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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Really, do I even want to know how that happens, besides deleted certain system files?
  2. All I have to say from reading the article is Microsoft is making sure no ther other but their own gets installed. Also the fact you don't get full admin privileges in vista is something I would be worried about as well. I could be taking this a bit far, but that could mean that only Microsoft employee's have FULL access to the vista OS.But of course the fact that Microsoft is being cheap about security at least on Vista Business version, means that they plan for the big businesses to get the better versions of vista.
  3. To comment on the processors able to sustain vista that really depends on the ram you have, because from the early reports Vista is a resource HOG. I still don't think 1 gig of ram will help vista run smoothly, they claim it will with vista ultimate even though I see 2 gigs of ran at least to RAM to keep it lagging after the wear and tear is set in.But yeah All the new processors that are coming out are built specifically for Vista if you running like Windows 95 (AHAHAHAHA) on a dual core processor, then share the wealth because that would be the overkill for older systems.
  4. hmmm.. interesting I never had that come when I bought my new computer last year, but most likely it due to the fact I didn't have it enabled. But if you just reinstalled your OS why would that now pop up since it is never enabled in the first place?
  5. Althought this coming from amazon.com it says this mother board will support home premium: https://www.amazon.com/Intel-945GCLL-Socketd/dp/B000IE7TWU but also with this mother board you could put any processor in it then you want From Intel D to Dual core and most likely you are already going to drop the cash for a dual core processor to run vista. That what my plan is going to be when I have to build a PC for that hardware class I will be taking in the summer. If you want Vista to run smoothly (LMAO) then you will need the right power to use it. Home premium is supposed to install great on computers from 2k3-2k4 and beyond, this computer I am typing on now, doesn't have the power it need ot run it and yet the program I ran to see which vista could run it said home premium. The only difference between basic and premium is Aero and some security stuff and some others things I can't think of at the moment and the fact it costs more.
  6. You have some good beginning stuff but still have some rough edges to fix. 1. Text needs some work, you don't want your text to stick out like that, it needs to blend in smoothly with the rest of the design. It has to have a combination of being visible but like its part of the sig altogether. something like this of course text is like one of the hardest to get good at. 2. Renders they need to blend in smoothly with your backgrounds especially when using contrasting colors of light and dark against, feather is a good technique to use since it works well with grunge backgrounds like some of sigs are. 3. Backgrounds take a lot of work depending on the style, because it requires a lot of blending and using the right layering properties to work well, especially since depth of the background is practically required since you don't want to have flat background for your sig. That is the reason knowing how to blend in your render with your background gives it the extra depth. With depth you need to using good lighting techniques which require the use of the lense flare filter. Of course the best way to learn new stuff is reading like of tutorials in which I recommend pixel2life and gamerenders, they have the best index of sig design.
  7. Of course you know how some people are they just have to get those updates with all the bugs and stuff no one knows about yet. Just so they can make sure they are secure, although I one side it protects them from older hack tricks from the old release.Remember the whole big craze about PHP5 last I heard it was still in beta form So I don't know if a cleaner release has been provided yet.
  8. My question is what FTP program are you using that is causing this problem? Their could be a solution to this, of course I have been using smartFTP for awhile and I can delete with no problems even with stuff in it. Until we know what FTP software your using then the cpanel method is the only effective choice at the moment.
  9. Of course if you have notice a lot of the comic to movie conversions have been from B-Rated comics excluding spider-man and the x-men, of course the guy who directored daredevil and Ghost Rider has butchered the comic to moive conversations pretty badly, from what movie reviewers I have been reading.
  10. The only thing really holding back sony is lack of games, and the fact they making the release dates of PS3 ports longer, I have one but none of the PS3 that are out don't look interesting enough to play, although I had my on a few racing games. Of course I be waiting out for the the good games which starting coming out in the fall. By then I will have a HDTV .
