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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Whats insane about this tutorial is that the sig I made did not follow this originally, I had moved a a lot of layers around and tried out many things before this was made complete. Especially step 20 in which I had to basically redo that layer over again in terms of what I did because of all that moving around. Now if you really want a interesting design after you complete the sig deselect layers 17, 23, 24 for a much darker version of this tutorial. Although I haven't checked around yet but funny feel that people are trying to cut tenders from that image and others like it as well.
  2. NOTE Due to the detail of this tutorial and image limit on the forum this tutorial was split in two, in order to get the images intact for proper tutorial walk through. Step #19: Create a New Adjustment layer and select gradient map and use the follow colors and settings Then set that to soft light as well Step #20: Here comes the tricky part after you create a new layer drag it underneath the layer from step 17 and then deselect everything above them. Then apply image and then ctrl + u and set the saturation to 0 to make it look grey and then darken it by setting the lightness between -11 and -15. Then reselect those layers again but this time drag that new layer you made on top of the gradient map layer and then set it to multiply. Step #21: Create a new layer fill it with black and then go to filters > render > lens flare and select to point on the bottom left and upper right and make sure to use 105mm setting. Then set it to linear dodge and then opacity at 22% Step #22: Now time to add some text so go ahead and write what every you want but for some cool effect transform it with the text going down the arm Then set the text layer to color dodge. Step #23: Create a new layer and fill it with the following color #0974d8 and set the opacity to 24% and to soft light. Step #24: Create another new layer and this time fill it with this color #b20909 and then set the following: Hue Opacity: 43% Fill: 75% Step #25: Create one more new layer press ctrl + a to select the whole layer then go to edit then to stroke and select 1px black border and you are done.
  3. Well it's been a long time since I did a gfx tutorial but do a simple CS3 tutorial request for a sig and so I thought I do one especially on a good sig like this. Also a small notice this tutorial is designed around for those who have experience with some of the techniques used in this tutorial, but if you follow the directions correctly or close to it you should have same result either way. Original image to be used http://www.filmedge.net/potc3/FanEvent/Capow%20Banner.jpg Sig After tutorial Step #1: Open a new layer 400x150 and fill it in with black Step #2: Drag the photo stock of Jack Sparrow and then make 10 copies of that. Deselected all the layers except for the first stock photo and then select your smudge tool and then select a brush and begin smudging that layer and keep the layer properties at default settings. Step #3: Select your second jack sparrow stock layer and using the same brush to smudge again but this time smudge the outside border of jack sparrow and set it to overlay. Step #4: Create a new layer (ctrl+n) and then grab your pain bucket tool and use this color #637b95 and then go to filters > render > lens flare and select the 50-300 mm zoom and then set it to about 150% and after that drag it to the lower left corner of the sig. Then set it to screen and opacity at 50% and you should have something like this. Step #5: Create a new layer but this time you will go to image > apply image, in which you create a copy of all the layers you have done so far. Next go to filters > blur > motion blur and set the distance to 50-51 and then set that layer to overlay. Step #6: Now go ahead select your next stock photo layer then go to filter > distort > glass and you want your settings as close to this Distortion = 1 Smoothness = 14-16 Texture = Frosted Scaling = 100% then then set that layer to Linear dodge. Step #7: Grab your next stock layer and again using your smudge tool select the spatter brush and again smudge the outside of the stock one again and this time press ctrl + u and color the layer with a hue of red and a saturation of about 55-57 and then set that layer to screen. Step #8: Create a new layer and select the gradient tool and use these two colors #71839e and #dcc1dd and then set it to soft light. Step #9: Create a new layer apply image and set another motion blur using the same settings as previous motion blur and set that to soft light as well. Step #10: Now for the fun stuff go to layer > new adjustment layer > brightness and contrast and use the following settings: Brightness = -26 Contrast = +13 Step #11: Create a new layer and fill it in black then go to filter > render > lens flare, but this time choose 105mm and set it at 150% and put it in the upper right corner and then set it to soft loft. Step #12: Select your next photo stock layer but this time grab some grunge brushes and brush all over the layer and then set that to soft light as well. Step #13: Create a new layer ad select the gradient tool once again but this time use the following colors #83ae0f and #eefa97 and set it to linear burn Step #14: Now create a new brightness and contrast adjustment layer but this time set it to the following: Brightness: +16 Contrast: -22 Then set it to lighter color (this is a CS3 layer property and I completely forget if CS2 has it, so adjust that layer accordingly or drop it altogether). Step #15: Select your next stock layer and once again smudge the outside using the spatter brush and then set to screen. Step #16: Create a new layer fill it in with black then go to filter > render > lens flare > this time set the % between 90-95 to make it nice and small and then select 105 mm and put it in the upper left corner and set it to soft light. Step #17: Select your next stock layer and then press ctrl+u and select a bright yellow (saturation 100) and set it to linear dodge. Step #18: Create a new layer and fill it with the following color #5a6079 and set it to saturation.
