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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well think about this most countries can date back their history to 3-6000 B.C.E, however, communication was as primitive during that time as we were so anything that found through pictures or ancient writing cannot be deciphered. However, the earth is not millions it's Billions and also how can they disprove that the universe is over 13 billions years old using technology not even related to it. Now the thing with carbon dating is that they don't give you exact results they give a time frame of when bones or whatever is being tested. The shroud of Turin one the most holiest of objects because people believe Jesus was under that cloth; however, thanks to carbon dating they proved that it's not him because they daring the shroud around the 1200-1300 AD. Of course if people are claiming dinosaurs are thousands of years old that would place the human race with them and if thats the case, then the human race would cease to exist because we would have been part of the Asteroid that nearly killed everything on earth. Also look at where the find dinosaur bones are being found, most of them are hundreds of feet deep while human remains are only several feet deep and so how can people not believe that it would take millions of years to get that much dirt sand and other stuff buried on top of them. Carbon dating may not be exact but until someone finds a better method, just deal with the fact that we don't know when life really begin we only can guess but logic dictates that if we were around when the Dinosaurs were, I wouldn't be having this conversation with everyone right now.
  2. Well with all the spam we get nowadays 50MB of space doesn't cut it anymore, of course I don't usually store emails either I read and delete and move on. But I only can imaging How much Yahoo will be paying in BW because with it going unlimited now + the spam + the storage + 250 million accounts it could hurt yahoo in the long run. But I guess since your making millions everyday you can afford to do it as such for a great service BEAT THAT GOOGLE!!
  3. Well summer is hear that means it's getting warm out which means my computer is getting hotter then usually, but last couple of days I been thinking about how to keep my laptop cooler to beat this wonderful, I looked around and I haven't found anything that looks great to use to help cool my computer down. So my questions is to those who have a laptop any recommendations on a effective cooling system for a laptop computer? Also don't just post links to some random website and say look here at stuff, I need a effective product thats low cost and something I don't need to take my laptop apart in order to get it connected.
  4. As for your problems after re-downloading smart ftp I look around and this is what I came up with#1 As far as I can tell you can't turn off that setting, however, if you have the correct log in info you have nothing to worry about.#2 Yes#3 --#4 That means you can have several different log ins for several different sites, now mind you they won't all kick in at once just the first one. But every time time you log into another hosting account a new tab will be created and then you be able to move back and forth between file managers.#5 if your log in details are correct you can log in as many times as well you want, however if your not hte primary users and you log in fails multiple times you will get ip banned from the site and get your number red flag by the hosting techs.#6 Secure Shell or SSH is a form of encryption that makes it harder for outside sources from cracking your hosting account and wreak havokhopefully that helps in answering your questions.
  5. Your friends are speaking rubbish to you albus I have comcast and using a linksys for my wifi and it works fine and it works even better when I got my modem updated as well. So your good just make sure you set up your router properly and your set.
  6. Nope all you need is one page thats in English about what your site is about after that you can design your site in whatever language you want. The English page is used for reference just to make sure your not doing anything that would break the rules that has been put in place.
  7. Interesting website but I like to point out a couple of problems and observations:-When displayed in IE you have javascript errors lines 204, 213 in your javascripts, I believe one of the errors has to do with the ability to have your links blink-also the error I get on line 211 is referring to your drop down skin menu (only affects ie)-With most of your validation errors it is just a simple delete this or lower case that, I ran the index page through dreamweaver and knocked out about 36 errors from your coding mostly small stuff, if interested I could knock out more of the errors and see if I can get it down to at least 10.-Also on your skin selecting script you don't have the drop down button on the bunny skin Other then that, I like the loading screen that you did very interesting and also it's been awhile since I seen someone use that pop out for your website information and also a good skin on your forum as well. So more work put into the site and it should be a good one.
  8. Hate to see you go but make sure to tell your friends about me...I mean about this great service that you use. Make sure to come post once in awhile to help build up this wonderful community and what not and so I present to you your good bye gift basket of more email spam and good bye cards.