  11. For dreamweaver in your prefences you can set up your previews for each browser, you can have a primary one and then secondary ones, then click ok then go to file and pick the browser that you want to preview. However the Design view is built in so unless you design your site through the design view, you will have to suffer the ctrl + s and then select the browser and press f5 to view your site. Of course their are some editors that are set up with a browser design view, just have to suffer the junk code most of them produce.That is true they don't before hacks, but depending on how your trying to design your site you can get away from using hacks. So says this Instructor in a class I attended last night.
  12. OMG haven't seen you like forever whats up and junk

  13. Well I thought I put my 1 penny worth of thought about this and we all know about my track record here :lol:But through my wonderful experiece as a mod and admin on other sites I would say that this would the following order1. Learn and know everything about how a forum works, because each one is different in it's own little ways and the more you know the easier maintaining a forum gets2. Support (wait for the eye rolls and what not) If everyone doesn't support in help maintaining a forum in every aspect, then it could flop I seen that happen quite a lot when I was helping forum design for people back in the day.3. Respect (waiting for the eye rolls again) you have to earn it and if your a crappy mod people will know and most likely complain about it they usually do.4. Rules (no comment there)5. Need good Content, Like I have told hundreds of people content is everything it has to be unqiue and useful don't try to post up old stuff won't help because you can find it else where I would know I am guru in finding stuff on the net. If you don't have good content then your site will slowly die6. Advertising and affiliation are a big aspect of getting your forum well known, it doesn't get you a million hits thats content and search engines job to do that. It doesn't matter who you advertise with its a simple link and everyone ones google loves links.7. Mods also need to be resourceful as well if your mod has no clue whats going with in a forum how will they be able to answer peoples questions, this more or less falls in line with # 1 and #28. Experience mods need to train up hte new mods so they know where everything is had ( I done that here and on asta as well)9. It's a Position like a anything else, regaurdless if you good at what you do, if people don't respect you then your position is meaningless and the only thing you got is authority, big whoop so you can something others can't. Of course that is coming from my experiences in the military10. Patience, if you don't have it and can't stand people asking the same question 30 billion times then your not fit to be a mod. Their is more I think but those are like the top unwritten rules to having a good mod.
  14. Oh I know that norton glitch rather well, it has happen to me before on my desktop it would give me a error pop up message and the ncut me off inwhich I had to restart the whole computer. However I'm now using McAfee Secuirty center v10 and it is has some sweet protection on it and some other good stuff. Of course I got some other stuff to keep me protected (Just spybot). Well norton has list of problems 1 it doesn't pick up all viruses even those they have a very large index of viruses it protect from, spyware is junk and it is traight up a resource hog. Of course I am not keen on free open source virus protection programs out their, yeah someone is providing a free software but really how effective can it be?
  15. Although it looks like a good recipe and all that but unless your a scientist not to many that I am aware of have items in their kitchen to determine if you have the right about of grams for this reciepe maybe doing some convert to tablespoons, or cups will help out .
  16. I must be missing something from this post because word press on installation alone is like 2-3 MB of space not 8 unless you install a whole bunch of stuff to it. Consuming what bandwidth or actual space?remember bandwidth usuage is determined the size of your documents and the size of file downloads and even uploading files. If you just installed it you shouldn't be even using that much BW to begin with, but over time has you build content and what not your bw load will get bigger (that can't be helped unless you delete it) and web space will be taking up as well.I swear cpanel has something like your asking but can't seem to find I know you see how much BW is being a month by just clicking on bandwidth in your cpanel. Another way although I haven't fully explored it is click on the web/FTP stats and then click on the awstats and give you a lot of detail abotu your site. I do believe it is in their somewhere.Also make sure all your images and downloads are hotlinked so no one else can get free BW off you as well.But like I said their is a wild card in their that I am not seeing in your post that would explain it.