  4. good as always but the buttons and the copyright stand out to much instead of working with the resr of the design. I think a footer would work better without that extra stuff at the bottom since you most likely what to be able to expand within the content boxes as what not.
  5. Well I did follow a tutorial to some closely related to these buttons it was some what recommend to give a border to them although I think I over did it somewhat, but like I mentioned the original PSD is for download including the layers that come with it and so you can modify it as needed borders and all. Of course I am not much into button making but someone wanted me to create a set so I whipped these up in about 30 minutes.
  6. Dude that is just some sick stuff you got there so you got a Yes from me, I can't wait to see some of your tutorials if you have made any.
  7. Arrr me maties I be your Captain on this movie review as I discuss over a bottle of rum and make you walk the plank HAR HAR HAR!!! Now that I got that out of my system...well...not really ARRRR . Well I just got back from best of all TIME!!! well it will be up there this Monday after what I predict will be the biggest Box Office movie of the year. In which I predict at least $200 Million opening 4 day weekend for Pirates of the Caribbean: At worlds end, but before I give my review of that movie I will go over the other two just to give you land luvers an quick update before you go see this movie this weekend. But first I have to put it out on the table when I first saw previews to the first Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl I instantly thought LAME!! like who would really see a movie about pirates? If memory served me correctly they were never good because most of the movie would on a boat and well I was getting ready to go to war as well since it came out in 2003. During then I saw bits and pieces and still thought it as eh, but when I saw the second movie "Dead Man's Chest" I SAW THE LIGHT or more like I SAW THE WATER!!! and so I was hooked on Pirates of the Caribbean from the point forward. By then I have seen POTC I several times on tv and then a couple of day ago I got the DVD's to get myself refresh before the big day and it brings me to this wonderful topic. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of Black Pearl The movie that started it all in which we get introduced to pretty much everyone you would see through the rest of the trilogy minus a extra here and there. I won't go into story because if you haven't seen it be then I should make you walk the plank , anyways the one thing that got me really that the first movie was more of separate story while the other two were more put together. Yeah the movie was a basic introduction to everything and the ending of it seem more of a conclusion then a continuation especially compare to the other two movies and their stories. But the one thing I say about this about the portrayal of Jack Sparrow, no body but Johnny Depp could have pulled it off better then him; although I was never really a big Depp fan, although, I rate him as a great actor none the less. But after seeing the sequels I feel though that this movie is lacking especially the ending since you couldn't really tell if it was going to continue you or not, although the movie did continue two more times. As concern with the other actors I would say bloom could have done better I felt he was a bit stale in the first movie with no emotion to it, of course he would do a 180 in the other two to make up for it. Knightly I would say she did a ok job the emotion could have been a bit more and yet again she would make up for it in the other two movies. Now with the actors that played the pirates kudos to them, I would say they had the hardest job of all trying to portray a good pirate; especially MacKenzie Crook and Lee Arenberg who play the pirates of Ragetti and Pintel they did an awesome job playing the stooges, of course they made these characters even better in the next two movies as well. for an overall rating I give this movie a nice High 8.9/10, although this movie started it off, it lack some stuff that made this trilogy complete as per mentioned with the ending of it although the transition between human and skeletons was nicely done, I only could imagine how long it took to get the timing done properly for the fighting sequences. BO = $305,411,224 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Again I won't get into the story since this was a very big movie in 2006 and the first one I seen in theaters as well and the fact either you saw it or have dvd so you know what the story is about. So with POTC II we bring most of the cast back but this time we are introduced to two of the most legendary names in the real sailing history Davey Jones and the Flying Dutchman; I bet you didn't