleges and what not. So depending on the situation of whats happening, then the copyrights on internet are open to intepretation and current laws at the time someone is trying to sue the other.@shadowx reguardless of the set up your using a person still can save the image by the right click method, yeah you can block the file directory so they can get a complete list of the images, but since google and yahoo search engines index like every single image it would eventually defeats the purpose.
  8. Well you get that same error message in IE 7 as well "unsuccessful post, report this" Of course my knowledge of ajax is limited but I would say the problem lies somewhere in here /** * II. Send a shout out to the server and store it in database */ //onSubmit, send `name` and `message` input to server via `SenderAj` function sendShout_sb () { var name = document.getElementById("shouter_sb").value; var message = document.getElementById("shout_sb").value; SenderAj = new ajaxConn(); SenderAj.serverscript = "ezShout/includes/procedures/sendShout.php"; SenderAj.setValues("name=" + name + ",message=" + message + ",rand=" + Math.random()); SenderAj.connect("isShoutSuccessful_sb", "POST"); } in the post function and the connection to the database that is storing this shouts, take a look at your php file and see if you happen to forget to add a piece of code inthe php file that is failing to connect the db to the shoutbox.
  9. Now I think people are just making up stuff, also I wouldn't put to much stock into wikipedia, I know most colleges don't. Of course if someone really has that phobio then they are really messed up and need to see a padded room. Well that would lock up most of the religious nuts out their. I wonder if a satanist could have that phobia, would the term oxymoron fit into that humorous idea, I know their another word I am looking for but can't think of it at the moment.
  10. I would have to go with imshack just for two simple reasons 1: no BW limit and 2: no space limit. Of course the only thing that turns me off about imageshack that it has no organizing except to list the ways to display the image, and that the reason why I give photobucket a point for it's organization set up. So it would be a matter of preferance and where you actually display your images, since now imageshack has this thing about banning websites from display images from their site. I know trap had that little problrm last year, which was fixed. Photobucket would be more of a gallery or small site for storing images.
  11. Your referring to the fact the if you go just to the domain it comes up with that information which is true.The first thing that I was look at your source and what I notice right off the bat was that you have implemented you CSS right into your document, well due to it's size I would make it a external style sheet for convience and do some major cleaning of your code. At 180 errors you will be running into some problems, even if you can't fix all of them you usually want at least less then 20 error in your syntax for good performance. Although if you know what hte problems are you can get that down to 0. With the CSS you have a total of 55 errors, but with CSS you really want no errors whatsoever, or you will have display problems in your design. However you can get away with have a couple of warnings since they don't indrectly affect your display that much, but are mention if your looking for optimal performance.To me though the design looks plain, it's clean just a play design.Another thing I would fix is the color of the number slot you have next to the text that says how many items of that group are their its a bit light and hard to see against a white background fix it to a darker color perferably with color.Thats I can really notice just by first impressions and looking at the source code.
  12. the PS3 is not $900 it was only $900 if you got a bundle pack of some sorts it is $499 and $599. As a Ps3 owner their are not to many good games IMO that are out right now or ones that I have for the PS2 are worth buying for the PS3 to see the difference. Hopefully the line up will become better buy this fall and winter since that when some of the good games come out.Of course you can do what some people have and install a OS on the PS3, I hear linux is hte best OS to install, but some Windows XP have been installed.
  13. Saint_Michael

    Html Help

    Well first we need the CSS code since your using CSS to design your links it would help more and correct the problems you might have with it.
  14. head over to pixel2life.com they have a good index of flash tutorials. However, I will warn you that unless you plan to build a complete flashed based website, you will have problems getting index, since search don't look for complete flash sites. But if it is a personal site and just want to learn then do all the flash you want.
  15. It just gets worse, but find it funny on the first set that the stroke looked better, of course I cant tell the difference between the second group. At least I can say that font does not look good small .
  16. Credits have been turned off for the sigs forum, so your post count will increase but not your credits.
  17. I have seen reports that lot of online games are having problems just being installed, due to the security protocols Vista has and if installed successfully don't even run or cannot connect to the games server. That not prejudices that's factual MS OS's have always had software and hardware problems on either new patches or New OS versions every time. So people have to wait like weeks or months just for the software or hardware to send it's updates to work properly. But by then some would end up just buying new stuff anyways so just to get their computer to work. Also where did NASA come from?? Of course it won't be patches for windows early on it will most likely be patches for software that can't work properly on vista. Alegis you are correct that vista has been designed the longest so they could have plugged up most of the holes in the code. Look at 98, ME and XP I believe it they had a 2 year gap when they came out on the market. Of course ME was a mistake to begin with and so MS had to build XP. But of course MS is boasting about their new security system and so far it has failed against elite hackers who have tested it. I would say the major patches won't be showing up till late summer early fall. With The graphics I do believe that any graphics card from geforce series that has been out for about 1-2 years should be able run it properly without any serious problems. I did find some minimum hardware specs for vista (Microsfot Site) Home Basic Hom Premium, Business, Ultimate Those are the minimum specs needed to run vista. However, I think the hard drive specs are weak due to the fact that Vista takes a very big chunk to run and for hard drives that smaller you will be limited to the software you can install, but of course you don't see to many pre-built computers with 20GB hard drives anymore.
  18. Same here, but looking at your location how are you getting china's google page in the first place? I would download spybot and run it and see if you got any spyware or browser hijacks in your computer.
  19. What kind of document is it because from my search I got that process for forms, sql files, excel files? This is the google search pattern that I used GOOGLE KEY WORDS "replace all the return carriages with space carriages"
  20. interesting indeed, basically removes the pixelation within the text, of course what happens when a person's text isn't that big? Thats what 28-30ish in font size? Because as the font size get bigger pixelation does come into play and as it gets smaller the pixelation clears up. But what about using anti-alias? I do believe gimp does have that built in?
  21. its looks good, could only image what it looks like without the compression, since the scan lines due do some damage to it. But I do like the color scheme to it though, it gives it a old school graphics design look to it.
  22. You just been Spammed by the S&M guy XP


  24. you Just been spammed by the S&M GUY XP

  25. It makes you wonder who is more correct when looking to fix the problems website on the internet, the actual computer computer or some guy that uses out dated software because they don't feel like spending the time learning new stuff.Although My situation wasn't as bad everyone else, it was however more funnier. When I order my Dell XPS I wanted to change the lens color on my computer but that option wasn't there for any of the XPS systems, so when I talked to a customer service guy on dell live chat, he had no clue what the hell I was talking about, I actually had to do a print screen to show him what I was talking about. His answer was "I don't see that on my screen: needless to say I stuck with the red color even though I wanted a different color.For me thought before I even call a tech nerd I rather search for the answer because 99% that website is more correct the the tech nerd.
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