  17. Although I don't know much about joomla, I would say your problem is right there and that you have it cross servered (meaning you got it one server while the website is on another server. they do get picky about this sometimes. Next would be those 3 read flags that be popping up, you usually don't want to ignore them because they could cause problems in the future and could be the root of your problem. It is possible to install joomla on a windows server here are a few sites to help in that process https://forum.joomla.org/index.php?topic=52721.0;wap2 This site talks about problems with windows and joomla in which I think hte last post could be another possibility in which you would have to check on as well. https://forum.joomla.org/index.php?topic=25209.msg260468 Best thing is to un-install and then reinstall joomla but this time fix the red flags (might need to know what they are for possible solution) but just configure it for the linux server. Then see if it runs properly. Then next do a simple redirect page for the joomla site if your going to cross servers like that. I don't know much about cross configuring servers, but this should give you some ideas. So not to forget make sure to post your question on joomla's forum as well, I don't doubt mike could help but's always good to post it several different places because most likely someone could have been in hte same situation.
  18. Agreed on that the Light colors, needs to be darken a bit, I would go with a dark border where that horizontal nav bar is at (though not being used) make that darker as well. I got with a bigger more solid font, since the color light and hard to see.For your header use the background color you have for your footer and put it there it would go perfect with it. The text is fine just the way it is.For the blog version most of what I could apply especially the header, of course those force headers and footers they have ruin the design but that's the price I guess .
  19. Recently I got back into playing old school arcade games; no I am not talking about the ones that have been redone so you can play them on your playstation, xbox, psp or whatever. I am talking about the huge joy sticking, button mashing, finger hurting, 50 cent dropping, pizza eating games we gamers played back in the 80's and 90's in malls, until we got those lame games like Dance Dance Revolution (eeew) where you need to actually pay attention to. Well it was simple economics to why the arcade industry died out i.e.: playstation era of gaming. Of course it was due to that fact to build a arcade was like what roughly in the 6 figure department? of course now that’s chump change to how much it costs to make a game (millions). Back then it was a big deal because if you didn't make your money from the hundreds to thousands of arcade machines then you lost a lot of money. Of course the biggest name of arcade industry was of course Capcom... need I say more about this gaming giant? Hopefully I don't but if I must then ok. Street Fighter, Final Fight, Dungeons and Dragons need I say more? If your lucky you can find these old school game in nickel arcades and maybe some bowling allies, of course if you were lucky and bought one from someone selling them then kudos’s to you. Of course if you know about emulators and roms yes arcade games have been converted in a form called MAME how the heck they did that I would not know, I don't even see how it was done since ports to these games went to a system. Of course your on your own in finding them, which of course isn't that hard. So thats bit of background history so now for the Review The Simpsons Some screen shots for some more images go Here Game Maker: Konami Year:1991 Price: 50 cent to start I believe it 25 cents to continue Levels: 8 (including bosses at the end of each lvl, With Burns being the last boss.) Sound: I give it a 10 you could hear the characters quite well. Graphics: Easy 10 and I still give that grade 16 years later. Mini-Games: Yes (2 one was blowing up a balloon as fast as you can against 3 other opponents AI or human and a slapping game to see who could wake the Simpsons faster with you against 3 other opponents AI or human.) Difficulty: 10 if you played it old school with cash and 1 on the emulator since you don't have to worry about cash and just keep on pressing the start button. Game play: basic punch kick combos and the ability to jump and if you have items you can use them as well, milkshake anyone? The game also has some super moves as well in whihc oyu have 2 characters next to each other and you have them stand still for maybe about 3-4 seconds and they have special area attack, which is sometimes effective (not against the bosses). Basically a button masher game. Plot: It was a lovely day in Springfield, the family Simpson just strolling about minding their own business ... JUST THEN...Homer bumps into Mr. Smithers who just by the way robbed a diamond store. In which the diamond Mr. Smithers had drops and replaces Maggie’s binky and so Smithers kidnaps her and so the Simpsons must rescue her. GO TEAM SIMPSONS!!! ***does a thumbs up pose with a wacky face*** First Impressions I remember playing this back in the day in a amusement park, after my first 50 cents I was hooked and button mashing would begin. Of course this game was hard(roughly 10-11 years old) especially since you had to drop some serious cash to get far in this game. The farthest I got in a group or single player was the second stage the huge clown ball got me everyone time. I don't even think I can tell you how