know those names are real well the latter of the two the other more of a legend of the high seas. Either way this story brings in good emotion especially at the end of the movie with the death of Sparrow, rebirth of Captain Barbossa, and of course the chance to bring Jack back to life. As I mention before Bloom and Knightly really brought the characters this time, especially the emotions to these characters as the movie went on. Bill Nighy (Underworld, Shaun of the Dead) he was totally awesome as Davey Jones he made the character seem real especially as the captain of the Flying Dutchman and its deadly crew. Everything about the movie just made either a lot better and you usually don't get that in sequels, although the last few years that has been proven wrong with a lot of movies that continued; and of course with everyone expected the movie to continue which was very obvious to everyone. So with this movie getting me hook to pirates again 10/10 because this movie was more complete in terms of story lines and character development also the music was better, special effects awesome it was just plain out better. BO = $423,271,331 Grand total so far on the first two movies $728,682,555.00 and now for the best sequel of all time POTC III. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End As always I will not reveal any spoilers in my movie review so not to ruin it for everyone else, but for a brief story update at hte end of the second movie we found out that their is a way to bring back jack and it was very obvious when Tia Dalma (voodoo priestess) introduce to us Barbossa alive and well and of course the fact that Lord Cutler Beckett now has the Heart of Davey Jones and if you remember whoever controls the hear controls Davey and his crew. Of course we are introduce to new characters yet again like Chow Yung Fat (bulletproof monk, crouching tiger hidden dragon) who plays a pirate warlord and of Course Kieth Richards and Jack Sparrow's father and I saw this the mark up was AWESOME for Richards. To say the least what made this movie perfect and in fact complete was the number of plot twists that happen in this movie which I ball park at 30 throughout the whole movie. Although I will briefly mention this magic and mysticism become a very big part in this movie especially when it comes to the truth's that people had to make before, during and at the climax of this movie. I will say this if you have seen the movie Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World or other movies that consist of fighting on the sea, this movie topped them all, the battles sequences were awesome with perfect flow and the battle music was great. I pretty much told myself that this movie fighting sequences dwarf those of LOTR and star wars episode II and III and a few other ones that I can't think of at the moment, either if you know what I am talking about for good battle sequences you will know what I will be referring to when you see this movie. Now I did catch a interesting tidbit of info last week that Depp would be interested in making a 4th, I pray to GOD!! that don't do it because it will just suck trust me on that once you see the third movie, even though the ending says otherwise and I have a couple of idea's how they could swing that 4th movie if they decided to make it. But to me though I would say stop at the trilogy because most of the stories have ended for some of the main cast and bringing them back wouldn't seem right at all, but like I said once you see this movie you have an idea what I am thinking about. Well to start off for the ratings STORY: 10/10 the third movie made the story complete especially all the plot twists and turn they introduced throughout the movie and sad to say made Spider Man 3 story very very weak. MUSIC: 10/10 the music got better and better through the movie and every song or background music fit well with this. SPECIAL EFFECTS: 10/10 the skeletons in the first movie look like some noob design them, the battle sequences well awesome with the help of a computer CHARACTERS: 11/10 this movie made these characters more complete especially the background for Sparrow and pretty much most of the pirates, dialog was awesome, the emotion was great and the actors and actresses made these characters come to life. Well I could go on and on about perfect ratings so I will stop and the important ones and say this the Movie was complete regardless what the profession movie critics think, I know a good movie when I see and most people who have read my reviews so far agree on some points that I make about the movies that have so far come out in 2007. If you all remember my spider man prediction that I would they would make at least 150 million in which I nailed it pretty damn close, my prediction for this 4 day opening weekend will be about $200 million easy.
