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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well to start off the Xisto readme link should work and so click this link http://php.net/" target="_blank"> and most of your questions can be answered. All my answers are in exact order of your questions I am just going to number them. #1 The number of credits you get is determine by how long your posts are; the longer the post is the more credits you receive and of course the shorter your post the less credits you recieve, the max amount of credits you can receive is 10. #2 The number of credits you receive is based on the characters, refer to my first answer #3 the replies gives credits to the person who posted the reply not to the person who made the topic #4 For the most part all php scripts have a connection file that connects the php script to a MySQL database. Some scripts dont require a database because some are simple enough that information doesnt need to be stored. All the information you can find is right here at php main website http://php.net/] http://php.net/. There are literally thousands of php tutorials websites which help set up php scripts so they will be able to tell you what to do get most php scripts to work with or without MySQL. Visit [url=http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it has a large index of good tutorials. #5 Xisto has everything you can possibly need in order to run a successful website, if you go to the main website it lists what Xisto has to offer. #6 There area lot of free hosting sites that offer php and mysql, but once you start using Xisto services and move on to paid hosting services you dont want to go anywhere else. #7 I know there are plenty of books on how to design it, but I dont know any specific ones, try googling search: text based rpg in php (click the link and it will do it for you) and see what kind of results you can find. #8 Either book will tell you how to set a log on script or you can make yourself one by scratch, but since this is not my strong point I am only guessing. #9 You have to do several things the first part is that you have to integrate the scripts within each other, meaning you need to a connection link in php that will make them work together. The next part of course you need a php/MySQL hosting website in order to run them, obviously. You also need to know how to secure them problem by either chmodding the files or setting up security through your file manager to were all your scripts are loaded on. #9 Yes you can make money off your own site, best answer would be to search and see what you can find; adsense would be the best way to go provided you have a steady stream of traffic coming into your site. Hopefully some of these answers help you out in some sort of way.
  2. no need to pin it is a typo that can be fixed up quickly and the emails for the most part will be correct when people receive them for the first time.
  3. I played the originals, I would say the only redeeming part about this game was the story line, other then that game play was horrible and limited by how you can customize your player. I thought about getting the new one's but I rather save my money for good games and no cheaply made ones.
  4. Man that is pretty bad for them to say that although I could imagine what you told them that got you banned though. Heck I would spam up their forums just to tell everyone not to use them, but the best way to do that is find out what hosting review sites they are using or make topics like this on other sites and let other people know how bad they treated you.
  5. Notice from BuffaloHELP: You should know better than posting exact same post in both forums. Next will be ban from both forums. edited post to conform to the rules
  6. This question is based off a class discussion I am having but always looking to seek more feed from others, so here is the original version of that discussion, mind you I am talking about the book when concern with page reference so you might have to look up some of these terms if you don't know them. With that being said I need people with hardware experience to answer this, any posts that say take this processor or that one without going into detail will be considered off topic and will be reported. A friend of mine ask me to help him pick out some parts, of course he understands my lack of knowledge there of so both of us have been combing neweggs trying to look around and see what we could find. To start off with the dilemma he wanted to find out which was better Core2Quad against the Pentium XE 965 Here Here To start off I looked at the specs and compared the two, I looked at the Operating frequency first to make things easy for me. c2q -2.4GHz XE- 3.20, 3.46 GHz and 3.73 GHz (Wins) by comparing the two freqs, it would seem that the XE has the better speed of the two, however, I know better then that since going into our 4th week. So at this point in time XE has one point for better processing speed. Next I looked at the L1 L2 and L3 cache and see what they both support c2q- (winner) L1 Cache 64KB+64KB L2 Cache 2 x 4MB XE - L2 Cache 2x1MB and 2x2MB L3 Cache NA Now the books mentions on page 136 that more ram on the L1 L2 the better, now with that in mind nad I think I am looking at this correctly the C2Q has a total of 8.1 mb of RAM and the XE has 6MB but no L1 or L3 cache memory. So with that in mind C2Q has the better memory for running the processor while the XE lacks in it by 2MB. Now I am looking at the FSB, using page 20 and 131 for my reference: c2q - 1066MHz XE 800 MHz and 1066 MHz (winner by narrow margin) Well this would be a close call since both FSB are in the current standards but if I were to decide I would have to go with the XE, because of the fact depending on how you use the computer you could still use 800 MHz without no problem and if you into the high end of things then you can bump it up to 1066 MHz. While the C2Q is at the standard I think it's a bit to much for a general user. I could go on and on but if you read the specs for these two processors and the help with this comparison chart Here To me it would close call, both have there pro's and con's, so would it be fair to say that the C2Q would be the better of the choice due to how it can handle raw power at a much slower speed? Or would giving up memory for speed be the better choice? I haven't factor in the price yet because the most money never really gives you the best product. Mind you he has not decided yet, still a bit shocked he has ask me although he's a hardware guy himself (maybe a bit above my knowledge) Notice from BuffaloHELP: You should know better than posting exact same post in both forums. Next will be ban from both forums.