much I spent on this game, I would ball park maybe $40-$50 at the least maybe more. Never did beat it back didn't have the money (LMAO), time and a good location to play that game. 16 years later After finding the game and a proper emulator to get it running, which setting it up the emulator sucked by the way ( yeah I know it should easy you be surprise). So after figuring it out it was time to play, so I soloed the game with Marge Simpson by accident, but has had the range so it didn't matter. I would say at .50 cents a game I would say I sunk in about close to hundred dollars worth (died a lot). I finally beat it in about an hour, yeah I was surprised how long this game was, and of course you have to remember I never got past the second stage. So I was happy that I finally beat, so I thought I go all out and play all 4 characters ( had to do some tweaking to get the controls right). It was still fun, took out about 5-600 bad guys total, I would say an hour and change. You be surprise on how much you have to do in controlling 4 characters at once, so I finally beat solo and group and it was still awesome like it was 16 years ago. Of course my fingers hurt even more playing on this laptop . Overall Ranking: 10 easy, the game was fun and challanging at the same time and still good to play from time to time. Once I figure out how to set up the online component this emulator and of course they said it had a online mode, maybe I can get a few people to play and beat it together . So if you want some old school challange let me know through IM or otherwise and I will send you the info on it's location. So now for a catchy slogan.....hmmmm GOT IT!! "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  20. Yeah their were quite a few sites talking about the the software problems they were having, I remember downloading that program someone posted on here saying if your computer was equipped to handle vista and then they would list all the problems with your drivers, printers, software and all that good stuff. Norton 2006 was having problems with it running properly. Think about this it's one way for Microsoft to make money, you have to buy their games and products and no one else's. But with most online games their will be patches and what not so people will have to wait it out.ME being the best OS in Microsoft?? Heck it make the stock market crash look good it was so bad, I ran that OS at one time, though I didn't have many problems with it since I didn't do much with it.Of course think about this you don't have to worry about sinking millions of dollars into make your software compatible with vista. Although, some companies got a head start with the beta versions and what not. Of course I was hoping to wait out getting vista, but since I have to build a computer for my next class I might as well get it over with and suffer with everyone else about vista.
  21. :Automated Message: Welcome to Xisto.com here is your welcome basket of assorted fruits and vegetables, a welcome card, a picture of me. <---that's me Make sure to check out the Xisto.com readme which you can find here here. It is the best source of information and it will answer all your questions that could possible have. If you have any questions after that, look for one of those blue guys those are the moderators of this forum. Of course you can ask other members as well about what to do and stuff. So enjoy your stay, enjoy your posting, and your future hosting account. :End of Automated Message:
  22. :Automated Message: Welcome to Xisto.com here is your welcome basket of assorted fruits and vegetables, a welcome card, a picture of me. <---that's me Make sure to check out the Xisto.com readme which you can find here Fooled you the actual link is here. It is the best source of information and it will answer all your questions that could possible have. If you have any questions after that, look for one of those blue guys those are the moderators of this forum. Of course you can ask other members as well about what to do and stuff. So enjoy your staying, enjoy your posting, and your future hos't'ing account :End of Automated Message:
  23. @haslip I am shocked DW does not produce junk code (except for the CSS templates they have, found out that little tidbit just awhile ago.) I never use the design view tab in DW because it never displays your page correctly no matter how solid your code is.Remember its not the coding that is displaying properly its how the browser is interpreting code that makes it look messed up like it does (IE).
  24. You know why their is a nurse shortage, because of the they get not just from the people they work with but the people they take care of, how would like it for some perso nto yell and swear at you all day and all your doing is taking blood pressure. My mother had to deal with junk, plus nurses are not making that much to deal all the crap that goes on.
  25. well lets start with the tech borders-Your tech border need to be in front of everything and not in the background so someone could see it -since it is in the background it doesn't show much tech border detail.Everyone has problem with text just read up on tutorials how to use text effectivelyBackground-lack of depth (flat)-lack lighting-lack smoothnessColors do not work with the backgrounds you gotPath to follow In this order-Brushing-backgrounds-color-render blending-text-filters-borderyou can do them in any order you like however if you want to use filters effectively you need to master everything else.
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