  8. It looks ok except for the following a bit to sharp, don't like the white border (besides it hard to see on light background) and the text could be change a bit. I think the smudging layer could incorporate more in the background to help blend the whole render in and not just parts of it.
  9. The movie just came out so I highly doubt anyone has seen it yet, I hope to see it tonight because they are doing a early showing of it of course now I have to drive all around town just to see if they are playing it or wait till tomorrow which I don't want to ***cries***. I don't even think bootlegs are out yet that I am aware of here in the states unless they bootleg the trailers
  10. Another bump to get in some more votes.
  11. Saint_Michael


    Welcome to the Xisto and of course enjoy your stay, we have thousands of topics that discuss may many things from every days things to the bizarre and so trying to find a topic to talk about or trying ot answer a question you will be able to find it here. Of course now that you are hosted it would be a bizarre of me to remind you to check out hte read me file and make sure to check the forum rules and so here is your welcome basket of fruits and vegtables with a welcome card.
  12. This morning I watched a program about Super Massive black holes and there existence and the theories behind them, well they do exist but what's very troubling that every single galaxy in the universe has one even our own milk way. Through out program the mention that black hole actually have have two cycles feeding and dormant. Basically these two cycles are when a Black hole feeds on the everything around it thus sucking it into the viod and lost forever, however, during this feeding time the black hole actually pushes the galaxy and everything in it away with it's massive gravity. So as everything gets push out the black hole eats less and less and thus goes dormant, in which during that time the galaxy pushes itself back into the black hole and it starts again. Now the next part to this is the identification and of course I don't have any picture to show what I am referring to but you should get an idea. Anyways the research begin to use this imaging technique to figure out a star rotation, in which the closer a start gets to a black hole the faster it gets. Now in the image they Have a dark vertical line which is straight, but if that straight line breaks that proves the existence of a black hole and in this case a super massive black hole. Now here comes the shocking part to this, super massive black holes are 1 million+ times larger in mass then our own sun, and the biggest so far I can't remember which galaxy our or Andromeda is 3 million times the mass of our sun. Now for more shocking news although we won't be able to see it, in 3 billion years those two galaxies will collide and with all that energy happening it will wipe out everything including our own solar system, So to it at the least if man kind doesn't finish each other other the universe will. But what I found out that was really interesting that coincides with the way black holes feed and sleep is that black holes are part of how a galaxy is form, astronomers believe that when these black holes formed all that pressure gave birth to stars and thus in a way paved way to the formation of the billions (they claim 125 Billion) of galaxies in our known universe. Of course they still haven't answered what is on the other side a black hole, because without technology scientists and astronomers won't be able to seem them. because one they are to far away and two all that light and heat being rapidly rotated into the black hole basically makes them impossible to see with the naked eye. So all in all everyone assumed that black holes were part of the destruction of the universe, but in fact they are part of the birth of the universe as well and so without that we wouldn't be were we are today with out them talk about irony on that. OUR BLACK HOLE Well for more info on super massive black holes I would start here or search and see what you can find. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermassive_black_hole
  13. Well Last Night I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean I and II so as to get ready for the third movie that comes out tomorrow, and of course I see about hundred other movies as well in the last few weeks but instead I thought I go with the recent ones that I have watched.
  14. I just thought of a uber idea for a third hosting package which basically includes the domain and the regular hosting package and so if you are a non hosted member and have like hundreds of credits built up, you can use them for that and not let them go to waste.@sylenzednuke non hosted members cannot transfer credits to anyone and admin's won't save them for you either. Of course thanks to your post it gave me the above idea to do so, but hopefully the credit script can get altered so that just only 10 or 30 credits get taken instead of all of them **hint hint**.