  7. Well the God-virus will take years to program if possible, because the virus would have to be several things at once; a worm, macro, botnet, rootkit, hardware, software type of a virus. Now we seen several variations to computer viruses that combine one or more of them, but not all at once and so the God virus would have to be something like skynet from terminator 3 to be considered a god virus. Although many people are not saying it but are thinking it, that htis war on terrorism could be considered World War III but without the nukes. If you remember correctly everyone predicted that if World War III were to happen, nukes would have to be launched in order for this to happen, but since the governments are not stupid enough to launch nukes WWIII is likely never to happen unless someone did launch a nuke.I will agree that a internet crash will not happen in the time I mention it still is a possibility, but like the Y2k everyone got prepared for it and thus the world didn't collapse like some speculated. I did see a few reports of fishermen in the asian pacific countries selling off copper wire and fiber optic wire for some quick cash, that oculd be another problem that could lead to this. As usuall though, this is a debatable topic and only time will tell on how the internet will be like 10 years from now.
  8. Well moshi moshi to you then, yeah that greeting is for the phone use (fro mwhat I remember) but still says hello though . Well when you get the spare time make sure to read the Trap 17 Readme , as it has lots of information to help enjoy your stay here on Xisto and it's awesome forums. So enjoy your stay and see you around in the forums.
  9. Welcome joker to the site, now would you be the joker from batman or full metal jacket ? Either way enjoy your stay here in the forums and eventually when you get your hosting, enjoy that as well. So welcome again and see you in the forums.
  10. Welcome to the site Reygekan, since the above posters told you what you needed to do and how to enjoy yourself here at the forums, I will just say hi and enjoy your time here for however long it may be (which should be years).
  11. Interestingly enough when I was scanning for cooling systems, some reviews claim that after awhile the fans break or something like that. Going into my 2 week using this system and it has proven quite successful, especially at nights when I don't have my AC running. However, when it gets nice and hot out and the AC in the room is useless, the cooling system becomes a bit useless as well, but that isn't unusual though when it comes to heat. Nah heat couldn't be the only problem, it could be a memory issue, problems with the cpu or motherboard or even the bios that could cause the computer to stall like that. I would assume she brought it to a tech to figure it out and junk, if not should because if your computer is generating more heat then something is busted or on the verge of being busting that is producing all that heat. Let I mentioned in my early post, at the right room temperature it drops a good 13-15 degree's and the battery life is excellent as well. So it would have to depend on the product and of course the type of computer and of course the proper ventelation. Thats what my hardware class has been talking about if you set up your computer tower with a fan to intake and outtake air, then you will have a good circulation and keep your computer rather cool. Of course then we debated about the fact which would be better two 120mm fans or 3-4 80mm fans, but with that though comes how much you want your computer to be running quietly then you go with the 120mm fans and set them up like I mentioned earlier.
  12. Sorry for the lateness, been busy with school during the weekends, so it will start this Saturday and I have the rules up for the next one for people to get going on.