  9. Well back in the day or many many years ago, posting was used as a way to get your site advertise in such a way that every other post would contain some sort of ad, but to achieve that ad quota you need people to post and thus a post limit was set up. Which was used to pay for the free hosting; however, since a few millions sites did this OpaQue decided to build a credit system in order to get rid of the need to place an ad on every post and eventually phased out the whole advertisement gig altogether.But for the long run posting is free way of advertisement especially on the search engines and so the more posts you have on your site the more links are shown on the search engine. But here's the trick with free hosting your usually limited in what you could and it supposed to gear you towards paid hosting on that websites paid service. Of course that doesn't happen here but eventually your going to start having space issue and bandwidth problems such running out of them 2 days after you get a new set of BW.To simplify my answer; basically posting is a free advertisement and your helping in building that free advertisement by posting; and so with all the posting you get you should be able to get something in return and thus your free hosting.
  10. Albus is correct it's not the needle that hurts it's waiting for the results as it could couple of hours to figure everything out. I might be wrong on this but they only need to draw blood from you once and then break it down into groups for different tests and what not. It taken a few years to get over the needle prick going into my arm but I got it down to a simple wince and it's done and over with.
  11. Well they have made claims thats Firefox 3 is going to be the second browser to pass the Acid test, I tried out the early release and it was ok, I couldn't really tell the difference between Fire fox 2 and 3 except that firefox 2 plug ins didn't work. If I remember correctly they plan to release the final version in either late 2007 or early 2008, so it should be interesting how many people have converted their plug ins for that browser already.
  12. I played the original on both the PC and Mac although I like the Mac version better because you didn't have a $80,000 money cap once you typed in the cheat code. I didn't like the sequels that much of course I never really got into the series all that much either. But I did find my old sim city disc and amazingly enough it still works on this computer and still as hard as ever; but you have to remember though that the sim city series was put on hold once the Sim's franchise kicked in so I would say it's been a lot longer then 5 years since a sim city game out.
  13. The downloads are car skins for the PC version the console never got anything like that except for tricked out cars and being able to unlock parts and tracks.But I would like to point out some flaws in your review though since I have played this game inside and out.1. You need to win the pink slip of the car in order to get it; however since the pink slip location is always random your not guaranteed it. But their is a pattern to how to obtain the pink slip, if I remember correctly the pink slip location moves every race i.e 1 2 3 or 1 3 2 or 3 2 1 (something like that). Now if you can figure out the pattern your got yourself a free car every time. 2. Well you do have to select a race in order to accomplish black list goals in order to race a black list car. I usually did what was required and then come back later with a faster car and finish everything up.To me I would say this was the better of the NFS underground series Carbon was a huge disappointment and hte only thing that made it interesting was hte canyon duels and that was about it.
  14. Interestingly enough I checked out the support page for this product it says to use the the password 1234 with the user name admin. Try that password out and see if you can get in, if not reset the router to it's default settings and then try the password. SUPPORT PAGE http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/WG311v2.asp
  15. Fantastico is down for everyone so you won't be able to access it, either way most of the software in fantastico is outdated. Usually you would want to download and then install current software so as not to give you any problems plus it is a great learning experience on how to install the software yourself.
  16. Ah been a while since I seen a post about how to post, anyways like the previous posters most people won't read the read me because of all the info you have to memorize and stuff. When I first join I never read the readme but, it was never like it is now, however, I had a good idea what to expect what to do when I was looking at other posts and asked around. So if you don't know what to do just look at posts and ask people what you need to do.now for .com redirecting that is a simple procedure of either parking a domain or add on a domain so thats how you would redirect. Well I don't see added space or bw upgrades any time soon since it took about 3 years to generate the funds for the hosting packages we have now. Of course the free hosting package is basically a stepping stone that send you to paid hosting so if want more space you usually go into paid hosting, but with the hosting packages we have now most people don't use it all up unless they become very popular but that takes time. So with what you have now you won't be able to use it all up unless you have software downloads or something.
  17. I would have to go with google as well, since they have better results when I have to do research for school and stuff and it gives me better results especially when I use the google tricks + and - to get my results more precise and stuff. Although I used yahoo search the longest, but once I started school and learn the right tricks my search results became a lot better so I didn't have to spend hours going through all the pages to find what I am looking for,
  18. Well I would have to agree that depending what you use your computer would determine which hard drive to use, but since you want a good one for a low price I would go with the one thats $150 less. Of course you could just purchase a external HD thats in the 400-500 GB range and store your files there for extra backup and even make some room on your laptop as well.