  15. I will have to say every single gas and oil company in the world due to the fact that they are causing most of the problems in the world and instead of giving back they keep on taken, so I will be glad that one day all the oil and the gas will be gone and put every single own in the poor house (US owners). OF course all the evil corporations that decide to be cheap and move their business elsewhere for cheap and cost effective labor (US Owners). Of course there is that one evil corporation that is very evil Is the Evil Society the things they do make Bush look good .
  16. Man $5 for a gallon of gas in Canada and to think I have it bad, well not really last I check where I live is $3.07-.09 range. To what buff said about the gas break I am an a agreement with that, although they did claim it wasn't going no further then like $3 and some change, well that's pass that because refineries are closes down for repairs, we got terrorists attack in African refineries, Middle East pretty much gone to hell. So with all these problems ever increasing I see gas spiking to the $4-5 range the way things are going. The gas crisis back in the 70's was small compared to what we are dealing with now, although not enough gas stations have closed down yet for that to happen. However, what really gets me is the fact that gas companies are still building stupid gas stations to make money of course I say because people are selling land that people used to play softball and football on, to this morons. More or less this is a rant about the fact that where I live they are butchering some great spots for people to use for stupid gas stations, especially when they build a new one right next to one that is running . But as the saying goes the richer get richer while the rest of us get screwed.
  17. I played fantasy football once, 1st place overall and lost the super bowl and talk about dumb luck I was playing against some people that did this for awhile. But I lost interest in it because of the maintenance you have to do on a daily to weekly basis and what not. I admit it's fun and you feel like your playing the head coach and all that but I rather go old school and play Madden .
  18. Also another thing you need to make sure as well that you have updated firmware and drivers as well, because not updated them could be part of the problem as well. when I first connected my router to my modem I kept on getting disconnection problems until I updated that and of course change some other minor settings.
  19. I would say 100 years is good especially since those 100 years are spent in a military prison and trust me on this parole is not going to happen for him through a military prison even on good behavior. Of course it is very rare to get a death sentence through a military court because of the so different things the government and the military have to go through in order to set that up. The last death sentence to be carried out in the military was in 1961 and right now there is maybe a handful still waiting for their death sentence to be carried out. Of course those soldiers should be very lucky they were not tried in Iraq or the Iraqi courts would have already tried, convict and hung those soldiers that very day. For the most part the criminal were caught and they will never be free again and live out their lives in a concrete room, but there is never a true justice for anyone regardless of the outcome.
  20. Well the old saying goes, only the winners get to rewrite history and the losers are erased from history. Of course most great leaders are controlled by puppet masters and people that work behind the scenes, but you got the few that are just plain out crazy or you get the combination of both i.e. Hitler. He was both a great manipulator and leader once oyu get past all the bad stuff he's done and you might as well put the Bush admistration as the greatest manipulators of all time for what has happen in the last 6 years.
  21. Yeah that we old people call the school system buffer zone and real life meaning, you have nothing to worry about till after you graduate high school and you have to live on your own and work out the problems yourself and with little support. Like rent an apartment, paying 20-30 bills a month. feeding yourself and what not. But don't stress yourself out to much, the real world comes crashing down rather quickly and so you have to set your priorities for everything like how to decide something like spending $200 for beer or $200 for food gas and the phone bill.
  22. I was never really fond of needles I loath them as a kids because of the pain when they went in and what not, but as I got older I was able to deal with it. Lucky for me so far I haven't had the pleasure of getting stick more then once, except for the time my back went out on me and they had to draw blood twice because those moron army doctors thought I had diabetes and I didn't . Of course I usually enjoy it went someone faints over getting a needle stuck in them , yeah thats cruel of me to say, but it does happen though. I would also say it's a uneasiness of the fact that a needle could be dirty and give me some funky incurable disease or something like that.
  23. Hotchick leaving again noooo and I couldn't say buh bye because my cable modem went down, thanks to a bad cable and other stupid stuff. 3 months of quiet afternoons I don't know what I will do during my afternoons with no one to talk to . Well I do have classes to take during the summer and what not so I don't have to wait all that much . Well bye for now and see you in the fall .
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