  13. Well I split my opinion in two perspectives:1st perspective- In terms of website quality it is very poor in terns of colors, both comparing and contrasting, overall all your colors need to work together in which they don't. Its more like a splash page then a home page with proper content, but of course you just built the site so I wasn't expecting to much to begin with. However, the way it is displaying seems you are not going to be doing much on the site but more on the forums.2nd perspective: Now been doing graphics for awhile now I have picked up pro's and cons about designing websites. First off your slicing is all wrong; you got the concept of less images better load time, but the vertical slicing isn't the proper way to do it. By eyeballing it I could get it down to 3 slices and a little CSS for more efficiency and even quicker load time. Next the outer glow is not your friend with that image as it shows off the pixelation, the same goes with the top part, although it has some good 3--d depth it the inner glow does help much either.Overall it's a good start just need to go at it some more to improve the quality of the site and also the quantity of the site and you be good to go.
  14. City at Night Tutorial This tutorial is based on the wallpaper I design, you will need the following brushes to accomplish this tutorial or other designs like it. As note that a lot of layers will be moved around during the course of this tutorial and I will let you know as such. Download brushes here Small note on the brushes I did not create them I am justing packaging them so people don't have to spend hours looking for them. Step 1: Open up a new document and since we are going for a desktop wallpaper the size will be 1024x768. Now select the gradient tool with the follow colors: #05285a #000000 Then fill in your first layer with the blue at the bottom and black at the top like so. Step 2: Create a new layer and then grab your city vector brush set (make sure you color is set to black) and then adjust the size so you have more night sky and a small city background. Step 3: Create another new layer and drag that new layer under need the black city layer. Now using the same city brush set set the color to white and then make the brush set a few pixels bigger then above layer. Now when you brush your white city landscape make sure to off set it to give a little depth. Step 4: Now for a bit more depth change the color to black and then create a new layer and then grab your tree vector set and add some trees in different sizes. Then drag that layer between the white and black city landscape layers. Step 5: The number of layers is up to the users, but I chose four layers for this next step; now using star, moon, galaxy vector brush sets create your night sky and for some extra added depth and lighting trying different layer settings and filters. For extra effect I added in some people vectors through the out city background as well. Step 6: Although this option I though I needed to fill it in a bit, so choosing some colors that could standout a bit but able to blend well (for the most part). So if you want complete this step, create three layers, which each layers is for 1 color, With this you be able to can do some offsetting for more added depth. Now grab whatever vector brushes you want and design away. Step 7: Now to add text, for this you want something simple yet elegant. So add in your text and for a special effect copy the text 2 more times and with each text choose a color that you use for your vector brushing in step 6. Now add a border and your are done with a cool vector wallpaper. Bonus step: To really out the city lights create a new layer, apply image, then Gaussian blur and set it to lighten. And that it, this is a basic tutorial and how to set up some greate vector designs from wallpapers, desktops and even website layouts.
  15. People actually solved this , from what it sounds like my question took the longest to figure especially for the newer members of the forum; mind you that question was geared to the older members or people who thought such as I when I first bump into. Of course if people knew the difficulty of setting up that image you would understand why it took so long , and it only took 6 hours to get this completed, I guess when free credits are up for grabs I guess it would take long .
  16. I like to present my first legit Vector design, after downloading enough vector brushes to keep me happy I thought I try my luck and see what I could design. I designed it at 1024x768 and it looks halfway descent as a desktop wallpaper, so questions and comments.
  17. I like to present my first legit Vector design, after downloading enough vector brushes to keep me happy I thought I try my luck and see what I could design. I designed it at 1024x768 and it looks halfway descent as a desktop wallpaper, so questions and comments.