  19. I have to go with yahoo just based on the fact I don't wanted to go through all my lists and see if anyone uses gtalk at all and then add them. To me Yahoo and MSN are good enough to talk to people although I could just drop one of them and then add those who are not on the other and save myself some time. Well to lazy to do it and it's more organized that way for me at least.
  20. Let see I started out with the Atari, don't know which version, Nintendo, Sega Genesis, sega game gear, Playstation 1, 2, and 3. However, I tried out every system that's been on the market even the Ill fated Nintendo Virtual reality system , in which I doubt any of you have seen since it lasted maybe 6 months to a year in the early 90s,
  21. It would be more interesting if you had a link to your source, but since I am a kind person here is a link to that very article http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. But it is interesting that they found another way to produce energery and of course they just produced another weapon for military's around the world to test out to be against other people. What do you know the U.S army is funded it with this wonderful excuse. Now the questions that come to mind is what kind of heat needs to be generate or order for this to be produce? Of course that simply got answer through the heat of the sun which is good because we don't have to produce our own heat for this to work. Interesting enough they this device will be able to cool down computers as well, which I wouldn't mind seeing because then people won't need these extreme cooling systems after overclocking them to 250 degree's.
  22. The Pledge Of Allegiance is about not betraying the country for your own needs or the needs of it's enemies, of course with the stuff I been hearing a lot of people excluding the terrorists are doing a lot of that lately by sell their weapons to the enemy. But to stay on topic the nation is run by the people or it used to be before greed finally settled in, but either way if you pledge yourself to the nation your basically defending the country from those who wish to destroy it, foreign or local.A democracy is supposed to be run by the people, which is true to some aspect; because more then one person decides the fate of who its leaders are and all the good stuff, but again once that first paycheck kicks in, their perspective gets changed from doing the right thing to submitting to the senior leaders and all the stuff.
  23. Well I solved your problem zak it had to do with the height="100%" in your iframe. If I remember correctly iframes don't like percentages and so you have to use absolute value i.e. px (pixels). Anyways I cleaned up most of the coding after applying a DOC type which helped greatly. I got you down to 1 error and like I mention in the shoutbox you have to apply some CSS and your set. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><!-- ImageReady Preload Script (GFXwarriors.psd) --><title>.::GFX.Warriors::.</title><script type="text/javascript"><!--function newImage(arg) { if (document.images) { rslt = new Image(); rslt.src = arg; return rslt; }}function changeImages() { if (document.images && (preloadFlag == true)) { for (var i=0; i<changeImages.arguments.length; i+=2) { document[changeImages.arguments[i]].src = changeImages.arguments[i+1]; } }}var preloadFlag = false;function preloadImages() { if (document.images) { main_03_over = newImage("images/main_03-over.gif"); main_05_over = newImage("images/main_05-over.gif"); main_07_over = newImage("images/main_07-over.gif"); main_09_over = 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  24. I would say a big yes, without CSS we web designers couldn't do half the stuff we did 10 years ago without the use of some sort of javascript or 10 more lines of html code. Of course for something that is used to make our lives easier sure got complicated in the last 5 years, but thats what you get when people striven for perfection for web designer. Is it necessary that would depend especially when you could also get a complete website for free or pay for one and then just edit the html files to the specs of your page, but if your building a design by scratch then you have to learn CSS or have your website labeled as a bad design by everyone.
  25. Well you could set up a qupis website which is free and you don't have to spend credits on it and upload your website there and work on your design that way, mind you you will have to deal with a text ad on your site. Or you could set up your computer as your own server by using XAMMP software and then you can build your site that way and actually display what it would look like. As per instructions on what to do and how to do everything is right on this link and Xisto does give the instructions you just have to find them which isn't hard since the link is right up top labeled Xisto Read Me. So look before you leap and of course asking other members isn't that hard either and they would point you to the same link that I just pointed to you.
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