  18. Although not a hot a topic in the sense that was just found out, but for years now people have been speculating when the big internet crash will happen because of the way the internet has grown since the days of ARPAnet. As the article menton several technologies and breakthroughs in browser render have made the internet as it is today. I would say this part of the article could foretell the internet's big crash. Now start adding file hosting and image hosting and you could even double or triple that number depending on the sites and there popularity. Now I am only guessing but I would say that either a few million or bill terabytes of bandwidth a day, however the saving grace they mention is the fiber optic lines that are replacing the copper lines and routers getting more advance to be able to handle the load. They also mention the fact some ISP are cutting the bandwidth a user has because of the increase usage and as well all know bandwidth is not free (go figure on that one really). Even some countries have bandwidth limits, I know India is one of them that have a cap on how much a user can use, I know there are several more countries that do this but none come to mind. Although the people who are monitoring this situation believe it will be awhile before this happens, but there is one thing they do know they can't control and that is the weather. We know that because of the earthquake/Tsunami that hit the Pacific crippled most of the internet infrastructure for a lot of countries, and they are still trying fix it as we speak, it is mostly patch work that has help to bring most everyone back online but with older cable lines. Which leads into my final point that the old cable lines cannot handle this load anymore at the rate the internet is growing and the old lines don't get replace the internet overload could happen. In all reality with the money people are making off the internet these days, I don't really see a problem in the next 5-10 years from now, But the thing I would like ot bring up though is with the technology that helps monitor website I think it would be a good idea to start deleting sites that no one goes to anymore. The first question that comes to mind is why bother doing it? Well that simple, dead sites are wasting unused space and bandwidth, look at the invision free forums I seen a lot of dead sites that have yet to be remove, so you could say that environmental way, that we are wasting valuable resources. Of course as web masters it should be our job that if we don't plan to use the site anymore either delete or sell it someone who will instead of letting it sit there. Sp the question would be is the internet on the verge of seeing a crash like the stock market? Or are we worrying about nothing because of the rate that technologies gets upgrade? SOURCE Here
  19. You can use any graphics program the goal for ad's is to make the simple yet flashy at the same time, for an example I created an ad for OpaQue that was simplistic and of course flashy, but made sure to have important highlights for people to click on it. I check the site rval posted and I would have to agree that's what you see nowadays and I have bookmarked it for future reference as well.
  20. Like haslip mention this site has been hear quite a long time and with great uptime and support from all the members, not just the mods and admin but everyone. Most sites wish they had this kind of support and dedication that our members have, of course you can that out for yourself when you start posting and then apply for hosting. So to finish up, welcome to the site and enjoy your stay and make sure to read the Xisto Read Me.
  21. I can't help NOOO!!! Well lucky for me my memory is pretty crappy so I won't be able to help you anyways But I will watch in the background as people are losing their minds trying to figure this stuff out....my memory is pretty crappy...see what I mean I forgot what my post was about .
  22. Also I made a post on trap on a few other plug ins for firefox, I did a little break down on useful tools and what not, you can find that topicHere.
  23. Simple answer it prevents people from spamming and thus keeps the quality posting rule still in effect.
  24. Well Jimmy as a member of the forum is your role to report repeat topics and posts, so if you you see topics that are basically the same thing copy the link of the original topic and then paste it in the report post. Then say something like. "This topic is the exact same thing as the link, please merge.". You wouldn't believe how many topics I reported in to the mods in the last few months to merge topics together and how large some of them got; for instance the anti virus topic was only a couple of pages, but after combing through the forums and getting all the links together. I sent them in and depending on the number of posts per page setting I bump that up to 21 pages or 800+ posts and so if you report all these "clones" to the mods they will be able to take care of it. Yes you can complain about all the repeat topics but if you don't report them, then the situation won't be fixed and people will keep making redundant topics that are have been posted.
  25. Well I wasn't really expecting this at or at least for the most part so soon, but he Safari browser for windows just got it's first patched after being on the windows market in 3 days. Note that this article was posted on Thursday and I just seen it for the first time. Anyways the first patch fixes three flaws that were found, however, another security guy mentions he found 10 vulnerabilities in the browser and so expect to see another patch in next few days or next couple of weeks. Of course they were quick to burn Apple without really test the browser before bringing it online, but were quick to praise for the quick patch, strangely enough I never got a pop or anything when I open safari up, so that means you have to manually update it yourself . So I went to the download page and it seems again that you have to re-download the browser with the updates instead of a patch so that get a :). Also to note safari hit the 1 million download mark in just 2 days SOURCES HERE HERE
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